THREAD FIXES: Merging - Moving - Title Changes - Post Deleting

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member


Please Jerk Responsibly
Done although there were a helluva lot of dead links in there so I have downsized that thread.

Even your latest post in there doesn't seem to work. So I don't know if you can remember what you posted but if you were to do it again, I will remove your original post.
whatever it was, I've posted another photo and link - thanks

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Lifetime employment for mods!

Please rename Chloe Lapiedra / Chloe La Piedra / Naiaar02 (OnlyFans)


There are CERTAIN perks, like seeing just how 'swiss cheese' any given thread ACTUALLY is, after years and years of deleted posts, spam, old URLs, double posts, etc.

Or getting to see just how bad some of those spam links are. (Yeah, I click some of 'em. Not a damned one of them delivers on local girls in my area or raid shadow legends! THE NERVE! lol)