The United Nations Agenda for World Government: A New World Order

In this speech given in Memphis, Tennessee, The New American magazine's foreign correspondent Alex Newman exposes the real agenda of the United Nations: a totalitarian New World Order. Alex explains the history of the UN, how it is attacking America, its tyrannical vision of an NWO global government, and what we can do to stop it. Don't miss this!


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
The United Nations want all of you to move into The Shire, into Hobbit Hole Houses.

I sided with the Saruman Section in time. Last Jour Fixe, I got an okay to fill you in on this here exclusively.

If you accept the White Wizard as your master, too, your future will be way brighter.
How long have we been hearing about the NWO and the threat of a Global Government that would destroy the nations and enslave Humanity for their profit ? And still, we remain free, our countries remain.
But, for some reason, a handfull of dumbasses still think it's gonna happen (or that's it is happening now and we have to fight it). The truth is their are the ones moving a secret agenda, they are the ones who are being mind-controled by lobbies who benefit from their naivety.


Hiliary 2020
There are billions of us on the planet.
It cant be done overnight but it is happening.
Destabilize the Middle East and Africa, rape their resources, install a puppet leader and a private central bank- Check.
Destabilze Europe with mass immigration.
Use the USA as the Worlds Attack Dog.
Take over the ENTIRE world media and impliment a propaganda agenda that would make Goebbels drool with envy.
Censure everything that exposes or even questions it.
Check Check Check Check Check.

Thats just some of the basics. Its pretty clear at this point there is an "NWO" agenda.

Its something that takes time.

See people think that all the turmoil and misery in the world is "Just the way it is".
Can't do nothin about it.
But if you follow the source to the root of the problems its always the same culprits.
The worlds elite, the richest of the rich.
I viewed the video and I am in shock.... How far will people to go to propagate their stupid agenda. People are trying to make the UN look like a communist agenda. How dumb is that.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
How long have we been hearing about the NWO and the threat of a Global Government that would destroy the nations and enslave Humanity for their profit ? And still, we remain free, our countries remain.
But, for some reason, a handfull of dumbasses still think it's gonna happen (or that's it is happening now and we have to fight it). The truth is their are the ones moving a secret agenda, they are the ones who are being mind-controled by lobbies who benefit from their naivety.

Johan, this has been going on for decades, for some, generations. Too much information. Scenarios that have come into play. Everything is lining up for the masses to be controlled. Puppets put into place by the money machine. All of the handwriting on the walls. All documented

The solution is out there and can now be spread through our new communications technology. The definitive voice for our future existence to thwart this threat needs to be heard from now. Who is this voice and when will they begin to lead us? Why haven't they come out by now? Time is against us and we need to build the solution now. Why is this leadership hiding instead of leading? Someone has to have names to help us through these times.