Wal-Mart worker killed during black Friday sales


Lost at Birth
absolutely pathetic. mob mentality is alive and well and shopping at your local retail store. can you imagine the memories his family is going to relive every thanksgiving? that's just sad.


Closed Account
I went out tonight, but all I baught was a few beers from my local bar, and some bread from Wal-Mart. Do I still have to blow a sheep??:1orglaugh

Yes, you supported those communist bastards at Wal-Mart, you are hereby required to blow not one but three sheep. :cussing:


Torn & Frayed.
Aren't sheep all female?
How awful. I work retail and was at work for the 5 a.m. rush. Our unofficial store policy for the first twenty minutes or so after the doors are unlocked is that everyone but cashiers (who are protected behind the counters) stay off the salesfloor until things calm down. We adopted that policy after a coworker was knocked down by the crowds last year.
And here's the funny part. Most of these GREAT DEALS these brain dead morons are after were probably regular price a week ago. These stores jack up the prices a couple days before the SALE and can say you are saving money. Or the item comes in at the sale price but they don't put it out until the sale so you didn't save shit. :confused:
This kind of shit is sickening. Why would people be in such a fucking hurry to get their grubby little paws on a TV that they couldn't A.) walk in a somewhat orderly fashion, and B.) act like the civilized beings that they supposedly are and not trample a person to death? I really don't understand what it is that makes people in crowds behave like animals on PCP. Is it the fact that they feel sheltered by the rest of the crowd? Do they think that it's ok to behave like savages just because they aren't alone? Or is it just the whole thing of imitating the actions of the others in the herd? People make me sick.
I have an odd question,

It says in the article that guy who was killed was hired by a temporary agency to do maitenance work. Why was he opening the door?

Should Wal-Mart be held responsible for this in that case? To me maintenance work is not being a door greeter. It is repairing stuff, cleaning things, picking up trash, etc...

As a former employee of the Wal Mart family, I can explain this one. They always preach the same bullshit to everyone that they are all members of a team, and that a team works together and individual teammates should step up and fill in gaps where it is necessary. That means that a floor merchandiser can be asked to be a door greeter at any time, or a cashier can be asked to go clean shit out of a toilet. They don't have any specifically "loss prevention" personnel because they say that everyone who works in the store is loss prevention. Basically, it's just the company's way of cutting costs here and there by understaffing stores and overworking their employees.
this black Friday shit has been out of control since it's inception.:rolleyes:

So fucking true. Just another ploy used by the mass media to manipulate the sheep, er I mean the US populace. :mad:

Seems like you got a better shot at surviving running with the bulls in Spain than running with the lunatic soccer moms at Walmart.
Seems like you got a better shot at surviving running with the bulls in Spain than running with the lunatic soccer moms at Walmart.

This is not only funny, but probably true.

I hope the family of this deceased person lines up a nice, fat lawsuit and drops it off at Wal*Mart's doorstep.

Retailers toss aside OSHA standards for "Black Friday" sales and this is the result. People die. It has to stop.

On the other hand--it presents an interesting dilemma. What's more dangerous--buying Wal*Mart merch or using Wal*Mart merch? Anything stamped "MADE IN CHINA" might be a ticking timebomb that you've just bought and brought into your home....:(
The Toys-R-Us story is crazy.

Sounds like something out of a western. 2 guys pull guns out and only kill each other.

I can't totally blame the crowd. I think this has to be some kind of commentary about how the working class people of the nation are so screwed that they're willing to beat the hell out of each other so that they can afford to buy shit. why would people do that?

the poor doesn't do it because they can't afford anything ever and they've learned to live without it. the rich are so insulated from the rest of society that nothing has any value to them. the rest of the population are hyenas tearing each other apart for the scraps.
I can't totally blame the crowd. I think this has to be some kind of commentary about how the working class people of the nation are so screwed that they're willing to beat the hell out of each other so that they can afford to buy shit. why would people do that?

the poor doesn't do it because they can't afford anything ever and they've learned to live without it. the rich are so insulated from the rest of society that nothing has any value to them. the rest of the population are hyenas tearing each other apart for the scraps.

Yes, that pretty much sums it up. Well stated.

It's sad.