Interesting but let's make the difference between radical and moderate muslims, wahabites, chiites and sunnites are more or less radical muslims, the others muslims are not radical.
Well, it's definitely complicated. Ever since the a Turkish tribe became hostile in the Levant (Holy Land/Palestine) in the eleventh century the situation has been dirty for a while. If they would have just remained out of the region when they did we would probably not be in the middle of a world about to kill each other in the name of religion.
It is funny though that
jihad is a term that derived from the crusades almost a millenia ago, but it was not even a term utilized in a warped way like it is today until a lot of what unfolded recently such as our actions in the region. They blame the West for all their ills, and Israel and the West's support of Israel has a lot to do with it. As far as goofy religions go, if people think what Christians adhere to is screwy, they should really read
Islam for Dumbies or something, because that is one fucked up religion (not even getting into the factionalism of it: i.e., Sunni's, Shi'ites, Arabs, Turks, etc.). You want fucked up, just look at the daily killings in Iraq over Sunni's and Shi'ites. And people think Christianity is so bad...LOL...friggin' morons.