Up to 100,000 Muslim converts in UK

says the guy who wants to rail about immigrants on a continent he doesn't hold citizenship in.


Anyway, all this my blood and my kind bullshit says to me that you're as ethnocentric as the very religious group you want to wax lyrical about. No wonder you're so irritated by it all.

Which country do you live in and are your parents and grandparents from there?
If these people are so great and their culture and way is so beneficial to our culture, then do me a favor and move to Iran or Saudi Arabia and see how they treat you and your culture when you insist they allow you and your shemales to flaunt your shit. You bend over for these people, which, considering what you like, doesn't surprise me. ;)

Certainly OUR culture would be beneficial to these aforementioned places, correct? Certainly they would insist on allowing it to flourish in their medieval lands in the dessert? Isn't this CORRECT, mrtrebus????
I don't want to move to Iran or Saudi Arabia because I enjoy a multicultural society.You may disagree with me but surely you've realised that by now!?!? I thought it would have been bloomin' obvious from my posts! Why doesn't that surprise you? :rolleyes:

No our culture wouldn't be allowed to flourish in their lands, dessert or otherwise. But why be exactly like them?!? Or the them that are not progressive. . .:dunno:

PS - I don't recall ever "flaunting my shit" as yo so eloquently put it. . .
I don't want to move to Iran or Saudi Arabia because I enjoy a multicultural society.You may disagree with me but surely you've realised that by now!?!? I thought it would have been bloomin' obvious from my posts! Why doesn't that surprise you? :rolleyes:

No our culture wouldn't be allowed to flourish in their lands, dessert or otherwise. But why be exactly like them?!? Or the them that are not progressive. . .:dunno:

PS - I don't recall ever "flaunting my shit" as yo so eloquently put it. . .

Iran is a multicultural society by nature. Heck, the Ayatollah is an Azeri!

Saudi Arabia is a multicultural society as a result of importing millions of foreign workers. Are they all equally recognized along with the native culture? No.

You've let the wolf at the door into your home, and within a generation or two he'll be telling you how to run your home. Effete British folk like yourself seem to enjoy that.
I don't want to move to Iran or Saudi Arabia because I enjoy a multicultural society.You may disagree with me but surely you've realised that by now!?!? I thought it would have been bloomin' obvious from my posts! Why doesn't that surprise you? :rolleyes:

No our culture wouldn't be allowed to flourish in their lands, dessert or otherwise. But why be exactly like them?!? Or the them that are not progressive. . .:dunno:

PS - I don't recall ever "flaunting my shit" as yo so eloquently put it. . .

I'm curious to know what percentage of Brits are against this stealth sort of takeover (or at least the seeds that are being planted). We have an idea about France and places in Scandinavia that are nauseated by the uppity foreigners burning cities down and raping the locals.

It was a glorious time in America back in '08 when the American people ROSE UP and said enough when those shysters on Capital Hill tried to stick it in us and pass "immigration reform." It was over 70 percent that said to hell with allowing these criminals into our land (officially) and granting them citizenship. Hell, I wrote both of my senators several times bluntly telling them not to let the door hit their ass if they passed that traitorous Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill of 2007. Maybe there is still hope in some of the Western world.

It's not about hate or not enjoying other cultures, because I've met some of the most wonderful people from Nigeria, Ethiopia, Togo, for example, but it is about maintaining some of what those before me fought and died for and created - America. Hell, there are parts of an area just a few miles from me now that are almost entirely Laoatian - language, culture, GANGS (of course) - and people around here aren't warm to that sort of thing. Hell, one of my best friends is Laoatian and played football, basketball, soccer, and went to law school, and to this day I would go into a brawl to save him even if I knew I would die, but this seems to be an exception.

But again, like America back in '07-'08, I wonder what the Brits are thinking, but from some of what I have learned, they are steaming mad as well. :dunno: Politicians sicken me with their stealth politics.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Guess not many of them read the Times of India ... not exactly mainstream reading for, ya know, non-Indians

Geez, where's Revamp when you need him?

