Underrated bands

More underrated bands IMO:

Die Krupps (at least in the US, not sure about Europe)
Drain STH
The Rentals

I have a couple of discs from Die Krupps and I've always liked them.None of my friends really like them though.
spooky tooth
ten years after
the damned
I have a couple of discs from Die Krupps and I've always liked them.None of my friends really like them though.

Cool! I would recommend Die Krupps to anyone that likes both heavy rock and some industrial music. I fit that description myself. I prefer industrial that actually has good lyrics and a firm foundation in rock. Too much distortion and electronic effects sometimes turns me off a little to industrial. But yeah, I find Die Krupps to be a good mix of elements.


Closed Account
Rush for sure, definitely one of the most underrated bands of all time.

Most underrated though I have to go with Frank Zappa. His son Dweezil is doing Zappa Plays Zappa, and it's incredible, bringing all Frank's music to the masses hopefully. Frank's got about 90 albums, and people still can't name a single song. They just "know" him. Riiiight...
UNder Rated:

Shinedown (somewhat)
Robert Randolph
Joe Bonamassa
basicly all blues music ever made.
Dire Straits
Allman Brothers

Led Zepplin
The Beatles
The Rolling Stones
Ozzy Ozbourn/Black Sabbath

so very wrong
UR FUNNY nice one man!

Sabbath invented metal so it's hard to sum shit band like nickleback to even be considered metal

u crack me up!

Actually if the truth be told, you crack me up.

Black Scabbath didn't INVENT Metal music. That is a common misconception that is held by truly stupid people that are ignorant to the facts. A bit like the crowd that refer to Frankenstein's monster as Frankenstein when infact it doesn't even have a name. Yes both crowds can be compared as they mouth off as if it is fact, when it is nothing of the kind.

And as Tony Iommi once said: Scabbath are more of a rock band with jazz and blues influence than anything else. The first TRUE Metal band was and always will be Judas Priest. The music backs this up.

But those that think Scabbath started it all trying to tell them otherwise is like trying to talk to a brick wall. It's a lost cause. Ignorance must be bliss as far as that crowd is concerned.
Actually if the truth be told, you crack me up.

Black Scabbath didn't INVENT Metal music. That is a common misconception that is held by truly stupid people that are ignorant to the facts. A bit like the crowd that refer to Frankenstein's monster as Frankenstein when infact it doesn't even have a name. Yes both crowds can be compared as they mouth off as if it is fact, when it is nothing of the kind.

And as Tony Iommi once said: Scabbath are more of a rock band with jazz and blues influence than anything else. The first TRUE Metal band was and always will be Judas Priest. The music backs this up.

But those that think Scabbath started it all trying to tell them otherwise is like trying to talk to a brick wall. It's a lost cause. Ignorance must be bliss as far as that crowd is concerned.
I think its nigh on impossible to state that one band invented heavy metal but the seeds were sown in the guitar riffs of Dave Davies & the heavy sound of Vanilla Fudge. For the record I do think however that Black Sabbath can be classed as the first Heavy Metal band. It is not just the music but the lyrical content & the image (of both the band & their album covers) which for better or worse has defined the traits of metal.
Modest Mouse

Queens of the Stoneage


(This band should have had a chance to evolve. Would have been amazing. I couldn't find the track I wanted, which was Blister. And sadly, the album is out of print. But if you can find it, it is an amazing song.)

Minus the Bear

The Mars Volta
(The bass solo at the beggining!!!)

There's more, but that TMV song just wiped my head clean. lol.
On the over rated side of the ledger I would have to say Joy Division.

I liked them a lot, I still do but there is no doubt that the cult of Ian Curtis and the industry that has grown up aroud him infaltes the impact of a band that only made about 30 songs.

See also Jeff Buckley. One very good record and a tragedy.
It's harder to determine if a band is underrated than if a band is overrated. I could name many bands that most people don't know but that are still covered and praised by some underground websites/magazines.

The Tallest Man On Earth (folk music at its best, in the 2000's)
M83 (pop)
Malajube (one of the best alternative rock bands, it's canadian-french)
John Zorn (one of the very few geniuses of 20th century/21th century music)
Peter Hammill (genius)
Akhenaton (popular in France but lesser know worldwide, easily in the top 5 MCs of the history, regardless of the language)
Oxmo Puccino (another great poet)
Camp Lo (as good as OutKast)
I could name a lot of rappers but I won't, should be in another thread.
Nine Horses (David Sylvian band, adult music)