Tiger Woods Sex Tape Being Shopped to Vivid


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I don't care what Vivid does with this video. All I know is that the only wood I want to see of Tiger's is his golf clubs.
Tiger's Best Eighteen Holes.


what the fuck you lookin at?
They said it is unlikely that tiger will give his consent to publish this. But that is irrelevant. If there is a tape, which wouldn't surprise me, it'll be released eventually regardless of if vivid buys the rights or not. Someone will post it somewhere online and it'll spread like wildfire. I look at it as more porn for me to find!
Don't believe the hype. With or without his present day scandal, if there was a Tiger sex tape out there, it would have surfaced and posted all over the internet already. No amount of money or team of high powered attorneys would prevent someone from anonymously releasing it. :2 cents:
Until something like this comes out I'm remaining skeptical and calling bs on it.

Even if it did somehow exist there is about 0% chance Vivid would be able to release it, let alone be able to pay somebody that has hundreds of millions of dollars enough money to make it worth it. This isn't some attention starved D or E-list celebrity that's desperate for money and a little bit of notoriety.


So what was stopping them from doing this before? If they really had the movie then it would be out already. Look how fast they made a buck off of Pam Anderson. SgtMarine is calling Bullshit.