You can make all of the laws you want, but it won't change the fact that the opposition only needs to spin racism into the equation and all bets are off, we will become a turd world nation, you can bet your last $.
Laws like this shouldn't be passed in the first place, goes against what I believe the US stands for. If there is a huge public outcry then have a public referendum on whether to pass the law or not. However I don't believe law enforcement officers can pick and choose what laws to follow or disregard, it's not exactly as extreme as the Vietnam War when some troops were ordered by their commanders to shoot dead unarmed civilians, now that's a rule you disobey. The officer can just issue a short apology when stopping someone and explain what he is doing and make it as quick and dignified as possible, if he/she gives respect they'll get it back.
I actually agree with you on the law. I think illegal immigration is a huge problem (even if some people choose not to believe it) but targeting American citizens and legal immigrants who look a certain way really does rub against the grain of what this country claims to embody.
But my question is, so what should be done about it? The Federal government refuses to secure the border and enforce the laws. I know some more Liberal people here think we should just simply open up the border and I'm guessing those people haven't actually lived in nice middle class/working class neighborhoods that went to shit because of the problem. I was born and raised in NY....I watched two neighborhoods go from safe mixed towns to headline makers in a handful of years. Right before I left for college, there was an epidemic of face slashings because an El Salvadorian gang called MS13 was telling young potential members to slash the faces of random women to prove their loyalty. Most of these gang members were not citizens and had no visas or green cards.
When the borders are opened and authorities turn a blind eye, it's not only hard working and hungry people who flee their countries to try to build the good life, it's also criminals and gangsters, drug dealers and people who are on the run. Some people try to obscure that fact and paint this image of illegals being only sun beaten laborers who come here ready to kiss the American soil under their feet, but it's just not true.
So if the Feds refuse to be effective and we agree that laws making Hispanic Americans into immediate suspects isn't the way to go, what do we do? Some people think we should go after the people who employ them...and I agree with that, but I wonder what'll happen to the millions of unskilled, uneducated and undocumented immigrants that live here when they have no jobs. Will they simply migrate back to Mexico? Does anybody even think Mexico would allow that?
Again, I completely disagree with the Arizona law, but I feel a bit uneasy joining in on the criticism when I can offer no other solution to take its place.
Anyway, the last thing I'll say is this; Although I'm no fan of Obama, I try not to jump on him every time there's a chance. Some people are unreasonably critical of him even when it's not warranted. However, with this whole mess, I absolutely put a whole lot of the blame directly on his shoulders. He doesn't need Congress to pass a reform bill in order to put more National Guard on the border or pump up the existing US CBP. And there's more than enough money in the defense budget to keep the border damn close to free on uninvited guests. As an American, I find my border to be a bit more of a priority than Afghanistan's.
On this side of the Mexican border they call you a racist for wanting to enforce the law of the land, on the Mexican side of the border they threaten to kill you for enforcing the law of the land, just ask Sheriff Joseph Arpaio.
I like 'ol Joe, he's got guts ! :hatsoff:
Can you imagine a pedophile sheriff with the same thought process as yours? He's not going to arrest any pedophiles for raping children because he thinks the law is silly and thinks all pedophiles should have free range to do what they want.
This goes for any other sheriff who wants to interpret any law and enforce or not enforce any law he wants.
And he makes 'em (the crooks) wear pink undies in Maracopa County Jail as well. Had a friend who drove under the influence down there, had to do a week or two in County. Not fun...:rofl:
Sheriff Joe Arpaio attests to having received numerous death threats over the years, yet he continues to do exactly what the people of Maricopa County have elected him for. Yep, there's nothing like that good 'ol South American brand of coercion to ruin your day . . . and Arpaio basically just gives 'em the finger.![]()
Finally, whenever people thank Arpaio for enforcing the laws of the land, he never says you're welcome, he just says that he's doing his job. :hatsoff::hatsoff:
One of you supporters of this bill, could you please tell me exactly what an illegal immigrant looks like? Am I an illegal immigrant because my skins brown and i'm of hispanic descent. Are the cops going to stop me, a legal citizen who's family has been here for three generations legally, before they stop an illegal German immigrant whos been in the country for like 2 weeks? g.
Where does it say they are going to target those who "look" like illegals?
Once I go over the exact bill I will be happy to respond, but in general, to your question, your type (no offense) are the overwhelming majority of those who are here illegaly. There might be a Scandinavian somewhere in the country who overstayed their visa, but compared to the 30 million (or is it more?) illegal aliens here, they just really are not the main concern. Sorry. :wave2:
Where does it say they are going to target those who "look" like illegals?
Once I go over the exact bill I will be happy to respond, but in general, to your question, your type (no offense) are the overwhelming majority of those who are here illegaly. There might be a Scandinavian somewhere in the country who overstayed their visa, but compared to the 30 million (or is it more?) illegal aliens here, they just really are not the main concern. Sorry. :wave2:
Good job on the sheriff's part, he knows he has no probable cause to detain anyone based on "looking" illegal. Seriously if someone could tell me exactly how you can constitute a detainment/arrest of someone who looks illegal without violating that persons due process, I would support this bill.
One of you supporters of this bill, could you please tell me exactly what an illegal immigrant looks like? Am I an illegal immigrant because my skins brown and i'm of hispanic descent. Are the cops going to stop me, a legal citizen who's family has been here for three generations legally, before they stop an illegal German immigrant whos been in the country for like 2 weeks?
The sheriff is doing his job upholding the constitution of the United States. If you're going to base this law off of what people look like stop every single person in AZ and ask for all their papers, there's immigrants from All over the world that are here illegally, not just the brown people theyre targeting.
It's not my type, I'm an american period. I'm white, the only thing that seperates me from you is that I got a box check marked on my birth certificate stating White.. check. Check this box if of hispanic descent...check. I witness first hand how illegals are milking the system everyday. They go to schools and have their spanish as a first language class that they keep all through high school at the taxpayers expense, my parents expense, my aunts and uncles expense and somehow they manage to go all through elementary to high school coming from juarez (the city across the border from El Paso) and they never learn english, they get a free education, and the thing that ticked me off most was that they were the most disruptive students in classes that were intergrated with the ESL students, and those classes had to be taught extremely slowly and virtually in Spanish just for them.
Yeah there is an immigration problem in the U.S., it needs to be dealt with, but infringing on legal citizen's rights isnt the way to go, let's just see how many Americans of hispanic descent get stopped wrongfully. Its only wasting their time and infringing on their rights.
You said your "skin's brown" and now you say you're white. :dunno:
If he feels so strongly against the law he can focus his police work on issues of "greater concern" in his jurisdiction.
He doesn't have the right to willfully refuse to enforce laws. He's not fit for duty if that's the case.
He could have simply said, this law makes it permissible to violate the rights of US is logistically difficult to commit to and/or it makes things worse not better in his view.
However, as a law enforcement officer he doesn't have a right to act as a scofflaw and remain in his position IMO.