trying to get my cute friend set up as a non nude model

Dammit! :mad:
I wish you all would quit bumping this thread! :mad:
When I see the thread bumped I get my hopes up that Jett has returned with a whole stable of average looking, fully dressed girls.
But no, instead it's just you morons who prefer beautiful naked women :mad: :thefinger


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
you're a good friend jet2233
@bodie54: haha, that's the perfect way to put it.

@rock hard: This guy was too out of the ordinary, I had to say something :D


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Goddamn it guys, you got my hopes up.
Can't you see STDiva, Born2Jizz, PretoDragao, and myself doing shit like that on his front lawn? While singing in tune: Go, go Power Freeones! And doing half assed roundhouse kicks, flying kicks and falling to the ground, karate chops and shit. Screaming out Aye-Ah!! Hoo! Waaaaa!!!

That would be the ultimate display of badassetry on someone's front lawn in the history of fucking time!!

:rofl2: Power Rangers gone bad!!! :rofl2: Be sure to wear your Freeone's t-shirts.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Shit, this means I was an asshole.
Shes started her website and its been pretty successful. I let everyone on here who wasnt an asshole know about it.

Gratz on getting the site going finally!!! :glugglug:

And good move on the marketing strategy to not allow assholes to know about the don't want their kind there...and it is a well known fact that assholes don't have any money to spend on websites :rolleyes:

But that might be in vain......I give it less than 2 weeks until one of those assholes hopefully me, since I didn't get a heads up stumbles upon your site and posts the link here for all to see.

Of course it will be good to see what your girl looks like with some decent pictures...cause if you have on the site the same quality you posted in here....shame on ya son!! :nono:
Jeeeeeeeeeetttt.... You've been holding out on us! :nono: Give us the link to her site before we get upset and do something "uncalled for"! :mad: