Thank you Daddysal. Of course always thank you Brynn Vyndetta.
Love and Light
Thank you my friend and fellow Dollhouse lover.
You're very welcome!!!
Thank you Daddysal. Of course always thank you Brynn Vyndetta.
Love and Light
Thank you my friend and fellow Dollhouse lover.
thank you to everyone who has been supportive not just here in this thread for this contest but to everyone who has been kind and supportive through the nightmare that I have been living in the past 4 + years. Christine Vinson you are included in that. Jane Burgess and Nina Mercedez and most recently Brynn Vyndetta thank you so much for being so kind. Now you better understand why I am so thankful and appreciative of just good people in general. Mariah Milano and Jane Burgess know a whole OTHER layer on just how I was preyed upon after my accident. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly peope are to prey upon someone else in their eakest and darkest hour for the sake of money and greed. It seems even harder when you are us...someone who works in porn. It's like so many peoples eyes we don;t deserve the same justice that everyone else does. It's bullshit. It's discrimination...and it's a violation of our inalienable rights as citizens of this country. Ok..I will climb down off of my soapbox now...hahaha
Love and Light
Nikki Nova
thank you to everyone who has been supportive not just here in this thread for this contest but to everyone who has been kind and supportive through the nightmare that I have been living in the past 4 + years. Christine Vinson you are included in that. Jane Burgess and Nina Mercedez and most recently Brynn Vyndetta thank you so much for being so kind. Now you better understand why I am so thankful and appreciative of just good people in general. Mariah Milano and Jane Burgess know a whole OTHER layer on just how I was preyed upon after my accident. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly peope are to prey upon someone else in their eakest and darkest hour for the sake of money and greed. It seems even harder when you are us...someone who works in porn. It's like so many peoples eyes we don;t deserve the same justice that everyone else does. It's bullshit. It's discrimination...and it's a violation of our inalienable rights as citizens of this country. Ok..I will climb down off of my soapbox now...hahaha
thank you to everyone who has been supportive not just here in this thread for this contest but to everyone who has been kind and supportive through the nightmare that I have been living in the past 4 + years. Christine Vinson you are included in that. Jane Burgess and Nina Mercedez and most recently Brynn Vyndetta thank you so much for being so kind. Now you better understand why I am so thankful and appreciative of just good people in general. Mariah Milano and Jane Burgess know a whole OTHER layer on just how I was preyed upon after my accident. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly peope are to prey upon someone else in their eakest and darkest hour for the sake of money and greed. It seems even harder when you are us...someone who works in porn. It's like so many peoples eyes we don;t deserve the same justice that everyone else does. It's bullshit. It's discrimination...and it's a violation of our inalienable rights as citizens of this country. Ok..I will climb down off of my soapbox now...hahaha
Love and Light
Nikki Nova
Thank you Crossedelemons, Rhyno and Daddysal. Of course always thank you Brynn Vyndetta.
Love and Light
Nikki Nova
As for pornstars and sex... well, I shot a scene on Jan 8th and honestly that was the first sex I'd had (real or porno) since before Thanksgiving... so we don't get laid all the time... I was dating someone for a bit, though he didn't live in Vegas, and then once we split up I just was busy and it's really such an effort sometimes ... I prefer to recycle penises I've already used rather that go through the whole cycle of meeting someone, blah, blah, blah--- lol... though when I'm in the mood, it's not generally a problem meeting someone! I don't know Bree-- maybe she exaggerates, or maybe she just likes to have adventures... she's certainly young and beautiful... and it's her body ... but everyone is different. I wish she'd come hang in my neighborhood a bit.. lol
Devon Michaels
xoxox Nikki - I would do anything to help ya. All the hugs in the world for you, sweetheart.
PS love the stockings hehe
I want to see more you in gold Jane Burgess! hehe