Tucker Carlson : the best political show host on US television


*ucker Carlson is a lying pos ahole.

Abby Grossberg: Tucker Carlson made 'my life a living hell' - Apr 25, 2023
Am I the only one who sees the tremendous opportunity of putting these two guys together for a show? People claim they watch Tucker and Don for information but, in reality, it's as much for entertainment. These guys are the news version of The Odd Couple. Give them some room to work with a handful of pre-loaded Mulligans and you could have quite a show. Is there anyone that is such a political purist hunkered down within your tribe that wouldn't at least take a peek? Monday Night RAW is once a week but these 2 guys would be cutting wild promos on each other on a nightly basis.
Am I the only one who sees the tremendous opportunity of putting these two guys together for a show? People claim they watch Tucker and Don for information but, in reality, it's as much for entertainment. These guys are the news version of The Odd Couple. Give them some room to work with a handful of pre-loaded Mulligans and you could have quite a show. Is there anyone that is such a political purist hunkered down within your tribe that wouldn't at least take a peek? Monday Night RAW is once a week but these 2 guys would be cutting wild promos on each other on a nightly basis.
Didn't some station or another several years ago try that? And I believe if I remember correctly it flopped rather dramatically. Perhaps someone else will remember the particulars
Didn't some station or another several years ago try that? And I believe if I remember correctly it flopped rather dramatically. Perhaps someone else will remember the particulars

Not with those two guys. The contrast in styles might give them some entertaining chemistry. They both got fired on the same day then both hired the same lawyer. Heard they've even been texting each other too. Why be boring and safe? Take a chance with these two buffoons and you could turn it into ratings gold.
Fox News has been hemorrhaging viewers since Tucker left. Fox News was lucky that Tucker became available when O'Reilly left. I don't see anyone of that strength even from the outside who is available to replace Tucker. I might put Laura Ingraham in that time slot and see what happens while looking for her time slot replacement.

If you can be objective and imagine you have the power to decide who would you hire to replace Tucker Carlson? Or, are you also like me, and don't have a clue?
Well, well, well; looks like I may have to get me one of them new fangled Twitter memberships. Guess I better get in the truck quick so I can drive down there and see if they got any left.


Fox is in a bad place. They can't keep Cucker Tarlson, but they also can't keep their idiotic viewers without somebody of his scale who will constantly lie to their viewers and play off of unfounded fears for profit and views like he did.
Aw geez, they gave the job to that douchebag adulterer, Jesse Watters. He's similar to Carson Daly meaning he has a face made for a fist. He made his bones fetching coffee for Bill O'Reilly and now he snatched his old time slot. I watched Tucker and kept an open mind about his replacement but I will not watch Jesse Watters. I would have chose Kayleigh over Jesse Watters for sure. Will Cain was a good fill-in during his week too.




Nattering Nabob of Negativism