THREAD FIXES: Merging - Moving - Title Changes - Post Deleting

Connor Macleod

Staff member
Monica Trent / Jessica Eclipse / Monika R / Rachel Veiss

Beghe (Met-Art) / Beghe B (TokyoDoll) / Beglie / Chloe (OnlyFans - @chloe_ira) / @mur_iricio / Irina Sotulenko / Iris Q / IrisQ / Skipper
On that last one, I thought "Skipper" had already been added at some point, so I looked a little closer.

It turns out that she went by "Beglie Skipper" on Zishy. I also found another alias, "Bella". So, I put the title as:

Beghe (Met-Art) / Beghe B (TokyoDoll) / Beglie Skipper / Bella / Chloe (OnlyFans - @chloe_ira) / @mur_iricio / Irina Sotulenko / Iris Q / IrisQ

If you have any info that she just went by "Beglie" or "Skipper" somewhere, let me know and I'll adjust the title.



Nattering Nabob of Negativism
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The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
if anyone has any change requests with regards to threads in Niche & Fetish Corner, please report them here because there is an ongoing effort to sort this part of the forum out -
☝️ A reminder of something I said just before Christmas which still rings true.

A very large percentile of the requests in here are in relation to threads which reside in Favorite Babes or Favorite Celebrities but if you are reporting threads in either Niche & Fetish Corner or Watch that Video please report them in the thread linked to above until further notice.

Moderators kindly move any requests anyone might make here to there and do not process the request yourself. These sections are undergoing a big sort out and I want to see to them personally until we reach a certain point and get back on track. You are free to handle any other type of request.



Please Jerk Responsibly
Sara Romain / Ramona / Romana / Rumina / Sara / Sarah

merge as Sandra Romain / Anais / Maria / Maria Popescu / Maridara / Sandra Mertz / Sandra Metz / Sandra Romaine / Sandra Roman / Sandra Wilde / Zandra

Sara Lynn / Bara / Barbora 7757 (Czech Casting) / Sara
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