trump's Coronavirus Failures and Lies

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I have no opinion
I meant that he won't even pretend to care anymore, like he's pretending now with his lies and empty promises.
I think I can speak at least for myself in saying I did know what you meant but was being my usual sarcastic self in my response. Please excuse me again. Sometimes my mouth runs away with the spoon.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
You are too young to die for the economy anyway. Have to be at least 69 according to the Texas Lt Governor.

(Truth alert, I am 69)
I'm 70% of a score away.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Today's Trump: “People are tired of COVID. I have these huge rallies. People are saying whatever. Just leave us alone. They’re tired of it. People are tired of hearing Fauci and all these idiots,”

I believe Trump has it wrong. Fauci is neither the 'idiot' we are tiring of hearing nor the disaster we see.

With leadership like this, no wonder we are where we are:
“People are tired of COVID. Yup, there’s going to be spikes, there’s going to be no spikes, there’s going to be vaccines. With or without vaccines, people are tired of COVID. I have the biggest rallies I have ever had and we have COVID. People are saying whatever, just leave us alone. They’re tired of it.”

Biggest rallies? Even he has know this is a lie.


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
I'm starting to get the shits with Fauci and his lack of spine. He was asked directly to comment on trump's rallies and he offered up some watery bullshit about how it's not really in line with the guidelines. He's one of the few public voices Americans on both sides listen to. If he really wants to help people, as a doctor, he could do more good and save more lives by coming out strongly against the rallies. And if trump thinks firing him over that will help him win re-election, let him try it. Fauci's not going to have any trouble getting by.

He needs to fucking grow a pair and do his job.

Fauci And Trump are on the same team. This is a show.


She lost her husband to Covid-19. Hear her tough words for Trump

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I have no opinion
Yeah I’m sure the republicans let the democrats take over while the republicans are in power. They are working towards the same goal. Duh
I will say here in Illinois the Dems have run the State for about 45 years and just about totally destroyed it. And the then Republicans went along for the ride, only making a little noise once in a while. So they can work together if only to steal that is for sure.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
I will say here in Illinois the Dems have run the State for about 45 years and just about totally destroyed it. And the then Republicans went along for the ride, only making a little noise once in a while. So they can work together if only to steal that is for sure.
I did not realize Illinois elected so many Republican governors over the past couple decades. It must be the down-state voters ganging up on metro Chicago. You think IL politics and you think Democrats - Daley, Blago, etc.

Last night's Trump: "It will go away and I say we’re rounding the turn. We are rounding the corner. It is going away,”

Trump: “We’re learning to live with” the coronavirus."
Biden: “We’re learning to die with it,”

Biden is such a buzzkill. We need more cheerleading. 😁

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I have no opinion
Regarding Illinois Governors, only the last one even tried to make changes. And The Dems gave him the full Obama treatment. Nothing done for four years. All the predecessors back to the 70's went along and got stuff in return from the House Speaker


Nattering Nabob of Negativism