The Trump Presidency

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Hiliary 2020
Leaning Mr. P's way, but I could go either way on this one.
Could just be more Trump angst (in the form of trolling) about having smaller inaugurations (and MUCH smaller hands) than Obama ;)
I imagine The Donald will clarify soon.

thanks for considering it bodes.
I think I got it now.
It's simple. Trump fell for Fake News.
Most likely from FOX.
Manning didn't even say that but FOX said he did.
I think what we have here is an example of Trump simply repeating what he heard on the news.
He's really got to stop that shit now. Some things are a little more complicated than can be explained in a fucking one sentence tweet.
Cut it out Trump. We need a PREZ who is a awake.

btw i miswrote earlier. Manning was charged with aiding the enemy but convicted of leaking classified documents.
35 years in jail.
Upon further research I just found this guy HA Goodman's short vid. Seems he agrees with me.
Thanks HA.


Hiliary 2020
Well, all of that was on Obama's watch. Trump was most certainly trolling Obama.


one username wrote, "I believe Trump was trolling to get MSM to agree with Manning and, in effect, critique Obama".

yeah maybe. I don't think so but if so that would be impressive.

You re right fer sure about On Obama's watch.
Still can't figure out that last minute pardon.
one username wrote, "I believe Trump was trolling to get MSM to agree with Manning and, in effect, critique Obama".

yeah maybe. I don't think so but if so that would be impressive.

Impressive how? In terms of proving how childish he is? That he's going to obsess over Obama for years?

From all indications the Obama's were extremely gracious to Mr and Mrs Trump in the transition period leading up to and including inauguration day. Obama's immediate words to Trump upon the execution of his inaugural speech were "good work".
Is Trump really SUCH a baby he can't rise above whatever terse words they may have exchanged during the campaign and start acting like a president, rather than a troll?

I'm gonna hope Trump was actually sincere in what he tweeted - that he finds it reprehensible she would in any way be disrespectful to the man who saved her ass. That would be an entirely reasonable, mature reaction to the situation.
If it's the other scenario it will do nothing but add to my concern that the CIC is essentially an out of control child.

can't figure out that last minute pardon.

My guess is it was intended to put the squeeze on Assange - who as we may all recall is 1) a bail jumper 2) an alleged rapist who fled interrogation and settled himself into 3) the embassy of a third world banana republic where according to US intelligence sources he 4) was complicit with the Russian government in strategically releasing information intended to damage the chances of one of the US candidates for president. As I recall Assange promised to accept extradition to the US if Manning was granted clemency. Guess we'll find out if he's a man of his word now.
The idiot is Trump

I mean, these guys have worked for both Republicans AND Democrats, they served their country whoever the President or the Secretary of State was. Thse people were real american patriots who put their country before their political views. But stiil, they've been all fired.
Trump picked a Secretary of State with 0 experience about foreign policy and then cleaned the State Departement from all its Foreign Service senior officers.

You might say he's gonna replace them with people who will do a better job but this is not the kind of profile you can find in the private sector, it's not gonna be easy to replace them, it will take time before you got a fully functionning State Departement.
With DAECH, Putin, North Korea, etc. I don't think it's the right moment to make drastic changes to the State Departement, to have an unexperienced State Secretary running a Department full of people that panicking after they've seen all the senior officers fired at once less than a week after the president took office...
The idiot is Trump

I mean, these guys have worked for both Republicans AND Democrats, they served their country whoever the President or the Secretary of State was. Thse people were real american patriots who put their country before their political views. But stiil, they've been all fired.
Trump picked a Secretary of State with 0 experience about foreign policy and then cleaned the State Departement from all its Foreign Service senior officers.

You might say he's gonna replace them with people who will do a better job but this is not the kind of profile you can find in the private sector, it's not gonna be easy to replace them, it will take time before you got a fully functionning State Departement.
With DAECH, Putin, North Korea, etc. I don't think it's the right moment to make drastic changes to the State Departement, to have an unexperienced State Secretary running a Department full of people that panicking after they've seen all the senior officers fired at once less than a week after the president took office...

