Never heard of a one of them
A sad symptom of them being underrated.
Never heard of a one of them
More underrated bands IMO:
Die Krupps (at least in the US, not sure about Europe)
Drain STH
The Rentals
As you can tell by my name... RUSH is underrated...
So is Supertramp, ELO, and Mother Mother!
I have a couple of discs from Die Krupps and I've always liked them.None of my friends really like them though.
The Black Keys.
UNder Rated:
Shinedown (somewhat)
Robert Randolph
Joe Bonamassa
basicly all blues music ever made.
Dire Straits
Allman Brothers
Led Zepplin
The Beatles
The Rolling Stones
Ozzy Ozbourn/Black Sabbath
UR FUNNY nice one man!
Sabbath invented metal so it's hard to sum shit band like nickleback to even be considered metal
u crack me up!
I think its nigh on impossible to state that one band invented heavy metal but the seeds were sown in the guitar riffs of Dave Davies & the heavy sound of Vanilla Fudge. For the record I do think however that Black Sabbath can be classed as the first Heavy Metal band. It is not just the music but the lyrical content & the image (of both the band & their album covers) which for better or worse has defined the traits of metal.Actually if the truth be told, you crack me up.
Black Scabbath didn't INVENT Metal music. That is a common misconception that is held by truly stupid people that are ignorant to the facts. A bit like the crowd that refer to Frankenstein's monster as Frankenstein when infact it doesn't even have a name. Yes both crowds can be compared as they mouth off as if it is fact, when it is nothing of the kind.
And as Tony Iommi once said: Scabbath are more of a rock band with jazz and blues influence than anything else. The first TRUE Metal band was and always will be Judas Priest. The music backs this up.
But those that think Scabbath started it all trying to tell them otherwise is like trying to talk to a brick wall. It's a lost cause. Ignorance must be bliss as far as that crowd is concerned.