THREAD FIXES: Merging - Moving - Title Changes - Post Deleting


Staff member
Re: Threads to merge and title changes.



Please Jerk Responsibly
Re: Threads to merge and title changes.

suggestions on this ?

this thread was started for Brooklyn Jade (also known as Brooklynn Jade)
the only correct and working links are in posts 20, 69, 72, and 74

the thread was taken over by links for the other Brooklyn Jade whose thread is

can these 4 posts be removed from thread 90000 and merged with, the dead links before post 37 in thread 90000 removed, and the rest of thread 90000 merged with thread 382805 ?
Re: Threads to merge and title changes.

suggestions on this ?

this thread was started for Brooklyn Jade (also known as Brooklynn Jade)
the only correct and working links are in posts 20, 69, 72, and 74

the thread was taken over by links for the other Brooklyn Jade whose thread is

can these 4 posts be removed from thread 90000 and merged with, the dead links before post 37 in thread 90000 removed, and the rest of thread 90000 merged with thread 382805 ?

I moved those 4 posts to 490383.

As for the rest, it was a hell of mess...

  1. I don't like deleting a whole bunch of link-posts from a thread as maybe (unlikely) they may start working again. So...
  2. I removed all the "bump" posts, useless comment posts, and duplicate posts.
  3. On the 90000 thread, I merged a lot of posts on the same member. EXAMPLE: Dimray has 10 posts (1 link each), they became 2 posts of 5 links each. A few posts ended up with 6, 7 or 8 links.
  4. I did the same thing as #3 with the 382805 thread.
  5. I merged the 90000 and 382805.

The end result of the 90000 and 382805 merge was a thread pared down from 140-something posts to 30 posts. I didn't delete any of the non-working links, so they're still there. If you want to go thru and check again, let me know and I'll delete those posts as now, there should be very few due to the post merges on each member.


I eat redheads for breakfast


Staff member
Re: Threads to merge and title changes.
