The Trump Presidency

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I have an aunt named Agnes who lives in Greensburg, Kentucky. Basically been poor all her life. Because of Obamacare, she was able to afford false teeth for the first time in about a decade. Shit, I've never seen a woman so proud of her teeth in all my life. She hates Obama and voted for Trump.

Can't wait to call her up and laugh in her stupid fucking face when they gut the ACA.
People are so low-informed. I wouldn't even be surprised to learn that the famous Obama-phone woman voted for Trump
I have an aunt named Agnes who lives in Greensburg, Kentucky. Basically been poor all her life. Because of Obamacare, she was able to afford false teeth for the first time in about a decade. Shit, I've never seen a woman so proud of her teeth in all my life. She hates Obama and voted for Trump.

Can't wait to call her up and laugh in her stupid fucking face when they gut the ACA.

That's because she lives in a state that either expanded Medicaid or she was getting it to start with because of her financial status. You couldn't help her afford some dental work but you are going to taunt her when she loses her healthcare?

You are a piece of shit.
That's because she lives in a state that either expanded Medicaid or she was getting it to start with because of her financial status. You couldn't help her afford some dental work but you are going to taunt her when she loses her healthcare?

You are a piece of shit.

They expanded it because of Obamacare, it's called Kynect...which is being torn apart now by Republican Governor Matt Bevin...whom she also voted for.

She's a moron (like you) who votes against her own self-interests because of "culture war" issues. She deserves ridicule. Fuck off, Nazi.
They expanded it because of Obamacare, it's called Kynect...which is being torn apart now by Republican Governor Matt Bevin...whom she also voted for.

She's a moron (like you) who votes against her own self-interests because of "culture war" issues. She deserves ridicule. Fuck off, Nazi.

No motherfucker, I vote in my self interest. Lower taxes, private property rights and keeping third worlders the fuck out of this country that don't want to assimilate but live off of the government teat and get healthcare that some of us taxpayers can't get.

The culture war being waged is by those that seek to fundamentally transform this country into a balkanized multi cultural hell hole.

Enjoy your government cheese bitch
No motherfucker, I vote in my self interest. Lower taxes, private property rights and keeping third worlders the fuck out of this country that don't want to assimilate but live off of the government teat and get healthcare that some of us taxpayers can't get.

The culture war being waged is by those that seek to fundamentally transform this country into a balkanized multi cultural hell hole.

Enjoy your government cheese bitch

"Motherfucker"...haha, salty little bitch. "Third worlders"'re so goddamn stupid it's not even worth conversing with you. If you can't afford healthcare, I'm fairly certain you're in a tax bracket that didn't have his taxes raised by Obama. Your taxes will be cut, however, by the Trump administration...if you're rich...which means you could top notch afford health care in the first other words, not you. But keep hoping for that trickle down you brainwashed fool.

Yes, culture wars. I'm sure when family members in rural areas say "Democrats are the party of the ni**ers", they're really voting on private property rights.
"Motherfucker"...haha, salty little bitch. "Third worlders"'re so goddamn stupid it's not even worth conversing with you. If you can't afford healthcare, I'm fairly certain you're in a tax bracket that didn't have his taxes raised by Obama. Your taxes will be cut, however, by the Trump administration...if you're rich...which means you could top notch afford health care in the first other words, not you. But keep hoping for that trickle down you brainwashed fool.

Yes, culture wars. I'm sure when family members in rural areas say "Democrats are the party of the ni**ers", they're really voting on private property rights.

You sure seem familiar with the language people use in rural areas. I bet ni**er rolls off of your tongue with ease.

Even the people that can participate in the ACA aren't doing it in enough numbers to make the damn thing work.

The only thing that is happening is that the poorest of the poor are getting Medicaid through expansion and those that have to have coverage are paying through the nose for it.

Guarantee you live in a blue state that has expanded Medicaid and that is how you get your coverage.

You were more than likely a healthcare deadbeat before Obamacare..
Then that leaves millions now dropping their coverage because they can't fucking afford it.

Your aunt's healthcare issues are one thing and her economic status might be because of many factors and no one has the right to speculate on.

But you saying you will taunt her because she votes a certain way that you don't agree with is none of your damn business.

I am going to change my earlier assessment of you. You're not only a piece of shit, but also dumber than a bag of hammers.
You sure seem familiar with the language people use in rural areas. I bet ni**er rolls off of your tongue with ease.

Even the people that can participate in the ACA aren't doing it in enough numbers to make the damn thing work.

The only thing that is happening is that the poorest of the poor are getting Medicaid through expansion and those that have to have coverage are paying through the nose for it.

Guarantee you live in a blue state that has expanded Medicaid and that is how you get your coverage.

