US Debt Predictions for Aug. 2.

Aug. 3 predictions for US Debt Solution?

  • Compromise with tax hikes.

    Votes: 11 34.4%
  • Compromise with no tax hikes.

    Votes: 5 15.6%
  • Something else temporary.

    Votes: 12 37.5%
  • Default

    Votes: 4 12.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Tough to take you serious when you make statements that compete with one another.

You'd be right to forgo taking me serious when I'm responding to posts that I don't think should be taken serious.

I apologize for borrowing a page from the book of Facetious but do you post here under another name by chance?

If so, :nono: as that's against the rules. If bad...:D:stir::cthulhu:

Whatever, Dude.

You can't just have a discussion you have to call people names and question motives when I was sincerely discussing the topic.

Post all of silly icons you want. I guess it is easier than being an adult.
Whatever, Dude.

You can't just have a discussion you have to call people names and question motives when I was sincerely discussing the topic.

Post all of silly icons you want. I guess it is easier than being an adult.

Alright dude....enough...I never called you a name...whereas you've baited on at least 3 occasions in this thread.

I see it coming...just stop it...what is it with you people???????

In my last thread you attempted an outright you want to start a flame fest.

You've made your point about the debt prediction...(I think. Tough to see through all the other diversions).

Now move on...or start a separate thread where you, Mike...and Monica can share you expert diagnosis on Hot Mega with each other....


Alright dude....enough...I never called you a name...whereas you've baited on at least 3 occasions in this thread.

I see it coming...just stop it...what is it with you people???????

In my last thread you attempted an outright you want to start a flame fest.

You've made your point about the debt prediction...(I think. Tough to see through all the other diversions).

Now move on...or start a separate thread where you, Mike...and Monica can share you expert diagnosis on Hot Mega with each other....

You are a whiney little fellow, aren't you?

Tried to hijack? went over your head...everything was on topic.

I knew you had to respond negatively

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I'm not much of a Bill Maher fan, but he said something the other day that I totally agree with: "we have a Republican party with no brains and a Democrat party with no balls." And that, ladies & germs, pretty much sums up our political system right now. Eunuchs and morons are running the castle! :nanner:

Stay tuned to the same bat channel at the same bat time for more of the same in 2012!

cindy CD/TV

United We Stand is the only political movement I've ever been involved in over the course of my life. et. al.

I think you've mistaken the intent of my credit card example. I'm not arguing against RAISING the debt ceiling. The U.S. must indeed pay its creditors. At this point, it MUST be done. I was responding to Mega's absurd insinuation that we should simply raise the debt ceiling because it's already been done many times in the past, including by Reagan a whole bunch of times. Yes, we have to raise the debt ceiling. Everyone knows it. But to prevent us from being in this position again in the near future WHY NOT TRY TO CONTROL SPENDING? Why is that such an alien concept here, everyone?

And since United We Stand is the only political movement you've been a part of, I would urge you to not pass judgment on that which you clearly lack a true understanding. You said, "The TEA party is, at its core, just a radical off-shoot of the Republican Party." According to whom? That is a complete, uninformed pile of crap spewed by some leftist media type (just let me guess who!). And it only demonstrates my point. If what you say was true, then Boehner would've rammed through his initial debt legislation w/o any problems. But he didn't because the tea party House members, basically, refused to support his plan because more serious cuts are needed to rescue the economy. Raising taxes on those big bad wealth people alone won't accomplish this. Not even close. Want to eliminate tax breaks? Go right ahead, but beware the consequences. Many small businesses tread a thin line between success and failure, and small businesses are the backbone of the U.S. economy. If these things start closing up shop and more people become unemployed, we're in deeper shit than we are already.

You cite some of the crap that shows up on the news whenever the tea party comes up. Yes the tea party rails against socialism and communism, because some of us believe that's where this country is headed. We DO NOT want to end up like Greece. In 5-10 years, that's very well where we'll be if we stay on this course. There's nothing wrong with pointing out a sign in the road that says "Bridge Out - 1 mile." And just because ONE person (who was black man at the "white" tea party rally) showed up with an (unloaded) assault rifle slung over his shoulder in support of the 2nd Amendment does not brand the ENTIRE movement as crazy. That conclusion/assertion is way beyond reason and way beyond the pale. I can't even believe you went there. Most people at tea party rallies are older folks sitting in lawn chairs with American flags asking the same question: How can we fix this mess we're in?

