The Tyranny of Guilt

from those reviews, it sounds as tho the essential message of the book is, as a country, own up to your fuck ups, fix them, and move on...that's a message politics/politicians in general needs take heed of, too much time is spent rehashing the past instead of moving toward the future

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Hey, my family came over as indentured servants. Do I get reparations too?
Many leftists that I've met are

Pro islamist, pro Taliban, pro AQ
Blame us for 9/11 or
Say we perpetrated the attack on ourselves
Pro Palestinian to the point of being anti-semitic
Blame the US for any overseas event including those of natural causes....Pakistan's floods and Global Warming.
Blame Somalia's troubles including piracy on US/European policy
Pro Iran's mullah regime

and so on and so forth.

I know very few people that are like that. If that's true and your not just spouting crap, which I think it is a possibility, then your view of reality is highly distorted by a small number of fringe people you have been exposed to.

Then again with you and from what I have seen you state on this board in the past I wouldn't be surprised if you where warping somebody's views that don't agree with yours as being for for those kinds of people or things in a "either your with my or your with the enemy" mindset when it isn't true or at least what they think is much more complicated than that.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Many leftists that I've met are

Pro islamist, pro Taliban, pro AQ
Blame us for 9/11 or
Say we perpetrated the attack on ourselves
Pro Palestinian to the point of being anti-semitic
Blame the US for any overseas event including those of natural causes....Pakistan's floods and Global Warming.
Blame Somalia's troubles including piracy on US/European policy
Pro Iran's mullah regime

and so on and so forth.

This is not a list of what the left thinks. This is a list of what the right incorrectly thinks the left thinks.

All the people on the left I know hate the Taliban. To the left the Taliban are much like the Religious Right in the USA. They are both composed of zealots who think their God is better than any other God, and want to convert everybody to the truth as they see it.

Those of Islam faith who strap bombs to their bodies are extremely dangerous individuals. However, I feel that any religious fanatic has a much higher potential to become a dangerous individual than a normal person. I honestly believe that we are only a few decades from suicide bombings by christian nutjobs.
I honestly believe that we are only a few decades from suicide bombings by christian nutjobs.

The only ones who celebrate death/martydom/suicide are muslim generally.

Awfully similar to Shinto Japan in WWII.
The only ones who celebrate death/martydom/suicide are muslim generally.

Fwiw - it would be a value shared by any ideology that espouses an afterlife. The rationale for suicide is generally adopted by those with little recourse/power in the present day (leaving no other option but to value extreme)


My Penis Is Dancing!
The only ones who celebrate death/martydom/suicide are muslim generally.

Awfully similar to Shinto Japan in WWII.

So your proof that the only ones who celebrate death are Islams is to name another group of people who did the same?
So your proof that the only ones who celebrate death are Islams is to name another group of people who did the same?

I asked for facts twice, and got none. This entire thread is lacking in anything concrete. It's full of destructive hypotheses that no one can or will even try to prove.

I sure wish the same energy would be put into saying positive things about the people running the country.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
I'm pro-Taliban.

Hi. :wave2:

But I'm not a leftist, that could be our first stumbling block....

I'm afraid I must regretfully inform you that I am an officer of the law and You have about five minutes to get a good alibi *cough*bribe*cough* ready before I interview you regarding the death of a member of the British intelligence *stifles laughter* services...

But as concerns this article; note that we have a FRENCH guy writing about what the BRITISH think?
Britain is a tiny little Island and doesn't think like the rest of Europe, so how can the French guy tell us what the British think?
After all even if he COULD do that, he'd have nothing to say...
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I'm afraid I must regretfully inform you that I am an officer of the law and You have about five minutes to get a good alibi *cough*bribe*cough* ready before I interview you regarding the death of a member of the British intelligence *stifles laughter* services...

Ooooh this is getting pornographic all of a sudden, I like it!

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Wow, this thread is a gigantic, bubbling cesspool of fail.
So your proof that the only ones who celebrate death are Islams is to name another group of people who did the same?

No Muslims have proven to celebrate death as did the Japanese.

Christianity believes in an afterlife but you don't see Christians blowing up buildings or crashing planes full of people into them or strapping explosives to themselves and killing a few dozen people in a cafe.

Muslims (Hamas and Hezbollah) incite their kids to murder Jews. Madrassas do the same.

Last time I checked North Florida Christian School didn't have classes telling the schoolkids to murder Jews, Muslims etc.

Islam has a problem. The Left has a problem aiding Islamists.

Pascal's book is an interesting indictment to the mindset of the Left and it's lovefest with self hate and it's brown nosing of Islamists.:hatsoff:
No Muslims have proven to celebrate death as did the Japanese.

Christianity believes in an afterlife but you don't see Christians blowing up buildings or crashing planes full of people into them or strapping explosives to themselves and killing a few dozen people in a cafe.

Muslims (Hamas and Hezbollah) incite their kids to murder Jews. Madrassas do the same.

Last time I checked North Florida Christian School didn't have classes telling the schoolkids to murder Jews, Muslims etc.

Islam has a problem. The Left has a problem aiding Islamists.

Pascal's book is an interesting indictment to the mindset of the Left and it's lovefest with self hate and it's brown nosing of Islamists.:hatsoff:


Some Christian terrorists kill just as many innocent people as Muslim terrorists. Then the government and the police cover it up. :mad:

I'll bet a $1 this news story didn't get much coverage in good old U.S. of A :2 cents:
Christianity believes in an afterlife but you don't see Christians blowing up buildings or crashing planes full of people into them or strapping explosives to themselves and killing a few dozen people in a cafe.:
Try your thesis out on society were christianity wasn't a hegemony. You're comparing apples to acorns and declaring "aha!" (And of course, raping babies doesn't qualify as being bad...)

Take a look at times in history where christianity wasn't the hegomon and see if their belief made it easier to choose death over life.

Just because people point out flaws/hypocisy in christianity doesn't make them 'librl" sympathizers of islam. This simpleton rhetoric used to support black/white good/bad false dichotomies is juvenile.
This simpleton rhetoric used to support black/white good/bad false dichotomies is juvenile.

Only because you disagree. Call it whatever you like.
I've presented more than merely replying "Simpleton rhetoric".

The fact remains Leftists side with Islamists. Whether you personally do is moot.
The fact remains Leftists side with Islamists. Whether you personally do is moot.

Where are these facts of which you speak?

Do you mean that "leftists" on the whole tend to question the reasons behind the attacks and/or hatred directed towards the west by this small number of radicals rather than just accepting the white hat/black hat split mentality that is seemingly more apparent in the mindset of those on the "right"? If this is indeed the case then this entire notion of "siding" with the Islamists as you put it is complete bunk. How in your estimation is it "siding" with someone to question and come to the conclusion - in looking at all the relevant information - as many have that it was the growing distaste for the west and its dealings within the middle east that was a direct cause for the growing hatred and indeed the attacks that occurred? How is criticism in and of itself siding with another group?

If this is of course not what you're implying then please, I would like you to show me the evidence that the majority of leftists have come out whether vocally or in some other form and sided with the "Islamists."