That is very weird how Theron with that hair cut looks quite a bit like our Mel. Although I think Clarkey does "cute" better. And I've been a fan of fuckyeahmellisaclarke for a long time.
mrSSTIFFY thankyou for your contribution to this small thread , im curious to know your own personal top 5 Page 3 girls EVER , not including new babe Mellisa ?
Thanks for your interest in my opinion. Since you asked after
favourite P3 girls, I've been fairly honest in that I've gone for the ones whose work I've enjoyed the most in my 20 years perusing the paper. Obviously personal preferences play a part and your tastes are always a product of your time so I'm just a
little too young to really have been wrapped up in the icons like Sam Fox, Linda Lusardi or Maria Whittaker. It's also tricky to define (for me) who is truly a "Page 3 Girl" rather than something else first and foremost. Would I include Jordan as I went through a spell of loving her shoots even though that came after she had the implants and thus stopped appearing on P3 itself? Is Jo Guest a Page 3 Girl or really was she a top-shelf legend in the Paul Raymond mags like Mens World and just did P3 on the side? Or Linsey Dawn MacKenzie who did plenty of tabloid nudity (for the Sport) but never actually Page 3 of the Sun itself? What about the current lot that earned their fame in Nuts long before actually shooting for Page 3?
All things considered, here in rough chronological order of debut and active years are my five favourite girls ever to grace the pages of P3.
Kathy Lloyd
This Welsh beauty bridged the gap between the golden 1980s era of Fox, Whittaker et al and the 90s when my own personal interest in "all things bare ladies" began. Kathy was one of the first ladies that I really found myself thinking "she's gorgeous." She had a renaissance in her late 20s and early 30s as just as her time as a P3 regular was winding down, "lad culture" was growing and Kathy was somewhat of a cult hero and favourite especially in Loaded mag, which led to appearances on Shooting Stars and other mainstream telly as well as an appearance on Playboy TV (UK) and subsequent video which I highly enjoyed.
Jo Guest
Joanne was far better known for spreading wide and showing off her (usually unshaven) snatch and arsehole in the true top shelf magazines, but she was a very popular Page 3 girl too, with her undeniable cuteness, platinum blonde hair and incredible ability to be bent over and manage to get her entire backside and her tits in the same shot, which she would reveal later in her career was actually an advantageous side effect of a spinal defect. Jo left modelling for a while but came back at the turn of the century, going back to her spiritual home of Men's World (even shaving her beaver in one memorable shoot) but I first discovered her perky charms on the pages of The Sun.
Keeley Hazell
Winner of P3 Idol in 2004 at the tender age of 18, Keeley absolutely dominated glamour in this country, adding FHM, Loaded and uncountable Nuts/Zoo credits to her Page 3 work which nearly gets forgotten in comparison. Honestly I forget that P3 Idol even happened before Keels, such was her impact on me. She was a full time obsession for me, and if it isn't TMI there wasn't a woman on the planet I masturbated to more than her between 2004 and 2008. Gorgeous, able to flip between sweet and dirty looking at a moment's notice, and in the finest of traditions, an amazing pair of tits.
Lucy Pinder
Admittedly a lot of her appearances on Page 3 itself (more often The Star than The Sun) only came after she achieved her fame in other magazines and her calendars, nevertheless it can't be ignored that she first came to the forefront on Page 3 of The Sun when they published snaps of her on Bournemouth beach, nipples obscured by the hand-bra that would become her trademark. Literally years of being a nipple-hiding prick tease were worth the wait and in the nearly 6 years since her knockers have virtually become a national institution. I get the impression she's a bit on the vain side, but she sure is pretty to look at.
Holly Peers
My current obsession, there is no model alive I spend more time chatting to buddies about. Yes, she has a pretty face and underrated arse, but what sets Holly apart is an absolutely incredible rack. In terms of size, shape, gravity-defying tendancies and her lovely nipples, she basically has what amounts to the perfect breasts in my eyes. And I'd love to have her breasts in my eyes. An absolute phenomenon, she started young and seems to grow more beautiful with each passing year, and her calendars have become must-see items. I absolutely adore Holly.
Honourable mentions to Tara King (fantastic knockers, also bared all in Perfect 10 and got out of the business while still popular), Louise Cliffe (gorgeous down to earth Manc girl, spellbinding eyes), Nell McAndrew (first girl with a grade 1 buzzcut that I found attractive), Amii Grove (the bum from Brum) and Melinda Messenger, whose bombshell looks temporarily played havoc in my pants, having the misfortune as she did to debut on P3 only a few months before they banned implants.
And also Michelle Butler, (
2) seemingly remembered only by me and a few chaps on Vintage Erotica, who I always think of as the cute blonde with the "small but perky" pair but is better remembered comparing gashes with Nikki Kennedy and Georgette Neale in the pages of Parade in the mid-nineties. In the pre-digital age she had a few pages in my "special scrapbook" I have mentioned in a previous thread.