The Ultimate Finale

I know there are some UFC fans out there, and the finale of The Ultimate Fighter is tonight. What are your predictions as to who will be awarded the contracts?

I think that, in the the light heavyweight division, it will be Mike (English guy) over Josh (blue hair guy), and in the other division (is it welterweight?) I think Kendal (tall Hawiian guy) wil beat Ed (read headed idiot guy). I haven't seen anything out of Ed that backs up anything he's said, and in both of Kendal's fights, he's pressed the action pretty well in my opinion.
Tito Ortz will say some cocky shit.
Ken shamrock will have a stupid look on his smashed in face.
Other than that it's anybody's guess.
I've actually gained a lot of respect for Tito from this show. I used to thing he was nothing more than a cocky prick, but I really respect the way he's coached his team.
Mike / kendal :2 cents:
Well, didn't get as many predictions as I...well, predicted I would. I can't believe they gave read head Ed a contract after he lost. I can't stand that guy. I hope they pair him again Diego Sanchez right out of the gate. Diego will crush him. I would have liked to see Josh get a contract as much heart as he showed, but that's how it goes I guess.
maybe im crazy but perhaps at the very beginning of the broadcast they showed Britney Skye in the audience for about 8 seconds

she looked fucking hot

but i love the UFC and the only fight i predicted wrong was the sam stout fight, i slept on kenFlo, but damn if this weight class isnt where he should be
Oh yeah! I meant to bring that up about Britney Skye being shown there. I thought it was Jenna Jameson at first, but recognized her before she was off camera. Not too surprising really. This sport draws a lot of celebrities.
ufc is alright but alot of their fights put my to sleep ,u guys should really swith over to pride fc
speaking of which.... anybody see UFC 61?

it was alright... the highlight of the night in my mind was the announcement of Lidell v. Silva if lidell succesfully defends his title at UFC 62
I think liddell is going to destroy silva i almost cant watch it . Then tito wants to fight up to chuck also its gonna be bad for tito:2 cents: :thumbsup:
ufc 61 is one of the worst ppv i have ever seen only good thing about it was the announcement of liddell vs silva
Silva is the dark skinned Brazilian guy that fought Tim Silvia right? When he fought Silvia, he didn't look like he had a lot of weight to lose to go down to 205.
Big P13 said:
Silva is the dark skinned Brazilian guy that fought Tim Silvia right? When he fought Silvia, he didn't look like he had a lot of weight to lose to go down to 205.
thats was ausserio silva . chuck is fighting wanderlei silva