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For the record, I read every last word. Luckily each post had only one last word, so I read all three words.
For the record, I read every last word. Luckily each post had only one last word, so I read all three words.
:1orglaugh :rofl: Well if there is indeed a post police, Davey gets my vote!
For the record, I read every last word. Luckily each post had only one last word, so I read all three words.
Post-modern philosophy bores me. Baudrillard can bitch and moan all day about what's wrong...and that's all it is, bitching. His agenda is more than clear, if you read America.
i wouldn't expect a different reaction from someone who dreams of a threesome with plato and machiavelli. but anyway, post-modernism is a label baudrillard rejects as applicable to his writing, and i agree with him that the term is somewhat useless. i wouldn't call it bitching, i'd call it interesting and inspiring critique from a non-orthodox perspective that seeks a radical reversal and disconnection from globalization. too much to handle for chomskyists? I've read America, and while i don't find it to be one of his best books, i do agree with this reviewer from amazon.com who said, "america as what it is, "the spectacle", a mediated and wholly illusory paradise where the secret party line, "all is well, all is well", is frantically perpetuated by tv and magazines. scary and absolutely accurate."
Thought you were leaving us porn addicts to our trivial discussions? For someone who constantly posts about how ignorant we are, you sure do like to engage us in discussion. Until Baudrillard stops making up historical "facts" to suit his argument, I won't be taking him seriously. He's nothing more than a nihilist dressed up in fancy clothes. It's also too bad that Chomsky said back in the 1970s what it took Baudrillard until 1987 to figure out.![]()
well, you took the time to make a somewhat coherent reply unlike the others who couldn't even muster the energy or interest to read more than a few words or lines. it appears you have at least read one of baudrillard's books, if not the actual article i posted, so i feel it's right to reply to you. please provide evidence baudrillard made up any historical facts. i'd really like to see it, but i have a suspicion you are all talk and can't back up what you say or engage in serious discussion. "nihilist in fancy clothes." well, i don't know about the fancy clothes part, but yes, he is a nihilist of sorts, although that word has been defined different ways and applied to different people, so like post-modernism, i find it somewhat useless. and to compare baudrillard to chomsky is laughable. baudrillard has been writing since the late 1960's and has bestowed infinitely more wisdom upon the world then chomsky the democrat. even in america, i find baudrillard's insights deeper and more original than chomsky's tired old rhetoric about reforming technology to make it warm and fuzzy. Symbolic Exchange and Death blows out of the water anything Chomsky ever wrote. i don't expect you to agree or to even intelligently respond. you seem like a somewhat close minded person.
Some writers in their manner and stance intentionally provoke challenge and criticism from their readers. Others just invite you to think. Baudrillard's hyperprose demands only that you grunt wide-eyed or bewildered assent. He yearns to have intellectual influence, but must fend off any serious analysis of his own writing, remaining free to leap from one bombastic assertion to the next, no matter how brazen. Your place is simply to buy his books, adopt his jargon, and drop his name wherever possible.
You seem to be confusing having an opinion with being close-minded. Basically what you're implying is that if I don't agree with your opinion, I must be close-minded...because you're always right. Correct?
First, Baudrillard has consistently proven himself unable to give a systemic analysis of his key works. In other words, he can't define his own vocabulary without contradicting himself. Thus, nobody can argue with him. Second, he assumes nothing else in society matters except the experience of watching a screen, which is an utterly ludicrous and elitist assumption. Third, his books use overblown style and hyperbole, rather than real substance, to whip his followers into a frenzy. He's deliberately obscure, in order to mask the fact there's no substance behind the majority of his claims. Fourth, if you and Baudrillard are nihilists, I guess there's really no point to this conversation. Nihilism is the weakest philosophical stance possible.
Denis Dutton sums up my feelings on Baudrillard rather nicely:
quite ridiculous assesment. doesn't deal at all with content or specifics. just generalized denunciations that probably show an underlying timidity in dealing with intellectual heretics. i'm familiar with critics of baudrillard, and they tend to be a sad lot indeed. usually they are either trying to hopelessly defend marxism in some variety which baudrillard threw to the gutter with Mirror of Production, or they are just snotty little creeps who defend the global technological system and probably said the same disparaging things about heidegger and nietzsche. common "analytical" reaction to "absurdist continental" traditions.
how many of baudrillard's books have you actually read? and can you please tell me which ones? and did you bother reading the article i posted? and can you please provide some specific criticism of the article? otherwise, you are just a lame parrot for the anti-baudrillard witch-hunt.
Nope, sorry. I've stated my opinion, and I'm not wasting anymore time arguing with you. It's more than obvious you're the type of person Denis Dutton was referring to when he wrote that quote (which you conveniently ignored, because it was a little too close to the truth). If you want to go on arguing with yourself, feel free. But since you've made hateful comments about everyone on the board, I doubt anybody else is going to engage you in discussion. As I said before, anyone who doesn't agree 100% with your assessment is "close-minded". You don't want an intellectual debate, you want everyone to get on their knees and fellate Baudrillard's elitist ideas. Quite frankly, you bore me and your choice of texts bores me even more.![]()
thanks everyone, except for calpoon, for confirming how full of idiots the world is. have fun with your porn addiction and trivial discussions about who should be the next president. :thefinger
I don't have a porn addiction, and I don't really care about presidential elections.
You know what, I have a good idea for you. Next time you decide to spew out a shit load of "intellectual" garbage; HAVE A POINT. It makes it so much more interesting for everyone else.
you didn't even read it you dickwad. how could you call it "garbage"? the point was for you to read it and if you feel like posting a comment in reply to the article, then great. you obviously have more important things to do like designing "hip" rhino pictures to go alone with your "virtual identity."
Actually, dickwad, I eventually got round to reading it. I got half way through and concluded that it was infact pointless and boring. And all it proved is that you know how to use the copy and paste button, so weelllllll fucking done. I'd send you a gold star if I hadn't run out. I used up the last of them on a dog I saw that could walk on it's hind legs. Far more impressive than what you have accomplished here.
When did anyone say having a signature is important? Because I certainly fucking didn't.
And you know what? My virtual identity could kick your virtual identities ass any day.
So here, sit on it.