Okay, I have one that truely botrhers me every so often if I see it. Some might agree with me and some may not get it, but to each there own. Here goes nothin':
Brown pubic/vaginal hair on a woman! Urgh. For example, I love French siren Liza Harper, but for the love of Christ, someone need's to tell the lovely madseille to shave that shit off, or to dye it a darker color, as absurd as that may sound.
Seriously, something about lite-brown and dark-brown colored pussy hairs all around a woman's uniquely smelling pink paradise is just an immdiately visual turn-off for me, and should be a major no no for the ladies.
Since I know many kind and sweet adult film stars (as I and many have talked to them) post here, should any of them read this thread for hints about they're scenes and over all demeanor and profession, please, if there are any ladies with nasty brown colored pubic hair, PLEASE for the life of you, shave that shit off regularly. These days' Walgreen's and CVS and other big Drug Stores are just right aorund the corner and sell many types of razors, ya know.
I am however, perfectly fine with nice black pubes on a woman, as well as fully shaved and red of course (c'mon my fellow Redhead lovers: That's how ya know she's a natural fire crotch

). Considering how overly long, unique and eccentric this very iteresting thread is, I would probably guess I'm not the only one in which brown hair, or too big of a Bush really bothers and disgusts me ...