Instead, we get what's reported in the media: "teabaggers," "crazy," hate-mongers" "scared," "white" and, even worse, "racist." This board provides a great example of what I'm talking about. Look at the posters here who single out the tea party as a "white" movement. No one here is clearly a member of a tea party branch, yet you're all somehow experts on what it's all about. Go to a meeting. Go to a rally. See for yourself. These people aren't "scared" in the way the media reports it. They're certainly NOT fucking racist. They are patriotic Americans, many of whom are politically active for the first time in their lives (me included) who feel that fiscal conservatives don't have any say in what's happening around us. The tea party is not, as many of you seem to believe, some radical, anti-democratic, white supremist group. Considering that we have blacks and hispanics in my group would definitely refute all that B.S. All we want to do is curb an ever-growing, massive government bureauracy that feeds on itself into oblivion. It grows. It needs more money. It gets it. It grows bigger. Now it needs more money. It gets it. It grows even bigger, etc., etc.

Raise the debt ceiling this one last time. Period. Then pass a balanced budget amendment. The country has added $5 trillion in debt in the last 2 1/2 years. Where has all that money been spent? Bank/auto bail-outs, stimulus, health care. Villify the oil industry and fat-cat Wall Street types and target them for tax hikes all you want, but then you let GE, Obama's best supporter, walk away with $14 billion in revenue UNTAXED?

Repeal that albatross of a health care bill first. Put the states on a payment plan to pay back the stimulus. Recoup every last cent of the bailouts. The alternative to this or to the raising of the debt ceiling would be to gut the entitlement programs (i.e. social security, medicare). No one wishes that. So compromise. Raise the debt ceiling, cut spending NOW and drastically -- no matter how much it hurts -- pay our creditors to keep our AAA rating, and make it the law of the land that the federal budget must be balanced. We do it in our own households. Our businesses do it. Some states even do it. The clods in D.C. must do the same or it's game over.

But what do people like me know. I wouldn't want to be unreasonable now.

I read and re-read your post. It's ranting gibberish. About the only thing I can make out is this: You were being unreasonable.

I think the Tea Party is primarily "run" by some scarred white people that are misinformed.

However, she was talking about a message of smaller government. That in and of itself appeals to me.

Ouch, man! Scared, no. But I am worried about were things are headed. White? Yes, I am. Misinformed. From some people's point of view, apparently. But they're dead wrong.

Oh, so you knew the main reason why exercising leadership in this particular case is near impossible is because a good degree of GOPers at the prodding of tea bagger 'tards have signed up to take off the table the key point of contention. Okay. Wise man...:yesyes::hatsoff:
1.) The economy is cyclical. Concluding it was stronger at some point in the past than it will ever, well let's just say amazingly prophetic. Do you have the numbers for next Tuesday's powerball too by any chance?:angels:

All I can say, Mega, is the only 'tard around here is you. Your post was such a bunch of nonsensical spin and double-talk, I was left rather speechless. Yeah the economy is cyclical, but what we're experiencing is this country right now, TODAY, is NOT part of that fucking cycle. I feel so very sorry that you are this deluded and blind. But don't worry, Gilligan, when we turn into Greece and people are rioting for their government handouts, you can go right ahead post a nice apology to me on this forum. OK, little buddy? ;)

I'm not much of a Bill Maher fan, but he said something the other day that I totally agree with: "we have a Republican party with no brains and a Democrat party with no balls." And that, ladies & germs, pretty much sums up our political system right now. Eunuchs and morons are running the castle! :nanner:

Bill Maher? Well, that speaks for itself?
All I can say, Mega, is the only 'tard around here is you. Your post was such a bunch of nonsensical spin and double-talk, I was left rather speechless. Yeah the economy is cyclical, but what we're experiencing is this country right now, TODAY, is NOT part of that fucking cycle. I feel so very sorry that you are this deluded and blind. But don't worry, Gilligan, when we turn into Greece and people are rioting for their government handouts, you can go right ahead post a nice apology to me on this forum. OK, little buddy? ;)

:dunno: Searches for any rebuttal, coherent response, point, etc., etc., but all I can see is :rant:

Does this mean that you just didn't want to stay quiet?

