hey guys...greeting from South Beach! I hope you are all having a great weekend! For some reason I can't get into my site so I don't have access to photos!!!
So as soon as I do I will post some for you! I partied last night with my co host for the Pro Bowl Kick off party Kim Kardashian who was awesome! I squeezed her boobs!
VERY nice too I have to say! lol We had a blast and tonight it's dinner and bedtime since I didn't get home til 6am this morning! DOH! I'm shooting tomorrow for my site on a 90 foot yacht so that should be pretty awesome!
Thanks for all the votes! Its been an amazing month and I hope that the next round is just as kind to me as this first one was. I'm hoping that the fans will start to turn their votes in the direction of those who actually take the 2 or 3 minutes a day to thank their fans for the effort they put into voting and posting photos and giving people a personal thank you rather than a generalized one a few times a week if even at all.
I'll be doing a daily travel diary when I'm in Spain so that should be cool. I just booked my train ticket to Casablanca in Morocco today and am so excited! The rock of gibraltor and all that....fucking cool IMO. I'll post the travel blog in a new thread with photos and videos so id you wanna check it out I'll post a link when I leave next saturday.
Thanks again and have a great weekend!