Originally Posted by Bloodshot Scott View Post
deny it all you want but in fact we are allies.
So did you take me off your ignore list, lush? Your grammar was complete trash in your above post. The correct terminology was your, not you're, so I'd assume you're completely wasted right now? So whilst you think I don't have a right to Europe as even today I have blood there (probably much stronger roots than your lot), at least I know proper grammar, drunkard. And BTW, have fun with your new Islamofascist friends when they force you to submit. It should'nt be long, but of course the way you drink you won't be alive much longer anyway.
I'm gonna assumed that this was aimed at me.
Allies is not the best way to put it: The brits were about to adopt .280 British, then the yanks weighed in with 7.62 NATO, destroying the British plan of adopting the worlds second modern assault rifle.
The Brits and France invaded Communist Suez during the cold war. The americans didn't like this (it enabled the Soviets to call the americans hypocrits for Critisising Soviet involvement in Afghanistan and so the yanks waged economic war on their "allies".
The yanks insist that it's allways an american general in charge in any NATO conflict.
The yanks offered NO help to the Brits during the Falklands conflict. Some allies.
The yanks stated that they categorically would NOT help the Brits should a second Falklands conflict ignire when it looked imminent recently. Some allies.
The British response? Tame.
Exploiting american resources to no advantage to the americans in a missile project (I think it was the Meteor missile). But suffice to say that when you treat your enemies better than your friends you end up isolated. Wanna know what happens to an isolated? Look up the great depression.
I didn't take you off my ignore list, I just see your pathetic posts quoted.
My keyboard is dying, often skipping the letter "K". Attacking my grammar when I type at speed in a post is a great way of showing you can't reasonably counter my point.
You have NO right to Europe and have failed even to name the countries your blood line is descended from.
I love the way you claim "your lot" as though you even know my family.
Guess what? I'm Swiss, Irish, English and Polish. That's 100% European. That means me>you.
Not that it matters since every single human being alive today (still not you, inferior life form :hatsoff: ) can trace their ancestry back to a group of proto-humans in the Congo-basin.
Bottom line: We're all from Africa
You claimed in another thread that you've probably drunk way more than me (best drunk tales or something like that) yet now you call me a drunkard. You see this is why nobody respects you; you're completely inconsistent.
So my name is Vodkaz Victim. Yours is Bloodshot Shit. Pot, Kettle, Black, anyone?
As for Islamo-fascist friends, you should grow up, you really should. Stop watching blackhawk down twice a night. They don't force me to submit. You should read my recent "someone tried to convert me thread" Even if it isn't Fox material.
If you think they're such a problem, why don't you do something about it? Join the armed forces (oh wait, they want real men), become a politician (you've certainly got enough brainless, uninformed biassed rhetoric to be a Republitard). But no. You just shout invective on the net because in real life nobody gives a shit what you think.
You talk about me not living much longer. Well, as it happens I'm tough as nails with an excellent immune system and even if I wasn't, my countries healthcare, along with that of many other countries>yours.
Scratch your itchy $400 ankle brace that probably cost about $20 and think about that.
Even if I die first, at least I'll have lived, ergo I'll still be one up on you.
What a predictable response. No, to say that Britain have acted like idiots in the specific example I mentioned is NOT the same thing as admitting we are idiots.
So, you have now totally undermined your argument for commenting on this issue, which may I remind you is about 100,000 Muslim converts in UK. You claimed it was because of your heritage you could comment. But obviously now by your own admission, you cannot! :hatsoff:
Daily mail. Oh yeah, nowt wrong with them. See below for a better debunking by MrTrebus.
The first article is meaningless. It claims that the number of converts "COULD BE" as high as 100,000. Without putting the statistic into context with regards to converts to other faiths what can be drawn from the article? Nothing. Religion is on the decline in the western world anyway. More importantly, unlike in America, religion is a more private matter in the UK. There is little joining up between faith & the state.
The second is no different. The sole purpose of which seems to be to fan the flames of Islamaphobia. Oh, & I'm not condoning his actions but do not see it as proof that all muslims are like that. I find it odd that anyone with a modicum of intelligence could to be honest.
Interesting choice of photo. Because I do not believe that every muslim is a terrorist/benefit cheat I must be a muslim?
What an odd sad frightening little world some people live in. . .:tinhat:
This has become a very bad tempered thread.
I like it.
I'm going to have a cup of coffee and craft something grossly offensive to post.
I take it that you'll be posting that in the "Post a pic of yourself" thread then? :tongue:
Since you've figured out why girls are raped on the way to school in 'majority Muslim countries' can you now help us diagnose why they're raped in a country like the US now?
Nah, it wasn't grim and incendiary. Just dumb and stupid. :2 cents:
Don't you know? america is a paradise where nothing ever goes wrong
I live in the largest City in Ohio. We have a very large Muslim population consisting mostly of Somali immigrants who were refugees of their civil war. Generally they are a hard working, patriotic, prosperous people. I really don’t understand the hatred of these people from the American right.
Statistically, I have a far greater chance of being harmed by a home grown, angry, white, male, domestic terrorist than I do any domestic Muslim terrorist.
Angry white, male...
Hey BSC, you've fulfilled another negative stereotype! congratulations!
This internet conspiracy theory mania started by WTCRoshi is spreading, now they think the Mozlems will take over Britain! :tinhat:
Bottom line: Yes we have some negatives. Not all of them are the stereotypical evil Mozlem. Some are.