Tila Tequila...Hot or Not?

Tila Tequila from MySpace

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what the fuck you lookin at?
Well, given that I don't dig Asian chicks, I don't think she's hot. That said, my roommates, who are beside themselves over Asian chicks, think she's overrated and unattractive. Mind you, these guys slobber over any Asian chick, even if she looks like a Pekingese pug... :eek:

Yea...I'm right there with your roomies. I love me some good asian chicks...but tila just doesn't do it for me like damn near any other asian chick would. even if they are ugly. Must be cause of the paris hilton syndrome.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I don't really know what she looks like

Close your eyes...

Picture yourself standing in the middle of the Rain Forest...

You hear a rustling noise...

You look to see what it is...

You spot a weak looking lemur in the bushes...

You hear another rustle, but this time it's from the tree tops...

It's a retarded fruit bat...

The retarded fruit bat flies down and begins to circle the weak looking lemur...

They catch eachother's eyes...

Drawn to eachother, for some reason, they begin to make love...

(fast forward a few months)

The weak looking lemur and retarded fruit bat are giving birth to their baby...

Now, imagine what that baby would look like...

THAT is Tila Tequila.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Close your eyes...

Picture yourself standing in the middle of the Rain Forest...

You hear a rustling noise...

You look to see what it is...

You spot a weak looking lemur in the bushes...

You hear another rustle, but this time it's from the tree tops...

It's a retarded fruit bat...

The retarded fruit bat flies down and begins to circle the weak looking lemur...

They catch eachother's eyes...

Drawn to eachother, for some reason, they begin to make love...

(fast forward a few months)

The weak looking lemur and retarded fruit bat are giving birth to their baby...

Now, imagine what that baby would look like...

THAT is Tila Tequila.

"You cannot give rep a billion rep for this post, try again in 24 hours" it tells me this why?!?



Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
She beautiful in her own, stop bashing her!

As far as cute little canines.. I mean Celebrities who happen to be American-Asian chicks go.. I'd so take Kat Young over Tilla Takilla anyday. :p
Far below average... NOT hot, exquisite, gorgeous, pretty, beautiful, etc... Whatever.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
As I repped Fresno, I typed this, which might be completely true about appreciating Tila:

"Perhaps we need some Tequila first"