I can´t say that i care if they´re here or not. There´s only a couple of them that have anything interesting to say anyway. The rest are obviously just here to spam their sites/get votes for various competitions.
That's a fair point in my opinion but I don't totally
agree. We all got our reasons for being here and if
some OCSMs are just here to spam their sites/get votes
for various competitions I don’t have any problem with
that. Under the rules I think they have the right to
promote themselves up to a point and it’s part of their
job. Just like Nike advertising on TV.
Personally I'm glad most of them are here and I'd like to
see more contributing. However, the most important thing
is they must be respectful of other OCSMs and the regular
members and clearly some of them are not.
They are in a privileged position where some members will believe everything they say whether it’s true or false so it is even more important to ensure they do not abuse their privileges. :2 cents:
That's how it's supposed to work. If you disagree with someone you politely voice your opinion as I have done. Note I did not make any accusations against Patrick_S.
@ Dr Phil
Who raised the JaneB situation in this thread and mentioned my name?
You did. FACT
If anyone has started drama in this thread it is clearly you.
It was JaneB who started the disagreement in the Miss FO thread. FACT
What Philbert and JaneB have to realize is you have every right to give your opinion about anything I have said. I welcome everyone to do that. But you do not have the right to throw direct accusations at me without providing evidence. If Philbert or JaneB make a direct accusation against me I have the right to defend myself and ask for evidence.
I have never sworn at anyone in this board.
I have never attacked anyone in this board.
I have never threatened anyone in the board
Philbert and JaneB, make sure you get your facts straight.
This is a polite warning. :nono: It is not a threat or an attack.
I have challenged JaneB several times to admit she can't prove her accusation and to admit she was wrong to try and use me as a pawn in her disagreement with another OCSM.
Philbert, You Might be surprised to hear that not all the OCSMs get along and some are just plain not nice.
JaneB said:Yes she did threaten to cut the other girl with a knife. Now I know who not to ever piss off. I will send you a message and tell you who it was. I think your posting will piss off some people, but I don't think they will threaten you. You spoke your mind and you were not rude about it.
I spoke my mind and I was not rude. :dunno: Hypocrisy comes to mind.
Yes JaneB knows what really goes on between these ladies in adult entertainment. JaneB knows they are not all as nice as Philbert thinks. :2 cents:
I'll post my full account later today.
Just sayin'