You say this ain't part of a cycle. Explain...please just give an example. Agree with my point or not at least I ply my posts with examples of what I'm referring to... that either help make my point or roll off of the backs of some of you...

I believe that the US economy though down now still has the greatest potential of any economy in the world. I told you a fact that the debt as a pct. of GDP was near 90 pct. in 1950 but eventually became on 30 pct... Based on your non response, I take it you either don't know the implications of that fact or you chose to ignore it because it deep sixes your point. Either way, rebut that... The rant above wasn't a rebuttal....

BTW, if you want to say people who support raising the debt ceiling, support Obama, etc. are 'tards...I suppose that's fine.

But this is the 2nd such time you tried calling me that ('tard)...That is against the rules. And My u/name is "Hot Mega", not Gilligan.:2 cents:
Ask Ben Gates to find the City of Gold and reclaim all that gold for the US. Just watched the film yesterday. Awesome.

cindy CD/TV

:dunno: Searches for any rebuttal, coherent response, point, etc., etc., but all I can see is :rant:

Does this mean that you just didn't want to stay quiet?

You say this ain't part of a cycle. Explain...please just give an example. Agree with my point or not at least I ply my posts with examples of what I'm referring to... that either help make my point or roll off of the backs of some of you...

I believe that the US economy though down now still has the greatest potential of any economy in the world. I told you a fact that the debt as a pct. of GDP was near 90 pct. in 1950 but eventually became on 30 pct... Based on your non response, I take it you either don't know the implications of that fact or you chose to ignore it because it deep sixes your point. Either way, rebut that... The rant above wasn't a rebuttal....

BTW, if you want to say people who support raising the debt ceiling, support Obama, etc. are 'tards...I suppose that's fine.

But this is the 2nd such time you tried calling me that ('tard)...That is against the rules. And My u/name is "Hot Mega", not Gilligan.:2 cents:

My, my ... you are so very obtuse aren't you, my friend? :D First of all, you have been calling tea party members in this thread "'tards" and "teabaggers." Since I have already made it quite clear that I'm a tea party member, you, therefore, have been calling ME a "'tard" and a "teabagger." It's quid pro quo ... and immature, yes? :dunno: I didn't offer a "rebuttal" to your post because it's a whole lot of B.S. and you're were just looking for a fight. Let's face it, you are a liberal progressive and I'm a fiscal conservative tea partier and we will NEVER agree on these issues. :facepalm: It's frustrating because your point of view is analogous to arguing that the world is flat when I know for a FACT that it's not. I really, really don't desire to keep getting down in the muck with you. But you obviously are thoroughly enjoying it. :stir:

So have it your way, for goodness sake! :angels: A big difference between 1950 with the GDP at 90% vs. right now is the massive amount of money that must now go to fund the nation's entitlements, an amount which will only explode as time goes on (Baby Boomers are retiring at the rate of 10,000 a day, remember). I don't recall the exact figures, and I don't care to take the time to look it all up, quite honestly. Besides, even if I did, you would just deny them and present numbers of your own. Gosh, will it never end? :brick: We as a nation will be spending more and more of our GDP over time just to pay interest to our creditors and keep Social Security and Medicare afloat and solvent. This is why it will be extremely difficult, if not impossible considering the culture in D.C., to ever get back to 30%.

