Tomorrows Newspaper


Hiliary 2020
Where's the flying cars? We were promised flying cars!

i think you can just chuck all that space age shit out the window.
it was a possibilty for the future in prior to the 90's but i think now it aint ga happen.

reminds me of the fall of the roman empire in a way.
after rome fell, in all of western europe for the next hundreds of years the people who lived, lived surrounded by the great monuments, buildings, aquaducts, art, arenas and all the other things that made the empire so great, so state of the art for its time.
that era was known as the dark ages.
the people who lived then must have saw these things as they lived in pestilence and poverty and realized that life in the past was much better than the present and wondered what the hek happened.

I fear that the future of the united states and maybe parts of europe may be similar.
i hope not.