You were more than likely a healthcare deadbeat before Obamacare..
Then that leaves millions now dropping their coverage because they can't fucking afford it.

Your aunt's healthcare issues are one thing and her economic status might be because of many factors and no one has the right to speculate on.

But you saying you will taunt her because she votes a certain way that you don't agree with is none of your damn business.

I am going to change my earlier assessment of you. You're not only a piece of shit, but also dumber than a bag of hammers.

Kentucky is a blue state? I now live in Lexington, but I know the language of rural areas BECAUSE I FUCKING LIVED THERE. Unlike you, I actually KNOW how and why these people vote the way they do. They don't really know the first fucking thing about taxes, only the basic "they're too high" bullshit that Republicans have been feeding them for decades.

There is literally ZERO chance she or virtually anyone down there would vote for a "Commie, anti-American, Negro lover" (Democrat) no matter their circumstance. There's a reason only one Democrat, Jimmy Carter, has swept the south since the Civil Rights Movement. And even then, Carter was about as southern as a person could be - from rural Georgia, religious, moderate peanut farmer - who barely won despite Watergate and Ford being so stupid he didn't understand the extent of Soviet involvement in Eastern Europe.

Can you figure out why Republicans are putting a 3-4 year wait on truly gutting Obamacare? Because a funny thing happens when people who previously didn't receive healthcare now have it...turns out THEY LIKE IT. Conservatives don't want to risk taking away millions of people's (legitimate citizens, not "third wordlers" or whatever the fuck...) healthcare and being punished in the elections.

It's the exact same way Republicans called Medicare "unconstitutional" and "socialist" upon it's installment, but have backpedaled, stalled, and parsed language ever since because the elderly people who vote for them love it. Now they will repeal it and blame Democrats for "breaking" it, despite the fact that it would be fully funded without any changes up to 2037, and even then around 80% after.

You want your taxes lowered? Cut defense spending. We already have far and away enough weaponry to more than adequately defend ourselves and even destroy the planet many, many times over. I'd rather poor people receive healthcare than buy another aircraft carrier we don't need.

You're on a porn forum, a form of entertainment conservatives have tried to stifle for decades, and you call me dumber than a bag of hammers? Don't bother replying, I won't read it.
Kentucky is a blue state? I now live in Lexington, but I know the language of rural areas BECAUSE I FUCKING LIVED THERE. Unlike you, I actually KNOW how and why these people vote the way they do. [/]They don't really know the first fucking thing about taxes, only the basic "they're too high" bullshit that Republicans have been feeding them for decades.

There is literally ZERO chance she or virtually anyone down there would vote for a "Commie, anti-American, Negro lover" (Democrat) no matter their circumstance. There's a reason only one Democrat, Jimmy Carter, has swept the south since the Civil Rights Movement. And even then, Carter was about as southern as a person could be - from rural Georgia, religious, moderate peanut farmer - who barely won despite Watergate and Ford being so stupid he didn't understand the extent of Soviet involvement in Eastern Europe.

Can you figure out why Republicans are putting a 3-4 year wait on truly gutting Obamacare? Because a funny thing happens when people who previously didn't receive healthcare now have it...turns out THEY LIKE IT. Conservatives don't want to risk taking away millions of people's (legitimate citizens, not "third wordlers" or whatever the fuck...) healthcare and being punished in the elections.

It's the exact same way Republicans called Medicare "unconstitutional" and "socialist" upon it's installment, but have backpedaled, stalled, and parsed language ever since because the elderly people who vote for them love it. Now they will repeal it and blame Democrats for "breaking" it, despite the fact that it would be fully funded without any changes up to 2037, and even then around 80% after.

You want your taxes lowered? Cut defense spending. We already have far and away enough weaponry to more than adequately defend ourselves and even destroy the planet many, many times over. I'd rather poor people receive healthcare than buy another aircraft carrier we don't need.

You're on a porn forum, a form of entertainment conservatives have tried to stifle for decades, and you call me dumber than a bag of hammers? Don't bother replying, I won't read it.

I live in the south too. I have witnessed Democrats rule the state legislature for my entire life up until 4 years is only now have we finally turned billions in deficit into billions in surplus. We also didn't expand Medicaid in this state and people are receiving care, because we all pay for it one way or another. The illegals get all the healthcare their little hearts desire.

You ridicule your aunt for voting against her interests when it is really the monolithic black voting base voting against theirs just to make sure they did what their masters on the Democrat plantation tell them to do.

What is your aunt supposed to do? Turn it down?

As for Republicans calling Medicare unconstitutional, check your history son, it was Democrats not Republicans bitching and moaning about it. The same old Democrats that were Dixiecrats.

They are taking 3 years to replace because they don't have the balls to simply repeal and let the free market replace, they want
to attach their names to the replacement.