Did you read the article?

Read it and do a quick google search of news about Jack Straw over the last week.

After that if you feel like looking, this phenomenon has been reported on quite a bit over the last decade. It's been the subject of BBC and Channel4 investigations and documentaries.

Those trying to spin it are just bringing up the one set of convictions, but it's actually a well documented and long running trend. There have been many folks on the left and the right who've spoke out about it.

But it's not p.c. in the UK to do anything about it. Perhaps someone will now.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Did you read the article?

Read it and do a quick google search of news about Jack Straw over the last week.

After that if you feel like looking, this phenomenon has been reported on quite a bit over the last decade. It's been the subject of BBC and Channel4 investigations and documentaries.

Those trying to spin it are just bringing up the one set of convictions, but it's actually a well documented and long running trend. There have been many folks on the left and the right who've spoke out about it.

But it's not p.c. in the UK to do anything about it. Perhaps someone will now.

I did read it. It's uncomfortable reading for sure. Sexual violence has a long history as a weapon in ethnic and national disputes.

And it's always perpetrated by cowards.
Good posts from the members who can see the problems.

A friend of mine was working fixing the water supply for a muslim populated street one night. Its obvious from the van what they are doing, but still a car full of muslims waving knives pulled up and asked what the fuck whites were doing on their patch. Was it not for the fact they also had stuff to use as weapons, the muslims would have probably attacked them. Yes integrated society is really working.:rolleyes:
Iran is a multicultural society by nature. Heck, the Ayatollah is an Azeri!

Saudi Arabia is a multicultural society as a result of importing millions of foreign workers. Are they all equally recognized along with the native culture? No.

You've let the wolf at the door into your home, and within a generation or two he'll be telling you how to run your home. Effete British folk like yourself seem to enjoy that.
Wolf? Oh fuck L3ggy's coming to the UK! :eek:


Where's Mr. Trebus and the other effete British folk to comment on this story? Taking a look back in news from the last decade indicates this is a problem that has been widely reported for close to a decade.
Effete?!? Odd & erroneous thing to say.
Anyway, yes there may be an issue amongst some young Pakistani men regards this. But that doesn't mean ALL of them. & has this been a problem WIDELY reported for close to a decade? & let's also take into account the history between Muslim's & Hindus/Sikhs shall we. Let's try & put this into context. Because the article mentions "a minority of Islamic extremists". If it's acknowledged as a minority it of course does not make the behaviour acceptable, but does not support this argument for the islamification of the west. Maybe because religion is not such a big deal here as it is in the USA we don't all see it as such a big us & them situation?

Oh well,
Good posts from the members who can see the problems.

A friend of mine was working fixing the water supply for a muslim populated street one night. Its obvious from the van what they are doing, but still a car full of muslims waving knives pulled up and asked what the fuck whites were doing on their patch. Was it not for the fact they also had stuff to use as weapons, the muslims would have probably attacked them. Yes integrated society is really working.:rolleyes:
Wow. They seem just as angry & narrow minded as what you are.
The funny thing is extremists on both sides have got more in common then they think!
Wow. They seem just as angry & narrow minded as what you are.
The funny thing is extremists on both sides have got more in common then they think!

Two sides of the same coin.:2 cents:
I didn't know that so Western people hate Muslims. Here are some questions to ask yourself before posting bs about Muslims:

1. Do I personally know any average Muslim in real life? Do I know anything about Muslims?

2. Have I read the Koran and compared to other books before jumping to conclusions? (pretty sure none of you did!)

3. Do I really beleive in my government and a national mass-media before calling every muslim a terrorist? (especially US and UK)

4. Isn't it odd to send thousands of troops to Muslim countries to establish democracy while the democracy or whatsoever in 53 African countries is under critical conditions. (the West doesn't give a flying *uck about them because there's nothing in Africa)

5. Why so many people start converting in Islam? What's the REASON for that?

6. http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFhtt85Gok0

It may go on and on, but there's no point!

