THREAD FIXES: Merging - Moving - Title Changes - Post Deleting

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
Sorry to be a pedant but a "post" is a singular message that someone has submitted whereas a thread or topic is the entire collection of posts as a whole, so please refer to them as such to avoid confusion in the future. What you meant is that a thread/topic already existed for those models.

But done. ✅

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
I'm not saying you can't submit more than one change at a time, I was just telling you to use the correct terminology.

Simplest way I can put it is that if you had used the word "thread" instead of "post" then it makes what you wrote 100% fine.

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
Ana (Playboy)

to my understanding, this is the same person
Yup. Playboy, innit. Merged. ✅

I meant to say this once before but don't ever pay too much attention to the babe banner at the very top of the page; because chances are it might be wrong. It's an automated feature which doesn't work quite right yet.

So focus primarly on the links and images shared within the thread itself to determine if a babe is the same person or not.

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
merge or move and rename

Anabelle Evans / Ana Belle / Anabell / Anabelle B / Anabelle Cindy / Anabelle Lili / Annabelle Doll / Emilia / Leah / Lucie / Lucka / Traum-Titten18 / Anabelle Sun​
Merged. ✅

Additional alias added as a tag cos thread already has maximum number of characters.

Plus, that alias doesn't seem to have got around to most sites yet.