Van Der Sloot Reportedly Wanted for Murder


Hiliary 2020

wow, what a crazy situation.
i guess he's somewhat of a sociopath.
but this time he chose the wrong victim.
the article says her father ran for president? president of peru or something else?
p.s. peru doesnt have the death penalty and no scott i dont think theres bad ass bounty hunters in south america, i haven't seen too many bad ass anything here.

and this wouldn't have happened if the aruba GOV did their job.
also, i bet this girl didn't have a clue who he was, south america is kind of sheltered from international stories like the halloway case.
I personally hope that the sorry ass Aruban authorities that let this worthless piece of shit go free won't be able to sleep for a long time due to the blood on their hands.

Those sorry folks ought to be in the pokey too.
I'm going with a theory that this guy read "American Psycho" one too many times and grew a "Master of the Universe" type criminal/god complex.

He appears to be a true serial killer :shocked:
wow, what a crazy situation.
i guess he's somewhat of a sociopath.
but this time he chose the wrong victim.
the article says her father ran for president? president of peru or something else?

This dude was a player by all accounts. He can just show up in some South American country and bed women like this. Saw a picture of this one though and she was pretty hoagly.
Police: Dutchman confesses to killing Lima woman

Fucking bad seed. Asshole likely "got away with murder" only to try it again. Maybe now he will also give up what happened to Natalie Holloway.

LIMA, Peru – Dutchman Joran van der Sloot, long the prime suspect in the 2005 disappearance of a U.S. teen in Aruba, has confessed to killing a young Peruvian woman in his Lima hotel room, a police spokesman said.

Peru's chief police spokesman, Col. Abel Gamarra, told The Associated Press that Van der Sloot admitted under police questioning Monday that he killed 21-year-old Stephany Flores on May 30.

The broadcaster America Television reported that Van der Sloot killed Flores in a rage after learning she had looked up information about his past on his laptop. It said it had access to details of the confession but did not cite its source.

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Philbert said:
his Dad could get him off if allowed to pay his way through the Judiciary and LE establishment, even with the evidence.

His dad is dead so he can't count on him this time.
Well now that this MF is not in Aruba maybe the Peruvian courts will enact the death penalty because that's all this POS is worth.
heres the sad part..the most they can get out of this is 35 years in that country...with a little luck..he will be out when hes a young man. he never fooled me..i think IF they prove he killed this girl (and it dont look good for him) they should take him to a nice quiet peaceful place..and cut one finger off at a time till he can remember where natalee is..then when he confesses to both killings..they should take him to the swamp..paint him with honey tie him to a tree..tape his mouth and forget where they left him......BUT if your a teen ager or you have teenagers take this as a lesson...#1 stay out of other countries ..when you cross the ocean..rules..laws...people..everything changes # 2 NEVER EVER..find yourself alone with a man you hardly know
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Hiliary 2020
Never heard of him before reading this. Seems the Dutch aint happy:

Well thats just one newspapers opinion.
People all over want justice I think.

Question: If the only evidence is that he was seen with her at the casino.
Then seen with her entering his hotel room ( all on camera).
Then seen leaving the hotel alone.
Then leaving the country the same day.

Is that enough to convict?

Seems the only other possible scenario is that he left her there in his room alive and someone else came in and killed her.
meanwhile, he is suddenly leaving the country in a hurry.

Another thing about the holloway case is that without the death penalty in peru he really would have no reason to confess or say what he knows.
It really doesn't matter though, from the timeline and his words we know that he either killed her or she died from the alcohol.
more likely he killed her. i mean if someone dies in front of you from alcohol you either call the police or just leave, yopu dont take the time to get rid of the body.
you left out the part about finding bloody cloths with him.....i dont care to see no man go down innocent..but so far..the info i got says this SOB is a stone cold killer and if i got my way the bastard would swing..IT DOESNT MATTER if he killed the girl from alabama or not...hes still a killer...where the hell has the justice gone?? we been going to hell in a hand basket for we going to hell on a run away train............:dunno:
NOW he knows where the other girl is = horse with long legs...gravel road..short rope :wave2: