The Walking Dead on AMC

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
They said who it was in the last phone call. I thought they said Dale.

Pretty popular? Yea, it is pretty popular. It set a new ratings record for a basic tv drama with a 10.9 share.

Just found out that Tyreese is closer to being cast, if not cast already. Chad Coleman (who did the voice of Coach from Left 4 Dead 2) and was in the Wire, is supposed to be playing him. I'm stoked, Tyreese is my third fav character after Rick and Glenn.

Anyone who watched the most recent episode, do you think the male voice was Shane on the phone other than the female voice? (In case people haven't watched it yet) That is almost taken word for word from the comic book. Next time I have time to watch it, I'm gonna have the comic book out and look at the dialogue. I know from memory it is 95% similar.
Oh, I didn't catch that it was Dale, I know it was Lori for most of it though.

Yea, after Lori's death Rick gets really sick in the comic book (I think an infection in his hand from not getting any anesthetic from it being chopped off, and not getting enough food or water) and is in a house with Carl. They are there for many days, where Carl almost shoots Rick, thinking that Rick turned into a zombie. Once Rick gets better, he starts hearing this phone ring. The phone calls last more than just a couple hours of time, they last for many days. It is all in Rick's head though, it is his way of coping with Lori's and the baby's death in the comic book. Of course in the Tv show, it is different. Lori is (spoilers) dead, where the baby is (spoilers) still alive.

Tyreese has been confirmed into the TV show. He will debut in Episode 8, the episode before the show goes on a mid-season break. Then they are coming back with the last 7 episodes of the season. I am not sure of the dates yet though.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Seems like quite a few fans displayed their anger at the show for the (almost) rape scene with Maggie and the Governator. Even Chris Hardwick, the Talking Dead show host, said he was upset by it. Uh, it's a TV show! Why are people getting upset about that scene... in a show that has all manner of extreme violence and depravity???

You really have to give this show credit for being edgy though. That scene was pretty hardcore and outside of HBO, I don't think any other network would have gone there. Great show! Expect the unexpected.
Yeah, in the comics, the Governor rapes and beats Michonne every single day until she escapes and blow torches him and cuts off his hand and staples his dick to a board. I think some kind of reckoning between Daryl and his brother is coming. I hope they don't kill both of them off, but that's the sense that I'm getting.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I've never read the comic book. Is Daryl (or his brother) even a character in the comic book?

BTW, I'm still waiting on the guy and his son from season 1(?) to make a comeback, or for there to at least be some kind of update on what happened to them. I think his name was Morgan. He was the one where his zombie wife mysteriously returned to the family home while they were hiding inside... giving a slight indication that maybe zombies do have some retained memories.

I'm really not into zombie or vampire movies or shows. But this show is damn good! It's gotten a hell of a lot better over the past two seasons IMO.
Yeah, in the comics, the Governor rapes and beats Michonne every single day until she escapes and blow torches him and cuts off his hand and staples his dick to a board. I think some kind of reckoning between Daryl and his brother is coming. I hope they don't kill both of them off, but that's the sense that I'm getting.

I did not know about stapling his dick to a board, but she cuts off part of his right arm, and then plucks out his eye with a spoon.

No, Darryl and his brother are not in the comic book. They never go to the CDC to find out about everyone being infected either. Tyreese's daughter and her boyfriend kill themselves, but come back as walkers. After this, Rick realizes that Shane was killed by Carl (Shane was trying to lure Rick into the woods to kill him, Carl noticed this so he shot Shane in the neck, causing him to bleed out and die) and that he might be a walker as well. Rick goes on a solo mission to find Shane, digs his body up, and Shane has re-animated into a zombie. Rick then kills zombie Shane, and realizes through all three deaths that everyone carries the virus.

I'm stoked my third fav character is finally in the show. Tyreese is a badass in the comic book, and i'm glad they have him with his hammer (he gets swarmed by a hundred zombies or so, with only the hammer. Everyone thinks he is dead, but he comes back, after having cleared out the zombies) because that is very iconic for his character, a lot like Michonne and her sword.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Yeah, seeing Tyreese in the last episode was great.
They stopped at a time full of suspense, that is for sure. It will be interesting to see how the battle of the brothers ends up.
It was cool to see The Governor get the glass in his eye. Whenever I picture The Governor of the comics, I picture the madman with the eye patch.
Yea that is how I see the governor as well.

Since Tyreese is now at the prison, and I hope that he stays, in the comic book he starts relationships with two of the female cast members. I wonder if they will go that route, because the end of one of the relationships causes one of the women to let a group of zombies devour her. The other girl stays with Tyreese, she also noticed him from his football days which was way before the zombie outbreak occured.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Hey, the guy who plays Tyreese played one of my favorite characters on The Wire! I think his character's name was Cutty on there. I like that guy! Last night's episode was excellent. And it was pretty cool that they had the co-creator of Lost, Damon Lindelof, on The Talking Dead. It was cool how he poked fun at himself ("glad to be on the couch where I can't fuck up the ending," or words to that effect) and I liked how he gave his opinions on how these characters have developed. I didn't like The Talking Dead at first. But now I'm glad to hear that it's going to be an hour long show when the series comes back in February(?).

I really hope this show keeps developing and stays popular - I hope it doesn't jump the shark anytime soon. Now that Boss has been canceled by Starz :)noway: :thefinger) and Breaking Bad is going off the air next year, I just won't have much in the way of good, quality TV to watch after about July of next year.
Well, we know that Daryl will make it out somehow, as he appeared in the second-half season preview ... :facepalm:

I think Merle will make it out alive as well. Glenn is pointing his gun and yelling at someone, and so far the only person he has a beef with is Merle for what he did to him when he was captured.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I try to avoid the previews for this show as they tend to be major spoilers for upcoming episodes/seasons.
Best season so far. Season one was too short, season two spent too much time on the Sophia story line, season three went straight to the good stuff and its been really exciting. I think its genious how they started the governor as a guy who isnt completely evil, but is a strange guy, to say the least, when the woodbury population isnt watching him. Now theyre going to transition him to the comic book governor who is evil and sadistic. If one of my trusted friends failed on an assasination mission, lied to me about it than that target came back to poje my eye out, id feed him to the angry mob too.
PjPenny the reason why season one was so short, is because no one knew how well the show would be recieved and if it was just those 6 episodes, then that was gonna be it if nobody liked the show. Thankfully people seem to like it and now it broke records for a basic cable tv drama in the rating department between males 18-40.
Only ever watched one episode and kinda of confused myself on it as I watched an episode half way through the second season. I hear it is on par with Breaking Bad which is a class programme so maybe one day I will sit down and watch it asI am sure I have the first series lying around somewhere.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Only ever watched one episode and kinda of confused myself on it as I watched an episode half way through the second season. I hear it is on par with Breaking Bad which is a class programme so maybe one day I will sit down and watch it asI am sure I have the first series lying around somewhere.

As the seasons progress, it gets better & better. I'm not quite ready to compare it to Breaking Bad (or The Wire) yet. But it is a very good show. I think the writing this year was a world better than any previous season.
well we're at midseason. I'm kinda baffled at what will happen to Daryl & Merle. Glad to see Tyrone showed up with his hammer.

Do you think Carol is a gonner by the end of the season? Glad the govern-ator's got his eye patch.
@Wolverine, his name isn't Tyrone, it is Tyreese.

Since Tyreese is in the show now, he has relationships with two of the female cast members. So to answer you question, if they go the comic book route Carol (she is one of them) will survive until she does something to herself when she finds out about Tyreese and the other female cast member who have started a relationship. If you would like to know who I'm talking about, let me know and I will post who it is.