Van der Sloot's Dad

Will E Worm

Chief Suspect Van der Sloot's Dad Dies: Did Holloway Secrets Go to the Grave?

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," February 11, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: There's news tonight on Aruba involving the Natalee Holloway case. As you know, the Alabama teenager vanished on May 30th, 2005 while in Aruba on a high school trip.

The chief suspect in the case is Joran van der Sloot. Yesterday Joran's father Paulus van der Sloot suddenly and unexpectedly died. Paulus was a huge part of this case. Joining us by phone in Aruba is Julia Renfro, editor and chief of "Aruba Today." Good evening, Julia, and tell me what happened with Paulus?

JULIA RENFRO, EDITOR, "ARUBA TODAY" (Via Telephone): Good evening, Greta. It was very shocking for the van der Sloot family and the entire community of Aruba. Paul was playing tennis yesterday and he collapsed. And the ambulance was unfortunately unable to resuscitate him.