And as for the cyclical nature of the economy: Yes it is indeed cyclical. But the "Great Recession" that began in 2007, like the Great Depression that started in 1929, are abnormalities in the cycle. Yes, the country goes through economic peaks and valleys that are temporary in nature, but this is an exceptionally DEEP valley and something this country has not experienced, really, since the late 1970s/early 1980s. The difference from three decades ago vs. now is: 1) the level of debt that we are in now (43 cents for every dollar that this country spends is loaned to us from abroad :(); 2) the total amount of entitlements that the government MUST continue to pay; and 3) the abysmally bad housing market that continues to be a drag on any kind of economic recovery.

And now I'm going to open Pandora's Box... Saddling the country with an approx. $1 trillion stimulus that created public, but few private, sector jobs, as well as the health care overhaul for the ENTIRE population (rather than only addressing the 30% who are uninsured) was unwise, to put it mildly. In other words, IMO, we've been trying to fix our car's engine by changing the tires. If we, as a country, were going to spend $1 trillion on anything, why did the government in 2009-2010 not bail out the "toxic" subprime and underwater mortgages -- thereby stabilizing and recovering home values -- and help enable people to keep their homes? If we're going to go into deeper debt for any reason at all, at least let's do it in a way that helps the nation's recovery in the long run.

So go ahead, fire away ... just be gentle. ;)


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I think it's funny that both the people of the Tea Party and the, let us call them Liberals, just to nae them, are right about aspects of the whole picture, in my opinion.

The government has grown way too big, and there is too much spending. The classic tetort is: Yeah, yeah, so you do not want to pay for a police force, firemen, etc?

That is stupid. We had a thread about the situation: There seem to be more people governing things than people working in the USA. And that can't be healthy for an economy

In Germany, we have been cutting out overhead for years, and now, the Deutsche Telekom, a company that is owned by a third by the country, is going to weed out the top spots, too, finally.

I think the USA should go that road, too.

And you can reduce your armed forces by at least a third and STILL be way ahead of several other biggest armies combined. You are burning up money every day abroad like no tomorrow.

On the other hand, you can't get your political caste to raise the taxes and close loopholes for the superrich and the huge companies that pay close to no taxes, if I am not completely wrong.

Maybe one day, the USA will see how easy things would be, if there would be like a flat tax for every person or company above a certain wealth level.

Let's say, 20% taxatin, and no loopholes.

I predict the counry would be perfectly in shape in a handful of years.

And cut away on the government overhead. Not Police, not Fire Fighters, not hospitals, not schools.

[/rant] :)
As a Liberal, I'm not at all happy with this deal. This is the third time Obama has caved to the GOP/Tea Party. I still support him but I am not as enthusiastic about him as I was before. I just don't understand this guy anymore.:confused:
But to prevent us from being in this position again in the near future WHY NOT TRY TO CONTROL SPENDING? Why is that such an alien concept here, everyone?

Because the so called fiscal conservatives are not interested in 'controlling spending' - the biggest increase in spending over the last decade has been related to defense, yet not only have the establishment Republicans voted for further increases but so have the teabaggers.

Here is a breakdown of the spending increases over the last decade.



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Because the so called fiscal conservatives are not interested in 'controlling spending' - the biggest increase in spending over the last decade has been related to defense, yet not only have the establishment Republicans voted for further increases but so have the teabaggers.

Here is a breakdown of the spending increases over the last decade.


Thank you.

I ask myself:

With an Army that size, who do you want to fight, an alien invasion?

Because no clan of natiosn could even attempt going face to face with the USA

Another idea:

Cut down the size of senate and house.

But that won't happen EVER :dunno:
As a Liberal, I'm not at all happy with this deal. This is the third time Obama has caved to the GOP/Tea Party. I still support him but I am not as enthusiastic about him as I was before. I just don't understand this guy anymore.:confused:

Well to be honest with you... We got the g'ment we elected. Why should anyone in the country be surprised or dismayed when in fact these people that were just elected told you this is about what they would do. They ran on this. Practically, it's not really Obama's job to fight congress per se...The election of tea bagging idiots is where the country is/was. Now what should theoretically happen is if people don't like this deal, it should bear out in the next election as those who cause it should be turned out.

