Trumps Actual Power/Control


Hiliary 2020
Not many new threads lately but a lot happening.
Just a question regarding President Trumps actual power regarding miltary actions or "foreign ploicy" as some call it.
Now he ran as the anti war, anti globabalist candidate and I feel that was his biggest strength when it came to gaining voters.
Recently he seems to have done a complete 180 it.
This has a lot of people wondering and also angry and feeling deceived.

Nobody seems to really know what happened.

Some feel he was full of crap the whole time and was basically a Manchurian candidate for the globalist war agenda.
That he was full of shit from the start.

To be clear on the definition I am talking about what Ike called the Military Industrial Complex.
Meaning the Central Banks, The Pentagon, The CIA, Big Business, Top Brass of Military and other Agencies like the DHS ect, and all the other war profiteers in the pyramid of power who profit from endless war.
I call it The War Machine a lot. And I feel its power goes way beyond the Presidents.

Some think he took office sincerely wanting to "Drain the Swamp" but in those first few months was comprimised somehow.

I mean the war machine seems more aggressive than ever right now and Trump certainly appears to be completely on board.

So what do you think happened? Why the sudden 180?
Was he full of shit the whole time and was the Deep State candidate from the beginning?
Maybe they thought The People would follow Trump into their agenda much more than HC?

Or was Trump just naive and surround himself with neocons and Israel firsters like his son in law?
Or was he threatened to do what they tell him or else......?

But something did happen. We saw a candidate that wanted peace through diplomacy and trade change into a President who seems to be dragging us into many dangerous conflicts, none of which will help make America great again.

What's you opinion? We'd like to know.


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
There have been many presidents that wanted change and were sincere. I always joke that once they get into office the big dogs bring in the reel of the Zapruder film and say we can do this the hard way or the easy way. Simple as that.
Mr. P Trump has been a waffler for a very long time.
He waffled on Iraq. He appears to have waffled on Syria. He's waffled on abortion, etc.
He was fully onboard with the Libyan intervention.
But I didn't see him as a peace candidate, so unlike you I don't really feel he's waffled that much here. Maybe with Russia he sounded like a pussycat. But his words were always very aggressive and provocative towards Iran and China, and always supportive of Israel to the unusual (for US presidents) point of potentially discarding any pursuit of a 2 state solution. He also stated his intent to "bomb the shit" out of both ISIS fighers and their families. So I don't really get where anyone expected this guy would be some kind of peaceful, non aggressive president :dunno:


Hiliary 2020
There have been many presidents that wanted change and were sincere. I always joke that once they get into office the big dogs bring in the reel of the Zapruder film and say we can do this the hard way or the easy way. Simple as that.

yeah the unedited version that shows his head explode 4ft above the limo. Skull and brains everywhere. A man named Gary Thorne completely proved the timeline of the original film from Friday the 22nd until Monday morning. It was much worse than the heavily edited version we know.

Mr. P Trump has been a waffler for a very long time.
He waffled on Iraq. He appears to have waffled on Syria. He's waffled on abortion, etc.
He was fully onboard with the Libyan intervention.
But I didn't see him as a peace candidate, so unlike you I don't really feel he's waffled that much here. Maybe with Russia he sounded like a pussycat. But his words were always very aggressive and provocative towards Iran and China, and always supportive of Israel to the unusual (for US presidents) point of potentially discarding any pursuit of a 2 state solution. He also stated his intent to "bomb the shit" out of both ISIS fighers and their families. So I don't really get where anyone expected this guy would be some kind of peaceful, non aggressive president :dunno:

I agree, mostly true.
Only he isn't bombing isis but instead the people who are actually fighting them.
And I do see why people would think he would be peaceful although he did contradict himself many times during the election run like you said.
Well, according to all the reports I've heard, both here and abroad, including from locals, that MOAB only killed isis fighters. Not any of those opposing them.
Which is good with me. As you know I don't agree with you that they are US mercenaries. I believe they're exactly who they present themselves to be.
But you're right that we have accidentally killed some people who are actually fighting them under other circumstances; most especially US supported rebels in Syria.
" If you like your can keep your plan. Period. "

"Marriage is between a man and a woman"

"Running up a credit card with the bank of China, is not only irresponsible, it's unpatriotic!"

Trump dropped a few bombs. Lighten up Francis.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Obama promised to pull all of the troops by a certain time and look what happened. Candidates don't get all of the intelligence until they get elected. It's unfair to call it a flip flop under those conditions.


Hiliary 2020
Obama promised to pull all of the troops by a certain time and look what happened. Candidates don't get all of the intelligence until they get elected. It's unfair to call it a flip flop under those conditions.

