Jag, see "gradualism", please! The same thing is going on with respect to our Second Amendment rights... Aren't there something like 10,000+ laws (both federal and within the 50 states) pertaining to firearms and ammunition etc. ?
Sure is! Whiny about some bullshit "war on Christmas" conspiracy.
That's like being a "former" alcoholic. Once you are one, you are one. And what does Robert Byrd have to do with any of this (other than the fact that he was a bigoted racist southern redneck just like Duke?)? I'd put him in the same boat with an asshole like Duke except for one thing....he's dead.
Much ado about nothing!
Uhm... Christmas is the celebration of Christ's birth, not his crucifixion.
Porn nation?
How many times is 'Porn' mentioned in the US Constitution (the supreme law of the nation)?
What is the reason our forefathers included this reference 'X' number of times?
2 + 2 = 4
2 + 2 does not equal 3, as Liberals would have you to believe.
^I'd say that guy commenting on this probably is vehemently opposed to inter racial marriage and even marriage between sects of Christianity. Catholics and Protestants. So what makes him any different? Don't get me wrong I hate the state of Israel but for real reasons but I am hardly going to go mental because some Jew boys are hardcore radicals. Every race has derogatory terms for the other races as well so goyim doesn't bother me.
As for the war on christmas it would not be possible if the Christian Europeans weren't really deep down atheist.