Underrated bands

what do you mean by underrated? To me that implies a band that has achieved moderate commercial success, but in your opinion, deserves more recognition.

as opposed to a shitty band that no one has ever heard of, which seems to be what people are posting on here.

I was thinking a band that people have heard of, but hasn't had a whole lot of commercial success, if any at all, and you feel should. And I'll add Five Iron Frenzy to my list.
UNder Rated:

Shinedown (somewhat)
Robert Randolph
Joe Bonamassa
basicly all blues music ever made.
Dire Straits
Allman Brothers

Led Zepplin
The Beatles
The Rolling Stones
Ozzy Ozbourn/Black Sabbath

How could u say Sabbath are over-rated they never got any no.1 hits and have done no-where near as well as Zeppelin, besides u ask any metal fan and a vast majority will admit that there would be no metal without Sabbath!


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Jesus and Mary Chain- most underrated band ever IMO

Social Distortion
Have I mentioned The Toys?

Playing live tonight in Madison and Oct 24th at Duffy's in Chicago at 10 pm. I adore Droopy.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I've always liked Ozomatli. Kind of different, kind of not...eh.
Black Sabbath is half arsed poodle rock. So overrated it's untrue !. Nickelback are more metal than they are !

UR FUNNY nice one man!

Sabbath invented metal so it's hard to sum shit band like nickleback to even be considered metal

u crack me up!


what the fuck you lookin at?
More underrated bands IMO:

Die Krupps (at least in the US, not sure about Europe)
Drain STH
The Rentals
More underrated bands IMO:

Die Krupps (at least in the US, not sure about Europe)
Drain STH
The Rentals

Never heard of a one of them

Foo Fighters dont suck

and saying anything about Zeppelin I hope a dog gets ahold of your nuts and uses them for a chew toy :thefinger :D

I have to agree with Rush as being underrated but for 20 years they have made nothing but SHIT music
Dunno maybe they will start playing more of the good stuff I might go se them again my last tour was power windows