My, my ... you are so very obtuse aren't you, my friend? :D First of all, you have been calling tea party members in this thread "'tards" and "teabaggers." Since I have already made it quite clear that I'm a tea party member, you, therefore, have been calling ME a "'tard" and a "teabagger."
From Petra;

Not Flaming
Someone criticizing your posts, opinions, views, or stance on different issues.
Being called out on incorrect facts.
Someone who makes broad generalizations about people, places, things you're involved with.
Someone making a post that isn't directed at you that offends you.
Someone posting a smiley (people interpret each smiley differently, so what you think it means might be different for the next member).
Someone giving you negative rep w/o flaming comments.

CAPICHE??? Care to revise who among us is the 'obtuse'?:facepalm:
So have it your way, for goodness sake! :angels: A big difference between 1950 with the GDP at 90% vs. right now is the massive amount of money that must now go to fund the nation's entitlements, an amount which will only explode as time goes on (Baby Boomers are retiring at the rate of 10,000 a day, remember). I don't recall the exact figures, and I don't care to take the time to look it all up, quite honestly. Besides, even if I did, you would just deny them and present numbers of your own. Gosh, will it never end? :brick: We as a nation will be spending more and more of our GDP over time just to pay interest to our creditors and keep Social Security and Medicare afloat and solvent. This is why it will be extremely difficult, if not impossible considering the culture in D.C., to ever get back to 30%.
"GDP at 90%"?? :wtf:?? I will assume that was a typo and give you the benefit of the doubt in not believing you're as clueless as that statement suggests. But who knows, you are a self professed tea bagger...:dunno:

I don't care about the exact numbers...what you apparently don't understand about GDP is when it goes up a number of factors related to that occurrence dramatically impact the rate at which we pay down debt.

The bottom line, the US economy is still a very capable machine...the business model isn't obsolete. For an analogous comparison, auto manufactures have fallen on lean times...but the need for their product hasn't why should they rethink the business they're in just because...uh, never won't get that and it will take to much to translate it into to terms I think you can relate to...

Suffice it to say, nothing's changed and when the economy recovers, spending goes down on some issues naturally...all this stuff will be moot.


Closed Account
We're all fucked either way.

Democrats and Republicans are too elitist.They've been growing their wealth at our expense since the economic downturn began, while we've had to make drastic cuts in our own spending.Boehner, Pelosi, Obama, McConnell,Reid, and all the rest should go to Hell and never come back!

Sometimes I feel like if Rhodesia hadn't become Zimbabwe, I would probably be living there right now.

cindy CD/TV

From Petra;

CAPICHE??? Care to revise who among us is the 'obtuse'?:facepalm:

"GDP at 90%"?? :wtf:?? I will assume that was a typo and give you the benefit of the doubt in not believing you're as clueless as that statement suggests. But who knows, you are a self professed tea bagger...:dunno:

I don't care about the exact numbers...what you apparently don't understand about GDP is when it goes up a number of factors related to that occurrence dramatically impact the rate at which we pay down debt.

The bottom line, the US economy is still a very capable machine...the business model isn't obsolete. For an analogous comparison, auto manufactures have fallen on lean times...but the need for their product hasn't why should they rethink the business they're in just because...uh, never won't get that and it will take to much to translate it into to terms I think you can relate to...

Suffice it to say, nothing's changed and when the economy recovers, spending goes down on some issues naturally...all this stuff will be moot.

These are your own words: "I believe that the US economy though down now still has the greatest potential of any economy in the world. I told you a fact that the debt as a pct. of GDP was near 90 pct. in 1950 but eventually became on 30 pct..."

That was what I was responding to you. :hairpull: :hairpull: You asked me to address a specific example that you gave, and I did, and now you play fucking stupid? So, no, I don't want to care to revise whose being obtuse. You are the posterchild for it.

Again, these are your own words: But this is the 2nd such time you tried calling me that ('tard)...That is against the rules. And My u/name is "Hot Mega", not Gilligan.

First of all, great grammar there. So, it's NOT considered flaming when you do you it to me? :wtf: Don't quote the rules to me :kettle:. You have called me a retard and a teabagger repeatedly.