★★Voting for Miss FreeOnes 2010 has OFFICIALLY started!★★

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Brynn VynDetta

Official Checked Star Member
[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/ember-reigns said:
Ember Reigns[/URL][/B], post: 4083737, member: 297859"]Well, I hope that this helps some of you add ME to your list........... :nanner: :nanner: :nanner:


This pic is effin H O T!


Brynn VynDetta

Official Checked Star Member
Good Evening All, Wanted to say thanks to all the awesome ladies for posting great pics and such great interaction with us fans….Votes changed a bit today wanted to show my appreciation to those who take time to interact on the board…Have a great Night All

Brynn Vyndetta (Awesome….as Always)
Jane Burgess (Love all the pics)
Rebecca Jessop (Always very nice)
Nikki Nova (Appreciate interaction…and Great Pics Too)
Nina Mercedez (Another Fav of mine)
Ember Reigns (Love Your Pics Thanks)
Rebekah Dee (Great Pics and Posts Thank You Rebekah)
Mariah Milano (Awesome Pics as always)
Abbey Brooks (I know she Doesn’t Post but she’s one of my favs have to show support)
Claudia Bluebell (New to me…Very Beautiful)

I'm eteranlly grateful for your continued support!

Nikki Nova (must get to #1!!! :))
Jane Burgess
Brynn Vyndetta
Miss Hybrid
Lisa Sparxxx
Danielle FTV
Kelly Divine
Rebecca Jessop
Rebekah Dee
Ember Reigns

*muahs* Oz, your vote means a lot to me. (ever watch that show on hbo called Ox?)

Good evening everyone! My votes are as follows...
Bree Olson
Brynn Vyndetta
Chica's Place
Christine Vinson
Danielle FTV
Jane Burgess
Mariah Milano
Nikki Nova
Nina Mercedez
Rebecca Jessop

DRF + Digital Bath + Brynn =

Thank you Miss Jessop! *muahs* Love ya! xoxoxo

PS Nikki, can I win a date, too? ;)


Vanilla DeVille

Official Checked Star Member
Nikki Nova (must get to #1!!! :))

I'm doing a little rotation - voted for Vanilla DeVille + Vanessa Blue yesterday. I feel like a jackass for not voting certain girls instead of others..... just trying to share the votes. The two main one's that i have not voted for over the last 2 days are sitting pretty within 10 - 20, and i doubt that they'll fall out of the top 50 due to missing my vote.

You're too sweet - Thx OzzieOz~ :)


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Kimora Klein is another girl that seems to have dropped off the planet. She was very active for the first few days then went MIA. I wonder if some of these girls know how successful Miss Hybrid has been just by being persistent?

The "first few days"? Do a search with my name. I didn't drop off the planet. I just recently did like 3 straight days of shooting out of town, but I've been posting and replying to threads.


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Good Point CEL I'd been wondering what happened to Kimora Klein Too....She posted a bunch at first but haven't seen her on in a while

At first? What is thisssss. Do search for my posts/replies dude!

HI I'M HERE! Sorry if I have to work for a few consecutive days every once in a while!
Thanks for all your votes and support. I am really sick, so I am sorry I didn't thank you all personally. I will do it when I feel better. Hugs to everyone.
No worries. Just get better!:thumbsup:
just got home after a long crazy night!.5.15 am here..and i can still hit the keyboards.Amazing!lol
Instead of voting now.I will vote tomorrow when i wake up sober.
But sill i have to say Thanx VAnilla deville and Brynn Vyndetta.And i am gonna do what i can to get you in that top 50. You 2 girls are HOTTER THAN HELL!!!!!So you know you'll be in my tomorrow votes as you already were today.
Jane Burgess hope you get better soon my dear!
I am totally wasted now.Gonna get some sleep!tc you all...except one...hehehehhehe


Official Checked Star Member
hahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahah!!!!!! eh hem.. ok now ahahahahhhahahhahhahaahhaahahhahahahhahahahhhhahahahahhahahaahhaaaa! That was to you Vern! That post about if I was to gain wait was fuckin' funeeeeeeee!\
Thank you for the giggle sweetness.
Nikki Nova


Official Checked Star Member
thank you sooo much to andrea and FrankFire!
I also wanted to say to Miss hybrid that I LOVE the pics in the black latex dress and also the ones on the mounting block. Fucking HOT! I just have one question. How did that nice warm candle feel up against your clit? mmmmmmmmmmmm. nice
Love and Light
Nikki Nova


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Official Checked Star Member
Jane! rest and recover. If you would like to email me some pics of you to post then I will be your campaign manager in yours absence..tee hee. All I ask is that you maybe do it for me in return because I am coming down with something myself. Did you sneeze in my direction bitch? hahahah. kidding of course. Mucho Amore'
Nikki Nova


Official Checked Star Member
Look at all of my posts. Know why they are all in a row? well...it's because I am apparently the only loser at home on a Saturday night and posting on the Freeones message board. hahahahahahahahah!!! I was actuallysupposed to be on a stakeout tonight but that's a whole other story. lol. It sorta fell through and I have to be up early anyhow ...soooo....I'm signing off for the night to chill and ho to bed.
Love and Light
Nikki Nova


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