Good day!!!


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Do you really think I care about what YOU think about me? Morever, do you really think I am going to post such important, intimate information about my family on the 'Net? Get real. My grandmother owned apartments and someone somewhere (none of your biz) owned stores. So buzz off, fly. I am bigger than you (and that freak vodkaz).

I didn't know that so Western people hate Muslims. Here are some questions to ask yourself before posting bs about Muslims:

1. Do I personally know any average Muslim in real life? Do I know anything about Muslims?

2. Have I read the Koran and compared to other books before jumping to conclusions? (pretty sure none of you did!)

3. Do I really beleive in my government and a national mass-media before calling every muslim a terrorist? (especially US and UK)

4. Isn't it odd to send thousands of troops to Muslim countries to establish democracy while the democracy or whatsoever in 53 African countries is under critical conditions. (the West doesn't give a flying *uck about them because there's nothing in Africa)

5. Why so many people start converting in Islam? What's the REASON for that?

6. http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFhtt85Gok0

It may go on and on, but there's no point!

Good day!!!



I pretty much answered 'yes' to all of them. I have been exposed to almost everything in your post, and yes, there are lovely Muslims out there, but it is past that point...way past. You guys had your chance. You failed. Islam failed. It failed. Now is the time for Islam to be dealt with. No more of this nonsense.
I didn't know that so Western people hate Muslims. Here are some questions to ask yourself before posting bs about Muslims:

1. Do I personally know any average Muslim in real life? Do I know anything about Muslims?

2. Have I read the Koran and compared to other books before jumping to conclusions? (pretty sure none of you did!)

3. Do I really beleive in my government and a national mass-media before calling every muslim a terrorist? (especially US and UK)

4. Isn't it odd to send thousands of troops to Muslim countries to establish democracy while the democracy or whatsoever in 53 African countries is under critical conditions. (the West doesn't give a flying *uck about them because there's nothing in Africa)

5. Why so many people start converting in Islam? What's the REASON for that?

6. http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFhtt85Gok0

It may go on and on, but there's no point!

Good day!!!



1. Yes and Yes.

2. Yes, of course.

3. Ah once again you show your biases. The mass media makes a lot of excuses for Muslims, far more than some other groups. Fortunately people are able to see through the b.s. and as they become aware of the history of Islam's interactions with non-Muslims, they see a long running pattern. Now the modern Islamist movement stretches back to the early 1900s, but you combine that with the more....unsavory elements of many Muslim dominated cultures that have been brought over by immigrants--like the gangrape and forced conversion of non-Muslim women. We have the combination of pious Muslims who know the Koran who commit terrorist attacks supposedly to defend Islam and then you have impious "cultural" Muslims who drink, do drugs, gamble, pimp etc. but see being Muslim more as a cultural or national identity as their identity and their right to dominate non-Muslims. That's a practice emanating from the history of Islam and from the life of your Prophet Muhammad as well as his companions and their descendants.

4. ^^^^
That's ridiculous. Africa has PLENTY of natural resources, including materials that aren't found anywhere else in the world. Why do you think China and the U.S. are investing so much in Africa?

But go ahead and make your assertation, you're one of many, many Muslims who will spout on about how badly the Muslims have been treated but will not acknowledge the evil that Muslims have committed in the world. Kind of like those Muslim guys in the articles about British Muslim pedophiles and human traffickers who blame the Children and their parents, as well as British society and find no fault in their own actions. Why?

Because you grow up in a culture that considers the Muslim male the king, and that everyone else exists to pleasure him or serve him. You curse that kafir infidel woman but at the same time you find no fault in visiting porn sites and buying up prostitutes. They're the ones who are wrong, not you.

5. Studies of the folks in Europe converting to Islam show two trends. The first is folks converting for someone they plan on marrying. The second is leftists. There's a subset of these folks who are suffering from xenophilia, or to use a neologism, they have a xenocentric outlook. They don't represent the mainstream population, or even most folks on the left.