Tucson Sheriff Won't Enforce 'Stupid' 'Racist' New Immigration Law

If you've ever looked at you're birth certificate theres only 3 races idiot, Black, White, and Asian/oriental, seems all you even care about is race. I bet you think people of hispanic descent are listed as "Brown" or "mexican" under they're birth certificate hahahaha

When were you born? 1940? Although I haven't looked at my birth certificate in probably 10 years, the BC qualifiers has changed over time. You're either white (Anglo) or you're not. And as far as I know you can list any "race" you want on things like a birth certificate. We can count on the government to blur the lines and foul up just about anything. They just added the term "negroe" to the census lately. Really nice. There's not three races, there is obviously more. Any 3rd grader can tell you this.

But I agreed with just about everything you said in the post before last. It's obvious integration isn't on the agenda. Reconquista is.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Fire him. :crash:
I know there are about a dozen threads about this topic, and instead of starting another I will just add this here. I found it an interesting read....

I also offer this for conversations sake....I wonder how many people in Arizona I use AZ because it is the state with the law and I happen to live here know someone who is here illegally? Out of that group I wonder how many feel that they themselves might be profiled and discriminated against by local LEO's enforcing the law? Seems to me that they can help combat both problems by notifying the LEO's about the people that they know who are breaking the law!

:2 cents:


what the fuck you lookin at?
I don't think its a racist bill. Even if it is, I don't give a fuck. Someone needs to do something about god damn illegals!
I'm glad this officer has spoken out against this racist law that violates the civil liberties of Brown skinned citizens


Hey! Arizona still has good citizens left. Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik declared his refusal to comply with his state's ugly, xenophobic new law, calling it "humiliating" and "racist." Way to go, Dupnik! Too bad you will probably get sued.

Arizona recently passed a law giving the police broad powers to detain people they suspect of being in the country illegally. If you are thinking this sounds like some kind of xenophobic police-state bullshit essentially mandating racial profiling, well, you are thinking right.

But why take our word for it? Clarence Dupnik runs shit in Tucson and the surrounding area. He has been a cop for fifty goddamn years. And he thinks this law sucks, too:

Sheriff Clarence Dupnik calls SB 1070 "racist," "disgusting," and "unnecessary."
Speaking Tuesday morning with KGUN9's Steve Nunez, Dupnik made it clear that while he will not comply with the provisions of the new law, nor will he let illegal immigrants go free. "We're going to keep doing what we've been doing all along," Dupnik said. "We're going to stop and detain these people for the Border Patrol."
But here's the thing about Arizona's fun new no-Mexicans-allowed law: It's so stupid, Clarence can't actually keep doing his job the way he's supposed to. One of the law's provisions allows him to be sued if his constituents don't think he's complying.

The sheriff acknowledged that this course of action could get him hauled into court. SB 1070 allows citizens to sue any law enforcement official who doesn't comply with the law. But Dupnik told Nunez that SB 1070 would force his deputies to adopt racial profiling as an enforcement tactic, which Dupnik says could also get him sued. "So we're kind of in a damned if we do, damned if we don't situation. It's just a stupid law."
If we were Clarence Dupnik, we would quit. But we're not, thank God. See, Dupnik has a solution: "The November election."

people outside of arizona have no idea what the law actually says, take it from an AZ resident it's not racist or supid. It just enforces a STANDING FEDRAL LAW. The only way a cop can ask if someone is here for papers is if they are in a lawful engagment with someone (engaged with them for some other reason, like speeding, or suspicion of some other crime, or criminal activity.) i mean come on can you tell the race of the driver in front of you? do you think cops have some sort of mexidar (like gaydar). if AZ gets sued over it a judge will find that the law is completely well... Legal. The problem is sheriff joe arpaio (who is a racist a bigot and a criminal) will use this to go into latino neighborhoods, and round people up (he's done it before). My opinion keep the law get rid of sheriff joe.

by the way the week after the law was passed a US customs and border protection agent (broder conrtol to the layman) was shot by an illegal immagrant coyote drug dealer. we have a real problem here and why the feds were passing a horrible health care law, and giving bailouts we were just trying to help ourselves.(and don't listen to f**king Janet napolitano she wasn't well liked here, and dosen't represent the people of arizona, she's just President Obama's lapdog now)


milf n' cookies
It's amazing to see someone here comparing and equating pedophilia with institutionalized racism :rolleyes:

How so? It's about how a person could want to interpret the law in their own way.