Ugliest Porn Stars? gulp..

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Belladonna.....looks like a strung out crack whore...i know others love her, and thats cool, but she does nothing for me.


It's good to be the king...
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lerigan said:
And if you're reading this Ms. Belladonna, do us all a favor and shoot yourslef in the face.....with a sawed-off shotgun.
Dude, I find that violence rather offensive. Calm down.


I used to like Silvia Saint quite a bit, but somehow she's become a turnoff for me. I think she's attractive enough, she just doesn't hit the right buttons. As far as hitting the wrong buttons... Adriana Sage. I don't understand her popularity, as I'm sure most don't understand why I don't understand.
lerigan said:
Belladonna.....she looks like a fucking tranny, for crying out loud!! And if you're reading this Ms. Belladonna, do us all a favor and shoot yourslef in the face.....with a sawed-off shotgun.

I haven't been around here near as long as some...but this is easily the most inappropriate post I've ever seen. I actually look forward to all the grief you're going to get due to this post...
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ugliest pornstar hey... well devon is still gorgeous but she is turning down the wrong road and getting too much plastic surgery done.

easily the ugliest pornstar in letha weapns.... tits with veins.... lots of veins, deffinately a turn off with the ugly face as well.
********** said:
Wouldn't want to insult anyone's tastes. That would be terrible. It's okay to insult these women though. Calling a woman ugly is one of the cruellest things you can do in today's society. I'd just like to say that I, for one, think this thread stinks: it makes me want to puke. The only thing worse than this thread is the fact that it's gone on for so long, and so many people have joined in, gleefully labelling these women as "ugly". No wonder women are so paranoid abotu their looks.

That's my opinion.

Mine too...:yesyes: I've ranted about this on more than one occasion. :mad:
(I'd rep you fox...but not able to at this time! I owe you! :) )
********** said:
Nice. Nicole Sheridan probably got the nose because of guys like you complaining about her original one. She's a personal friend of mine. Now you're pissing me off. I hope her husband kicks your ass. Maybe I'll forward it to him.

Maybe its just me but you're getting extremly angry over words, words that easily can be ignored but you're taking personal offense to them. If I was to take personal offense to every negative comment I've seen about a band I loved that was bashed or everytime the Army or the country I serve get bashed then I would be up 24/7 posting replys, screaming in anger. Plus unless her husband would decide to "Jay & Silent Bob" the internet, there is nothing he can do, and even if he did then he would be up 24/7 traveling because I can guarantee you there are more forums out there that have bashed her as well.
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