Wal-Mart worker killed during black Friday sales

Will E Worm

Out of control. :rolleyes: There should be some kind of order or line to file into the store. Not a mad dash to buy cheap products that aren't even worth the "lowered" prices.

I don't want to die in a Wal-Mart.
yeah that's ridiculous. The sales are not that good. Sure they are nice, but to kill someone because of 10 dollars of a sweater is just stupid.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I don't think that the sale is the big problem. I think it's the public mentality of "OH MY GOD, everything is going to sell out in the first 5 minutes, so I have to rush through the store as fast as I can, or else my family won't get good presents!!!"

People need to realize that nobody is going to like the gifts they get them anyway, so why make a big fuss about buying them?
Oh my God! Consumption madness is gone that far?! WOW! At Wal-Mart also. Does the latest recession make prices that low?!

My tiny option: Make black Week-end (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) instead of just black Friday so, you don't get stupid rushes.
Too many of us have lost the sense of watching out for and caring about (even in a simple, basic way) our fellow man.

Additionally, who wants to bet that Wal-Mart calculated the risk of such stampedes but still opted to avoid the added costs of hiring some additional security (as in crowd control, NOT the theft control guys) officers for the day?


what the fuck you lookin at?
this black Friday shit has been out of control since it's inception.:rolleyes:


Sheeple ! Pure and simple ! It just proves that a mankind can, indeed, be trampled by a sheep herd, given the appropriate
(or inappropriate if you want the truth) stimuli.

What economic crisis?!

I drive a truck for a living and every parking lot in every town - Wal-Mart, Target, Home Depot, Staples, Best Buy, big old mall - was jammed, not to mention every Dunkin' Donuts had a line out the wazoo, 'cause we could never ever ever do our shopping without a coffee.

I really hope all these folks paid with cash.
I have an odd question,

It says in the article that guy who was killed was hired by a temporary agency to do maitenance work. Why was he opening the door?

Should Wal-Mart be held responsible for this in that case? To me maintenance work is not being a door greeter. It is repairing stuff, cleaning things, picking up trash, etc...

Anyways, I hope they can get some positive ID's on the security cam and charge some people.


Hiliary 2020

Oh man, this is extremely disturbing for me.
I can just picture these fat fucks stepping over the guy as he lay on the ground, dying.
I can see their fat ugly contorted faces and hear their horrible accented voices bitching about how this guy dying has affected their plans for the day.

Man, its stuff like this that caused me to leave the country.
I was feeling more like Taxi Driver everyday.

Although I still love and care about the United States alot, I feel this is another example of how society is rotting from the inside out.
People man, I don't understand them.

I thinks this is applicable.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I have an odd question,

It says in the article that guy who was killed was hired by a temporary agency to do maitenance work. Why was he opening the door?

Should Wal-Mart be held responsible for this in that case? To me maintenance work is not being a door greeter. It is repairing stuff, cleaning things, picking up trash, etc...

Anyways, I hope they can get some positive ID's on the security cam and charge some people.

Oh, you didn't hear? He was hired to "maintain" the tradition of somebody getting unnecessarily killed on Black Friday.

(I'm going to Hell.)
Fuck black Friday and fuck the world. These people don't realize there will be 7 more "last chance before christmas" sales within the next 3 weeks. People are idiots. Walking out of the store with 2 LCD's? I've no right to tell people what to do with their own money, but unless your rich, that may not be the best thing to due with all of your cash.


Closed Account
I work at the first Target store ever. And luckily I didn't have to wake up and work to early just 8AM. :rolleyes: And this came up at work today, as Wal-Mart is the competition, and it's fucking appalling. I seriously don't get why people wake up so fucking early to stand outside in the fucking cold for hours just to get some stupid fucking toy your child won't give two shits about in a month. Seriously?! What the fuck is wrong with everyone? I watched more than one person wheeling out one or two LCD TV's. What the fuck? Do you suck off your accountant, or is he just that good? Fucking hell.

We sold almost 400,000 dollars worth of stupid fucking toys, and electronics before fucking NOON. Why? Because people are fucking stupid. That's right. If you went out today, and were not working, fuck you. You are a complete and total waste of human existence, go blow a sheep. :blowjob:

I can't see the reason to go out and get a fucking "deal" on some shit you don't need. You know what's a deal? Buy one get one free steaks. That's a fucking deal. A plastic piece of shit that's 25% off? Fuck yourself repeatedly in the asshole with a tickle me Elmo doll. It's just plain fucking stupid.

This country has gone to shit. And this happens every year, and you know what it sucks every fucking year, and it's stupid. So you know what? Ban Christmas. I said it. Santa is a fucking fat ass pedophile who gets children to sit on his lap so they can take his old dick up their assholes while they try to remember what they want for Christmas. Stupid fucking holiday....;) Bah, hum-bug! :D