Kentucky is a blue state? I now live in Lexington, but I know the language of rural areas BECAUSE I FUCKING LIVED THERE. Unlike you, I actually KNOW how and why these people vote the way they do. [/]They don't really know the first fucking thing about taxes, only the basic "they're too high" bullshit that Republicans have been feeding them for decades.
There is literally ZERO chance she or virtually anyone down there would vote for a "Commie, anti-American, Negro lover" (Democrat) no matter their circumstance. There's a reason only one Democrat, Jimmy Carter, has swept the south since the Civil Rights Movement. And even then, Carter was about as southern as a person could be - from rural Georgia, religious, moderate peanut farmer - who barely won despite Watergate and Ford being so stupid he didn't understand the extent of Soviet involvement in Eastern Europe.
Can you figure out why Republicans are putting a 3-4 year wait on truly gutting Obamacare? Because a funny thing happens when people who previously didn't receive healthcare now have it...turns out THEY LIKE IT. Conservatives don't want to risk taking away millions of people's (legitimate citizens, not "third wordlers" or whatever the fuck...) healthcare and being punished in the elections.
It's the exact same way Republicans called Medicare "unconstitutional" and "socialist" upon it's installment, but have backpedaled, stalled, and parsed language ever since because the elderly people who vote for them love it. Now they will repeal it and blame Democrats for "breaking" it, despite the fact that it would be fully funded without any changes up to 2037, and even then around 80% after.
You want your taxes lowered? Cut defense spending. We already have far and away enough weaponry to more than adequately defend ourselves and even destroy the planet many, many times over. I'd rather poor people receive healthcare than buy another aircraft carrier we don't need.
You're on a porn forum, a form of entertainment conservatives have tried to stifle for decades, and you call me dumber than a bag of hammers? Don't bother replying, I won't read it.