THREAD FIXES: Merging - Moving - Title Changes - Post Deleting


Staff member


Please Jerk Responsibly
btw: does FO merge "talk" threads with "niche" threads, if the former are limited in nature (for example, women of a certain nationality) ?
btw: does FO merge "talk" threads with "niche" threads, if the former are limited in nature (for example, women of a certain nationality) ?
My initial answer would be no, but if a thread in the talk section has a lot of links and/or pics, then it certainly isn't "on-topic" to any type of discussion. This is something that would need to be looked at on a case-by-case basis.
  1. On this one, I did not merge. The niche thread was started with a somewhat broad subject matter, while the talk thread is very specific, it is ONLY for Irish pornstars. I did however move that thread to the niche section.
  2. This one was essentially in the same boat as the first. I did move the Finnish thread to niche.
  3. merged
  4. merged - this thread is so fucked by the hyperlinking issue that I'm not even gonna try to fix as there are a bunch of posts affected. We'll have to wait for the devs to fix that problem.
  5. not merged - In regards to the thread in the Talk section, the first post indicates that the poster wanted to dump on Brandi. The favorites section is for fans, not trolls, so I'm leaving it as is.
  6. merged
  7. moved to favorites