This is so annoying...any other recent grads?

We bust our ass to get thru grad school only to finish and find that there are no jobs available. I am at my wits end here, I have spent so much money completing grad school...and now find employers want "experience" and not "theoretical" knowledge!


I've got a degree in psychology and I'm about to be a firefighter. Kinda makes me wonder why I went to school to begin with
haha i know the feeling. i have a degree in journalism and advertising, but i work at a hotel. patience is key i guess.
I was at the same point in 92' after college. The end of a recession. It is tough finding work now, let alone still having a job....
I have a BA in History and an MA in International Relations.

I cant find any such job. Even department stores arent hiring now!
If you have that kind of degree. Most people usually, find things that fasinate them. Since history and international relations are your subjects. You should become a treasure hunter, or exlore more into what you like about it. If you can get a job working as a History teacher, or a substitute and you can do something else on the side. There is alot you can do with a degree in History. Just not a lot of jobs hiring. Maybe you should go back to school.

I was looking into Cornell, but my heart isnt into study at the moment.

I need a job, and more importantly, I need some crazy chick to spice my life up. Post college, everything slows down. :(
You may be able to get located to where you can go to college and find a job into the same area. It may not be what you like to do but you can still get paid and go to school even if its just for a short period.
In Canada, it's not better. I have a BA in French Litterature and a MA in Cultural Anthropology. Besides some part-time teaching, there isnt much.

I seriously considered totally recycling and head into something like cheesemaker (artisanship job that is going well in Eastern Canada)...

...or get back for the PhD in English Litterature (hello Cormac McCarthy!) at McGill University in Montreal. I seriously have to upgrade my english writing skills before, of course.

But for now, im just sick-at-home for few more months so who know what i will decide. :dunno:

Aint it worrying when you have those kind of questions, you are single without children, part-time worker, at the venerable age of 38? :(
It could be, and is many cases it is. Being suitable is difficult when there are a lot of things to do. I don't even have a G.E.D, I got expelled from high school in the nineth grade and since then things have gone done as. They went down hill earlier then that but I was taught to regain my mind. Had to forget about the terrorist. Really, that's what they were if you look at it from my point of view. Although, through it all, I find, I don't need a G.E.D to have an education. At one time when I did study and was an active advid learner. I scored a 187 on an IQ exam, and near perfect score on my SAT. Till, I stepped out into the pubic eye, I couldn't think, There was noise and commotion everywhere I went. Although, I began clearning up a local bar at night it wasn't where I wanted to be. I became distracted, like I didn't even know who I was anymore. It's not like everyone elses story. I got offers from ITT tech, The Navy, It would of been nice to leave home. Most people don't even get the chance. I have tryed to share my thoughts and wisdom with others. They seem to lead themselves astray. It's okay, the world has changed. If I became more relevant, I would leave you asking questions. Therefore, school, is great, but education doesn't define a man, a man is defined by his character. Weather it be whatever it may be. You shouldn't judge a person. People judge themselves everyday. Doesn't mean they are insecure. It's just life.
If you have a 187 IQ there are special 'genius grants' you can apply for to conduct research into topics of your choice.

* They have an official title.
I don't even remember where I took the test. My computer crashed and I lost my information. I would get upset and forget everything. I remember the Navy saying something about that, but I needed so many hours of community service. Because I didn't have a G.E.D. Or, it was something other. Harvord sent me a Brochure. It was nice of them, some people didn't like that too much.
Man, if your IQ is so high get a diploma and then go to college. You'll be on the gifted program, geeky girls will fall all over you when you quote Byron to them.

My IQ is 140, measured in high school. Its way above average, but 187 puts you near Einstein. If its true, dont waste your potential.
I've taking other sites IQ test since then, but I was a slouch, it wasn't the offical IQ equivilency. It just makes me wondering, we faught for the freedom of speech. Not everybody is a lobbiest. People do try to cheer you up every once in a while.
dude i totally understand and that is my biggest concern is finding a job after i graduate from college, im leaning towards a history or pol. sci major but i dont see where i could find a job in either of those fields especially considering the current state of the economy...besides who will want to hire a 22 year old porn addict to talk about history or give an political opinion...paitence is a virtue and hopefully things can start turning around, good luck finding a job and happy holidays
You're me, except a little younger and still in college. Man, take it from engineering!

They have jobs thrown at them. Sure classes are full of men, boring and hard, but afterwards those guys have jobs.