Its pretty obvious that Obama the politician was just saying whatever he had to to gain support and trust.
I think you intelligence info theory is theory.
But Clinton, both of them, BushII and Obama were already on the inside long before their election days.
Trump is still a mystery. At face value it seems he didn't know shit going in to the WH.
So regarding Trump I can't disagree with your point at all.

Like I said and this is why I started the tread, I really don't know what happened. Only a few theory.

Trump dropped a few bombs. Lighten up Francis.

Who said that? Was it you numbnuts!
Oh BC, I'm gonna call you Private Joker, do you like that Private Joker.
So you want to be our Big Toe?

Seriously, there has been a little more than just a few bombs.
And I'm sure I don't have to tell you don't believe a word from the msm.

There is and has been a massive war machine mobilization all over the world map in the past few months.
Imagine if Russia or China was doing that near our part of the world?
Somethings in the works and that aint Chicken Little talk.

I think the US War Machine does what it wants regardless of what the PREZ wants.
"They got the powa" u u u u uu"
I think it's controlled by the most powerful people in the world who unfortunately don't want to use their power to improve the planet but increase their power and control of it and us.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
They really weren't on the inside as far as intelligence goes. Although Obama was a Senator he was just a junior for 3 years. Not getting the good stuff. Bill was a Governor and not an insider. W had daddy as CIA director but that was years removed from current happenings. There was no need for H to know anything current once he left office.

I don't buy into the USA controlling the War Machine. I posted a link to a list of arms exporters. Russia, China, the EU are also major players. The list includes many, many other nations that build and sell arms too. War is a business that everyone participates in. You can't just pin it on anyone controlling it including the central banks.


Hiliary 2020
Not trying to start a debate over this but I believe Clinton Bush and Obama were chosen years beforehand.
I've studied it a lot so its not just some blind assumption. These guys we're all in it deep way before they became Prez's.
Clinton was a major factor in the whole Iran/Contra era coke importation ran by the CIA.
Bush Sr was a very big CIA guy going way back to the Kennedy killing. His son was the perfect puppet for the Neocons who planned this whole war agenda that is still going on nearly 20 years later.
And Barry was chosen years earlier also. What better cover to be able to do whatever you want than to have the "1st Black Prez" as resident puppet?
Thats like a license to get away with anything.
By the end of BushII the people were getting uppity over the War Machine's destruction of not only the world but of the US economy.
Making us all poorer.
What better way to stick a pacifier in the mouths of Americans than putting a black guy in there?
They knew Americans would have not accepted 8 years of Bush then 4 or 8 years more of some White woman doing the same shit so they chose Barry.

See bob I believe it is all planned out years in advance by the people at the top.
You don't. You believe it is all decided by the people on election day. I think that is naive to believe that.

I see your point on the second part, I do.
But I think our definition of War Machine differs.
No other country since 2001 has done so much destruction as the US.
Country after country and still no end in sight.
I have been trying to show everyone that our enemy is actually our ally. That we created, control, arm, and fund "the terrorists".
It's what keeps the War Machined fueled.

But lets assume I am wrong about that.
They are just a few million crazy jihadists motivated by religious fanaticism. We wont consider who pays them, feeds them, arms them ect ect.
We'll just assume the Tooth Fairy does.

Either way look at what the US War Machine has done to place after place.
Has any good come from any of it?
In fact its fucking up the entire Western world.
Its like Godzilla on PCP.
So who's left out there?
Well Syria hasnt fallen, Iran, N. Korea, Russia and China.(all countries without central banks btw).
Think of this from an outside view, like in spectator mode:
If you were those countries wouldn't you want to arm yourselves to the teeth with defensive weaponry so youre prepared to defend yourselves when PCP Godzilla comes to your town?


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
Its pretty obvious that Obama the politician was just saying whatever he had to to gain support and trust.
I think you intelligence info theory is theory.
But Clinton, both of them, BushII and Obama were already on the inside long before their election days.
Trump is still a mystery. At face value it seems he didn't know shit going in to the WH.
So regarding Trump I can't disagree with your point at all.

Like I said and this is why I started the tread, I really don't know what happened. Only a few theory.

Trump dropped a few bombs. Lighten up Francis.

Who said that? Was it you numbnuts!
Oh BC, I'm gonna call you Private Joker, do you like that Private Joker.
So you want to be our Big Toe?

Seriously, there has been a little more than just a few bombs.
And I'm sure I don't have to tell you don't believe a word from the msm.

There is and has been a massive war machine mobilization all over the world map in the past few months.
Imagine if Russia or China was doing that near our part of the world?
Somethings in the works and that aint Chicken Little talk.

I think the US War Machine does what it wants regardless of what the PREZ wants.
"They got the powa" u u u u uu"
I think it's controlled by the most powerful people in the world who unfortunately don't want to use their power to improve the planet but increase their power and control of it and us.

And Sgt. Hulka IS that Big Toe.