This is where we part ways....

I hold no moral judgement to this board or anybody on here. I'm saying this and posting it here for myself.

For many years I've been on this board and "curating" if you will, a few of my favorite threads here. But that is going to stop today and this will be my last post.

It is time for me to finally admit in public that I am a pornography addict, and I don't mean it in a good, fun way but in a "my life is ruined" kind of way. I've been this way since I was a teenager but once the internet hit it really accelerated.

I have conquered many addictions in my life, from cocaine, to cigarettes and I will tell you something: porn is the hardest thing to kick. It's a a mind virus. And if you've passed the point of no return (as I have), then there comes a point where you have to either kick it or lose everything.


Eventually, if you're using porn addictively, the following things will happen:

* you won't be able to relate to your partner, spouse, mate on any intimate level - and they will know it. My wife can only be described in one word: MILF. And for a time, she would indulge me in the types of things I am into on these boards. But eventually that stopped. She got sick of being objectified. She complained that's all I ever want to do. It made her feel devalued and cheapened and that's not how you're supposed to make your wife feel.
* it will take over your life, the number of hours in the day you lose to surfing porn will escalate and you will not be able to control it. My career has suffered. I used to be a rising star in my firm, but I'm off the promotion track because "my productivity has plummeted". I know why, and it's probably not as much of a secret around the shop as I delude myself into thinking.
* eventually, you will develop a sexual dysfunction such as premature ejaculation or impotence, imagine - you finally get some chick you fap to in these forums into a situation you've been craving your entire life and you either can't get it up or you blow so soon she laffs at you.
* it eats into your brain. You sexualize everything, every situation. I'm not some "new age" woowoo but it really does put out on honest-to-god "vibe" and you begin to exude it. In other words, you turn into a creep whether you know it or not.
* your self-esteem falls into the toilet because every morning you promise yourself you're not going to surf porn and get some shit done and by noon you've got some many tabs open in your browser your computer grinds to a halt. You have to leave *now* to pick up your kids from school and you can't... just one more click, one more thread, one more forum...and you're late again. Another commitment blown, another letdown.

I've tried to kick many times in the past, I've had other aliases on this board, I figure now I have to do something with some finality to it, so I can't come slinking back when the going gets tough.

So good bye. I don't begrudge anybody here. If you can look at hardcore pictures and not let it take over your life I'm happy for you. I can't, so it has to stop.

I'll leave you with one thought, somebody told me this back when I was a cokehead and it stuck with me: if you ever wonder if you have an addiction problem to (insert here: booze, coke, cigs, porn, aluminum foil) then the answer is "yes". Because people who can indulge in those things, people who are normal never ask themselves that question. Once you ask yourself that question it means you have a problem. The most undying wish of the addict is that he could partake in whatever monkey is on his back like "normal" people.

When I heard that it really bothered me because I was consumed with that desire. I still am.

I've kicked enough things in my life (and hit bottom enough times) to know when I'm at a crossroads and I have to take the correct path now.

IF YOU ARE YOUNG - and just starting your fascination with this stuff I will tell you something: this is a dead end road. You are far more likely to have a great, healthy hot sex life by staying away from this shit. If you're lonely, shy, find it hard to meet women I can save you a lifetime of trouble, this is what you do:

1) Learn how to dress.
2) Learn how to dance.
3) Learn how to cook.

And the magic bullet:

4) Get a cute dog.

You will have hot and cold running women through your life forever. And it will be the real deal. Not this fake mind wrecking illusion.

I wish you all well.

P.S for another take on porn addiction, one that might leave a smile on your face, see this:
You have a serious addiction problem, but I do not think that porn cause it.

I believe that Jesus could help you and when you know him he will set you free.


Woke up just now, one sock too many
Best of luck, but we all know you'll be back. One of us, one of us, one of us.... But if you can kick the habit, good for you. This board may be an enabling influence on your life, but it isn't your entire life.
Good luck to you, bimboholic :hatsoff:
Sounds to me like you've got your head on straight.
I can relate somewhat. While I'm not an addict I have often thought about all the time I've wasted surfing porn, and all that I could have accomplished with that time had I put it to better use.
I think your tips to youngsters who are headed down the road you've gone down are spot on.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I know, like many< if not most of us, how you feel. et your fatal look at the doom porn brings to your life, that is froma place which I don't share. I can tell, because I for one changed the way I live with porn.

Like you, I got into erotica and porn at a Young age. Like, you, the Internet changed the way I got into new kicks and always more and more feverpitch hot women and Scene after Scene with new highly addictive input. It got to a Point when I could click into most porn Videos, and tell the names of the men and women in it just from the look of the Body parts.

To me, it was great when I could become a moderator on FreeOnes, and do other Little Chores. Relating one on one with the women in the industry, even helping them out with some minor or nasty stuff - it changed me. Then I got demoted and later, I had to take a 1 1/2 year offline complketely. Much tine to think about my life and how I want to go on.

I came back a changed man, and I now can even part ways with my sometimes overangry side, creating "The Fly", a trollish, tongue-in-cheek Clown. That really did the trick for me. I still enjoy porn, and erotica, as there IS a difference. But I sure don't spend night after night downloading Terabytes of galleries and Scenes onto my harddrives or watch porn 24/7. It is just a nice way to spice up my life.

Oh, The Fly wants to say:

""bimboholic" - now THAT is a classy Name! You created a legend in the making ;)

I hope you will be good, and maybe come back a changed man, too!



Lord Dipstick
Meh, there could be a WHOLE LOT WORSE addictions out there.

Your not hurting anyone.

Man up and stop being a cunt, you like beautiful women ....big deal.
