I don't want to move to Iran or Saudi Arabia because I enjoy a multicultural society.You may disagree with me but surely you've realised that by now!?!? I thought it would have been bloomin' obvious from my posts! Why doesn't that surprise you?
No our culture wouldn't be allowed to flourish in their lands, dessert or otherwise. But why be exactly like them?!? Or the them that are not progressive. . .:dunno:
PS - I don't recall ever "flaunting my shit" as yo so eloquently put it. . .
I'm curious to know what percentage of Brits are against this stealth sort of takeover (or at least the seeds that are being planted). We have an idea about France and places in Scandinavia that are nauseated by the uppity foreigners burning cities down and raping the locals.
It was a glorious time in America back in '08 when the American people ROSE UP and said
enough when those shysters on Capital Hill tried to stick it in us and pass "immigration reform." It was over 70 percent that said to hell with allowing these criminals into our land (officially) and granting them citizenship. Hell, I wrote both of my senators several times bluntly telling them not to let the door hit their ass if they passed that traitorous Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill of 2007. Maybe there is still hope in some of the Western world.
It's not about hate or not enjoying other cultures, because I've met some of the most wonderful people from Nigeria, Ethiopia, Togo, for example, but it is about maintaining some of what those before me fought and died for and created - America. Hell, there are parts of an area just a few miles from me now that are almost entirely Laoatian - language, culture, GANGS (of course) - and people around here aren't warm to that sort of thing. Hell, one of my best friends is Laoatian and played football, basketball, soccer, and went to law school, and to this day I would go into a brawl to save him even if I knew I would die, but this seems to be an exception.
But again, like America back in '07-'08, I wonder what the Brits are thinking, but from some of what I have learned, they are steaming mad as well. :dunno: Politicians sicken me with their stealth politics.