There are a lot less pornstars around here lately.

Bree Olson

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Suprisingly since I started posting on here in December, I have only had one problem, and that was it. Everyone has been really nice, then again I respect others views and opinions. Just sayin...
I think that if its enjoyable for them to show up... they will. If its not , they won't.
Just sayin'
Tbh, the best thing for me about the MFOC has been the half dozen chicks I learned about that I'd like to go see dance at a club this year. It wasn't like we just voted and came away with nuthin'....

Just sayin'
Because Most get scared off by bloody sucking leaches that want everything for free and get pissy when they dont get enough... Just Sayin'
Hell I don't know why I keep coming here with all of you creepy ass pervs.:D Just sayin'.
They've abandoned us now that they don't have the incentive of getting our votes?!? Gee, whodda thunk? :rolleyes:

Just sayin'...


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I think you'll start seeing it pick up again soon. We have something that will make it interesting for them to come to the a lot of them are just busy right now. There's lots of shows they're going to as well as shoots.


persona non grata
I can´t say that i care if they´re here or not. There´s only a couple of them that have anything interesting to say anyway. The rest are obviously just here to spam their sites/get votes for various competitions.


Thanks a I am enjoying the happy fresh faces of international 20 somethings enjoying the closing ceremonies at the Olympics, and I clicked on that link...:throwup:
He's a pimp? I thought they were scary mean beat on people hooker herders...he's a pig, Hellraisin could kick his ass (maybe)...:crash:
As for the thread, Miss FreeOnes 2010, I still lurk there sometimes...more voting to come.
But...look what happened when Sparky put it out there...Boothbabe came along and gave her a raft of shit, as did that Pete Rose maroon...and Miss Hybrid got crap for being nominated for MOTW, and JaneB got trolled and harassed by ed007...we're lucky to have the few who post here still coming around.
Some lunatics think they are the reason the site exists...and who do these OCSMs think they are...?:rolleyes:

First things first, great thread. Rep to you. :glugglug:

Sometimes the truth hurts and some of the comments are very funny. :rofl:

I'll rep as many of you guys that deserve it as I can.
That's positive rep as I will "never" negative rep anybody or use my ignore list. It's not my style.

I like to think I'm a reasonably intelligent and respectful person so I'm not going to comment on Boothbabe and Pete Rose as I simply don't know enough about the situation to give an opinion. I hope they reply to Philbert.

However, I have read enough of Philbert's posts to know that quite often he simply doesn't know what he's talking about and since he mentioned my name I'm going to provide clear evidence for all to see later today.

I feel it is also necessary for me give my opinion on the Miss Hybrid situation so that will also follow shortly. :2 cents:


Oops! Philbert made me forget something...

Just sayin'
What the hell makes anybody think OCSMs are better than regular members?

Just sayin'


What the hell makes anybody think OCSMs are better than regular members?

Just sayin'

Well, grasshopper...let's think about this...
Web site created for the Adult Model and Film industry.
Content makes money for various people involved with the industry.
The OCSMs are the industry...
you are a dude who may or may not spend any money on some site or at a retailer...I do not (ostensibly) come here to read your words of puzzlement...I do come here to see (ostensibly) beautiful women naked and doing interesting things to other men and women.
FOs makes money many ways, advertising is only one avenue of are not a marketable commodity, however Nina, Vicky, Bree, etc, are part of a multi-billion Dollar industry.
Hmmm...who has infinitely more value on an Industry website?
I'll have to think about this...OK, I'm done...NOT YOU!

And also... Petra has made it clear in big words that hassling the OCSMs is a fact track to BYE-BYE...
Is any of this penetrating the fog...?

ed007, are you there? need to read this too...drop the drama and stop annoying the ladies.:nono:
What did I do? :dunno:

Just sayin'


@ Dr Phil

Who raised the Miss Hybrid situation in this thread?
You did. :rolleyes: FACT

I voted for Miss Hybrid and I'm glad she won MOTW but for me this was a very exceptional situation. Under normal circumstances I would have to agree with GregC. It's like putting a regular member of FreeOnes in the ring with Mike Tyson in his prime. How can that be a fair fight. :dunno:

I hope you understand, Dr Phil? No!! Well at least I tried. :rolleyes:

I'm a huge Miss Hybrid fan. She's a classy British lady. :D

Just sayin'


@ Dr Phil

Who raised the Miss Hybrid situation in this thread?
You did. :rolleyes: FACT

I voted for Miss Hybrid and I'm glad she won MOTW but for me this was a very exceptional situation. Under normal circumstances I would have to agree with GregC. It's like putting a regular member of FreeOnes in the ring with Mike Tyson in his prime. How can that be a fair fight. :dunno:

I hope you understand, Dr Phil? No!! Well at least I tried. :rolleyes:

I'm a huge Miss Hybrid fan. She's a classy British lady. :D

Just sayin'

You ain't just sayin''re lyin'...
I never made mention 1 of Miss Hybrid...that's another problem you created but I'm not started trolling JaneB, threatened her, and got pwnd by her. She has your number...
I'm sure you don't wanna admit any of that, so I copied a few posts from that exchange...

I can't wait to hear what Jane (butter wouldn't melt in her mouth) B has to say about this or will she choose to ignore it.

If you still don't understand what this saying means please find someone who can explain it to you. It's very important.


You seem to care a lot about what I think. I am not sure if that is good or bad.

I also suggest you get a life and not try to pick a fight with me. I am the wrong person to bother because I will tell you straight up to get bent.

Meaning of "butter wouldn't melt in her mouth" for those who do not know.
Prim and proper, with a cool demeanor
The allusion in this expression is to people who maintain such a cool demeanor that they don't even have the warmth to melt butter. This is an old phrase.
The phrase is usually used in a derogatory and critical sense and, in the past at least, was most often applied to women. Occasionally, it was used to denote a quiet meekness and sweetness of temper rather than emotional coldness.

I'm always interested to know what people who claim to speak their minds have to say, especially if they have inside knowledge of the Miss FreeOnes competition.

No comment on what Vicky Vette had to say I notice. Why am I not surprised.
Well to be fair maybe you haven't got round to that yet so we'll see.

What is the world cumming to when a woman threatens to cut another girl with a knife?

No you want to start a lot of drama because you need a hobby or a life. You seem to want to pit the ladies against each other and that is just lame on your part.

I have no issue with what Vicky said. Vicky has been a target on here many times. People have come right out and said some mean things to her. I don't think Nikki was even talking about Vikki. Nikki was just speaking her mind.


You started this. I just want people to speak their minds and not keeping switching opinions with the wind. Careful JaneB, you are not in my league.


You did with your lame claim of someone knocking your posting down on purpose. You made that claim earlier in the thread. No one is so bored they will go out of their way to knock down your postings. Sorry hun, but you are not that important.

I am way above your league. Have been and always will be.

How can you know if my claim is lame when you don't know the incident I'm was talking about? You have no facts to back your point.

It is easy to tell. You are a drama queen. You want to see people fight and then when I call you on it, you try and play the victim.

If you think anyone would knock your postings lower on purpose then you have issues. No on would do that. They are just posting, not going out of their way to target you.
She has you logged and classified!:rofl:
Then you sent me a long PM with some posts you made on some subject...get this and hold it close...NO ONE CARES.
It's BS soap opera crap...I don't care.
I do resent your messing with JaneB and any other OCSM we have who posts a lot and is as cool as she is.
All you trolls messing with OCSMs will most likely be here a very short time...
That's a good thing.
Well, there's less of them around here because hopefully they're busy doing new material and I DO HOPE that they come here and let us know about it, you know, free publicity!

....just sayin'