The truth is the first casualty of War

I read it. And this quote at the end just summed up why it does NOT represent what any American I know thinks!
"There is no major figure in American political life who has been willing to raise the issue of the legitimate needs of the Palestinian people, or even talk about them as human beings,"
Honestly, I do NOT know of a single American who thinks that way! Most Americans talk about how the actions of both sides have killed so many Palestinians as well as Lebanese.
indeed, I recently heard someone say that its just as easy to drill through glass as it is through sand - as a way of saying nuke'm....



Staff member
Perhaps having Saddam at power was a better option according to you?:scream: Doing nothing againts dictatorships and terrorists like Clinton did is far to be the best option. Laxism/latitudnarianism never helps in a war.
How do you know what Republicans and people of the military can think? According to your thoughts and unproven facts? Because Democrats under Clinton weren't selfish? What is the problem exactly to attain objectives when it comes to kill terrorists or getting rid of rogue regimes? Since when efficiency is the problem?
Perhaps you should ask yourself wether North Korea or/and Iran won't throw a bomb on us. But it is too much asked for you. Instead of whining constantly on Bush, you should whine on the former Clinton administration that was at the presidency in the USA that forced Israel to made more than a lot of compromises for nothing good and with no warranties of real peace.
The UN is shit it has proved its uncompetence in Liban in 1982, in Somalia in 1996 and in Bosnia in 1999. How many times will I have to repeat that? The UN forces are unable and won't be able to deal with fanatics. About Kofi Annan, there is no reason to trust him.
Like I said before you don't win a war in 2 days, a war is generally long and it is over the long run that a war is won.
********** said:
I know there are a lot of different Republicans with different opinions but it tends to be Republicans that think we should just "kill em all" and accuse democrats of being too soft or humanitarian

I say KILL 'EM ALL!!! j/k ;)

Seriously, I really don't think the "kill 'em all" phrase is limited to just Americans, republicans, or whoever. That is really something everyone says in some form, everywhere, about some group they hate. I'm sure there is some guy in India saying that about the Pakistani people right now even.

And speaking of hating republicans fox, there might just be a shake up in Washington come this fall. The polls are showing it at the moment anyway. We shall see. (Sorry, stretching. What was this thread about again?)
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KungFuDude said:

I say KILL 'EM ALL!!! j/k ;)

Seriously, I really don't think the "kill 'em all" phrase is limited to just Americans, republicans, or whoever. That is really something everyone says in some form, everywhere, about some group they hate. I'm sure there is some guy in India saying that about the Pakistani people right now even.

And speaking of hating republicans fox, there might just be a shake up in Washington come this fall. The polls are showing it at the moment anyway. We shall see. (Sorry, stretching. What was this thread about again?)
we will see about the republican shake up. i hope you are right. nothing worse than the rich helping the rich stay rich.


Staff member
It is not with hillary clinton or kerry that will you see democrats at the presidency, don't dream about it. The Democrats have no valuable candidate.
Mc Cain has a lot of potential to be president.
georges said:
It is not with hillary clinton or kerry that will you see democrats at the presidency, don't dream about it. The Democrats have no valuable candidate.
Mc Cain has a lot of potential to be president.
they do now. it is me. too bad ive been a drug user in the past. i can fix this situation everywhere usa is involved. let the other countries police themselves. thats why everybody hates usa. off topic i know. im just saying i can be an option for president.
georges said:
It is not with hillary clinton or kerry that will you see democrats at the presidency, don't dream about it. The Democrats have no valuable candidate.
Mc Cain has a lot of potential to be president.

I agree georges about the presidency. The democrats haven't brought forth anybody yet who I believe deserves to run our country and I will vote for McCain if he runs. He would make a strong leader and will work well with the democrats (and the world for that matter ), IMHO. I was upset 8 years ago when baby Bush entered the race and got the nod over McCain, simply because of his name. Oh well.

But I really meant the democrats might retake congress this fall. It's a long shot, but right now the poll numbers are suggesting a slight nod towards an overthrow in all the districts combined. The overthrow of Lieberman recently ( a prominent democrat) by angry democrat voters, seemed like a blow to the democrats at first, but it might be a sign of what Washington hasn't seen coming yet, a lot of angry voters towards war supporters. Lieberman was a staunch supporter of the war, and he is really the first casualty. Seems there may be a few more on the horizon. According to the numbers anyway. Registered republicans seem to be leaning that way as well.
********** said:
Of course you're going to choose McCain, guys, wouldn't you choose anyone running against a Democrat? Or are you one of that small minority of swing voters who don't stay loyal to one party no matter what... I respect that, that's cool, either way.

First off, I'm no republican, but I wanted McCain to get the republican nomination 6 years ago, because he impressed me the most of all the candidates, even more so than the democrat candidates did. I would've voted for him then, and I will still vote for him now. Baby Bush was not cut out for the job of President in my eyes 6 years ago. His name got him the nomination and his name/party/big brother/daddy/Supreme Court got him elected. That 2000 election still pisses me off to this day. It's amazing how blase we have become in this country, that we could just sit back and let those idiots hijack our electoral process and not do anything to change it either.

Second, I will NEVER vote for Hillary. And for the same reason I never voted for Baby Bush. These political dynasties must end. Even if Orrin-fucking-Hatch gets the republican nomination, and if he is running against Hillary, I will vote for Orrin-fucking-Hatch and I hate Orrin-fucking-Hatch!!! Can we PLEASE get some new blood in there?
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mccain, thats the governor of arizona right? he is a good one. he should run for president again. i would vote for him, if thats the same guy we are talking about.


Staff member
Better to vote Mc Cain than for the wife of a liar under oath who did and does nothing for the New York. None likes far leftists that much. Here is my message to Hillary She is more a communist in a closet than something else and being a Kofi Annan ass kisser is being the lamest thing a person can ever be. She belives in utopias and irrealisable like her husband did and this is because of him that most of the troubles that Israel suffers when he forced Israel to make concessions during Oslo Talks that had never guaranteed Israel a serious and stable peace.
It is under Clinton's presidency again that an Ambassy in Nairobi was bombed, the USS Cole was bombed and the first attack against the WTC happened. For some people those are details but not for the majority of the people.
I hate Hillary as much as I hate Bill Clinton. Hillary is far to be the best candidate Democrats have.
yes i agree with you fox, but the little paper i like to call the constitution gets in the way. just like court, it can be manipulated. yes gore recieved more votes, but what has to change is the electoral votes. some states get more points than others. thats what has to change. bush did do one good thing though. he took down saddam. our generations musselini. however you spell his name. i wont compare him to the other guy involved in ww2. i will never mention that fucks name.
all right. here is the truth. bush has a contract with the defense department. his lies make him and his family money. period.
Definitely, that ballot was messed up in Florida. If memory serves correctly, Pat Buchannan's name was right next to Bush's in the staggered voting boxes, and many people got confused by which box to punch. Many people accidentally voted for Bush...should of been a re-vote. Then they managed to not count all of the absentee ballots from overseas somehow. Then they went through all that nonsense with Supreme Court.

In the end the State of Florida was decided by less than 100 votes! Un-fucking-believable! That was the first election I ever voted for President in and it was tainted by the corrupt bastards! Of course the republicans, who won that out-of-date-electoral-college election, didn't bother to introduce an amendment to abolish the electoral college afterwards. Why should they...they used it to win.
i agree fox, but its the truth. that piece of paper, no matter how many rights it gives us, it must be changed. immediatly. i love that paper. but its not worth it. things have to change if usa is going to survive the next fifty years.