Baseball Replaced By Monster Hunter XXXIII For Playstation 25 As American Pastime.
--Japan dissolves baseball leagues, replaces them with FinalFantasy XXXXX.
--Pacific rim rocked by twenty-third tsunami this Singapore hosts the tenth annual World Peace Gonad Chess Challenge
--The Euro falls 35 points against the Diverlatteral Southern Lands Duetschlibre.
--Babe Ruth almost entirely forgotten by American MHXXXIII public.
--Oil futures are down 37 points, as the InterSaudiIranquiRepublic pleads to G4 nations: "Buy some gas...please? Hydrogen and solar power are killing us! Even India and China are on the bandwagon!!"
--The MTVV1Muzak network Award Show winner is Topsoil Tom, with his rendition of 2030's Rap Winner Shitza's song, "God Ain't A Janitor."
--Lakes Michigan, Erie, Superior, and Wannetonga combine during September's record rainfalls, to form Lake EveryGoddamnedWhere.
--SuperGalacticCable subscribers will lose both the Big10 Network and NFL Package unless an agreement is reached. Otherwise, watch them on Chronomental 3D.
--Gay, Hispanic, Female Transexual President Maude Lopez will leave her/his White House quadheliport for a holiday in Tennessee. Then the 399th opening of the Congress Of Newness will begin.