I am no establishment apologist.

Lower taxes through cuts in the military? We've already depleted our military to 50 year lows.

Because you have zero knowledge of a defense budget you spout off clueless shit like that.

Hey dumbfuck! The healthcare you are whining about is not mandated by the constitution ( since you know so much about it) but defense is.
Actually I am in a politics discussion forum and that is where most of my activity on this board occurs. 30 years after Reagan and Meese porn is more available than ever. Bang up job those conservatives did in restricting it to the black market.

Sure you'll read this because like all statists, not only are you intellectually challenged you are also a liar.
the only thing the dems can do is urge trump to have the us print its own money- like jfk and Lincoln wanted to do
5 days in and look what our president is doing. A presidency in light speed. And Rahm, you can wipe that smirk off your face when the Illinois National Guard has been federalized and keeping order in Chicago neighborhoods where you failed to. The wall is being built, sanctuary cities are on notice and all other kinds of goodness. Dat Dow tho.



Mass resignations at state department.

Scientists now planning an anti drumpf march.

Public employees resisting bullshit gag order to tweet truth.

drumpf still hasn't given up control of his companies. Didn't you guarantee that would be done by the 20th, BC?

Who is paying for the wall again? Because I heard it was "definitely not Mexico".

And nothing screams success story like a 1 week old president rolling out the national guard against citizens!

The great orange clown is doing a bang up job!
Mass resignations at state department.

Scientists now planning an anti drumpf march.

Public employees resisting bullshit gag order to tweet truth.

drumpf still hasn't given up control of his companies. Didn't you guarantee that would be done by the 20th, BC?

Who is paying for the wall again? Because I heard it was "definitely not Mexico".

And nothing screams success story like a 1 week old president rolling out the national guard against citizens!

The great orange clown is doing a bang up job!

These are some of the positions leaving:
The officials who manage the building and thousands of overseas diplomatic posts are charged with taking care of Americans overseas and protecting U.S. diplomats risking their lives abroad.
Yes please stay., they did such a bang up job protecting diplomats overseas.

Just like the DOJ, there are hangers on that stay on during a new administration. Former AG Gonzalez fired deputy AG's and it became a big deal. Bush kept them on as an olive branch after the ugly election of 2000 but because they were undermining the administration they were eventually let go.

These state dept people are much the same. It is good they resigned so that they weren't fired.

This was a planned walkout, good riddance.

Trump has resigned from the Trump Organization en todo.

His holdings have not been placed in a trust because to liquidate real estate holdings, it would require a sale or another investor.

He's under no obligation to do so.

Ah yes, the scientist march.

I am sure they are predominantly conservative scientists.


My god you're a simpleton.


Hiliary 2020
If he tries, he will also fall to the same fate.
Corporations control the government and the economy.

We may see the walls completion in our lifetimes. :brick:

Well regarding printing our own government backed currency as is our right and not toilet paper money printed by the Federal Reserve at interest.
That is not an example of a corporation. That is the Central Bank.
Who owns it? Rothschilds, Rockafellers? both?
But they control most of the worlds money supply.
Its a system set up so the debt keeps growing. It can never be paid off. Mathematically impossible.
Basically enslaves the world.

But your right if Trump made a move to stop using the federal reserve he would most likely die.
Look at Libya as a recent example. Gadaffi had started and bank system for all of Africa and the middle east.
A currency backed by actual wealth.
Then all of a sudden the UN and the US reign a carnage on the Libyan people like the world has never seen.
Killing civillians by the tens of thousands everyday. Carpet Bombing their beautiful country with probably the most humane government ever into dust and rubble. Then handing it to the bearded mercenaries to continue the killing and raping.

No more Bank of Africa.
If they'll do that to millions of innocent humans to avoid losing their stranglehold, taking out Trump would be childs play.


Hiliary 2020
Yeah I got a problem with Trump today.
What he said could be very revealing about whats in his head. So I'm concerned.
He Twitted on his Tweeter today " Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who should never have been released from prison, is now calling President Obama a weak leader. Terrible!

So he's pissed because Manning called Barry a weak leader?
Really Trump? Haven't you said the same A MILLION TIMES?

And he claims Manning should continue to rot in jail.
Well Manning was convicted of Aiding the Enemy".
But what he actually did was expose Government lies to the people. War crimes like torture and intentionally targeting civilians including children and killing them, and corruption.
He did that through wikileaks. The same wikileaks that helped greatly Trump getting elected by exposing GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION.
WTF Trump?

I thought Trump was all about draining the swamp?
I thought Trump was about government transparency and cleaning it up?

What he said has me very concerned.
No. Trump was trolling Obama because he commutes Manning's sentence and Manning still talked smack about him.

He was emphasizing what a bonehead move the commutation was.
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