What is the final move? Why now? And who is making it? I was under the impression Trump was the anti-NWO guy. Hillary, via her connection to the Comet Ping Pong, is deep into the NWO.
I don't know if there is a final move. To qoute Journey , "Oh, the movie never ends, It goes on and on, and on, and on".
Its a never ending show just like a soap opera. And Trump is no anti anything and comet pizza was a honeypot, it was bullshit.
Of course it still being used to herd conservative types who don't trust the GOV or its media down a dead end hallway.
Who you ask? I don't have their names and addresses but to deny their is a hierarchy in this world is very naive. I can assure you Trump and Pelosi, Shumer, Feinstein, Obamas, ect are not anywhere near at the top of it.
Trump makes comments based on who talked to him most recently. Talk to Parkland families: "Yes, we will pass gun control." Talk to NRA: "No, there will be no control." Frankly, he is learning it was easier to be sitting on the sidelines criticizing than fighting in the arena. His press conferences are nothing beyond poor television and fodder for comedians. But, that wasn't your question.
He makes decisions in a like manner: listening to the sycophants sitting next to him. He has the power, but is choosing to yield it in an inconsistent and reckless manner. Then we're back to the elusive 'They' - whatever that really means.
You are correct, we should not be focused on Trump. We should be focused on front-line staffs, infectious disease controls, cures, and treatments.
I was going to say this in your previous comment earlier today but I'll say it now.
How do Defense lawyers get guilty clients off? The best way is to confuse the heck out of the jury with all kinds of possibilities so they don't know what the heck to believe. This often results in an acquittal. OJ, Casey Anthony, Robert Blake, are good examples.
Throw as much bullcrap , contradictory information out there as possible to confuse everybody so they don't know what the hell to think and then begin fighting with each other over which possibility is the truth.
This is the tactic the Government and its controlled media use on The People every single day. And the media is controlled. It is part of the government now, has been for a long time. Its nothing less than a Ministry of Propaganda against the people, and its completely legal.
They do the same with all the post 2012 MASS KILLINGS that you believe in so much, even though you have never seen 1 actual dead body or one actual tear drop. Newtown, Pulse, Vegas, Parkland, ect........throw as much contradictory information out there as possible, confuse the hell out of everybody, get them fighting each other over it , and sit back, watch and reap.
And thats all I have to say about that.
Of course if some people can't get beyond the term "they" I guess there is no reason to try to convince them. Best letting them keep on thinking Trump, Obama, Biden, Pence, Pelosi, Shumer, Feinstein, and the rest are the ones actually in charge.