Yeah, just like the "experienced" U.S. Border Patrol Chief that Trump launched yesterday. Total hack and the U.S. Border Patrol agents wanted him gone.
The positions are filled with the approval of the president and they serve at the pleasure of the president.

I think a guy like Tillerson, who BTW was endorsed and recommended by James Baker and Condileeza Rice and who ran and hired people for one of the largest companies in the world can fill those positions with "team players" that won't try and undermine the new administration.

You have your own election to worry about in about 4 months.

Trump is gonna have your heads exploding by summer.



Hiliary 2020
Impressive how? In terms of proving how childish he is? That he's going to obsess over Obama for years?

From all indications the Obama's were extremely gracious to Mr and Mrs Trump in the transition period leading up to and including inauguration day. Obama's immediate words to Trump upon the execution of his inaugural speech were "good work".
Is Trump really SUCH a baby he can't rise above whatever terse words they may have exchanged during the campaign and start acting like a president, rather than a troll?

I'm gonna hope Trump was actually sincere in what he tweeted - that he finds it reprehensible she would in any way be disrespectful to the man who saved her ass. That would be an entirely reasonable, mature reaction to the situation.
If it's the other scenario it will do nothing but add to my concern that the CIC is essentially an out of control child.

My guess is it was intended to put the squeeze on Assange - who as we may all recall is 1) a bail jumper 2) an alleged rapist who fled interrogation and settled himself into 3) the embassy of a third world banana republic where according to US intelligence sources he 4) was complicit with the Russian government in strategically releasing information intended to damage the chances of one of the US candidates for president. As I recall Assange promised to accept extradition to the US if Manning was granted clemency. Guess we'll find out if he's a man of his word now.
Well if it was a "troll" move I would agree with that.
I don't think it was. I think he was just repeating FOX.
Manning? Well first I don't know how if the guys in jail he has so much access to the press.
But I agree he should keep his mouth shut. Then again he's been locked up for 6 years and that can't do wonders for your mental stability.
So yes, Manning should keep quiet, Trump should check his tweeters. Man I hate saying Tweet.

The other part. I agree that is the most obvious reason Barry would pardon Manning, to get to Assange.
The accusations though. Rapist, conspiring with Russia to affect the US election.
I don't believe that because I don't believe the source.
I do think Assange did time the wiki releases to hurt Hiliary.
And I consider that a service to humanity worldwide.
Its not like he put fake stuff out there. Nobody denies the emails are real because they are.
The People deserve to know this stuff by any means.

The Government works for us, not the other way around.
If they are lying,, cheating, stealing, abusing , murdering, ect ect we deserve to know.
And with a media that works side by side with the US GOV as a propaganda device having something like wikileaks is a blessing.

Then again the whole thing could be a show.

Oh and Ecuador?
What is 3rd world?
At least there people are happy. There are a lot of things better in that country than the USA.
Many things. We are the Banana Republic.
I'm watching President Trump's press conference with Prime Minister May. I'm calling it now - Donald Trump will be one of the greatest and most successful presidents in this nation's history, certainly the greatest in my lifetime. Moreso than Ronaldus Maximus. Reagan was still a politician.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I'm watching President Trump's press conference with Prime Minister May. I'm calling it now - Donald Trump will be one of the greatest and most successful presidents in this nation's history, certainly the greatest in my lifetime. Moreso than Ronaldus Maximus. Reagan was still a politician.

I hope so. I've abandoned any attempt at following politics, criticizing policy, or second guessing the people currently in power. Foolish on my part, perhaps, but makes the concern, at least my concern, about fake news a moot point.


Hiliary 2020
This is actually very big news.
Our Friends at the Federal Reserve money cartel are talking about raising interest rates.
Nothing like stalling an economic growth than doing this.
Bill Still is an expert on this. Please watch this short video from Jan. 26th.

They want to hurt Trumps Presidency and we are just pawns. Less than pawns.
Why do we use this system?
I'm watching President Trump's press conference with Prime Minister May. I'm calling it now - Donald Trump will be one of the greatest and most successful presidents in this nation's history, certainly the greatest in my lifetime. Moreso than Ronaldus Maximus. Reagan was still a politician.

Wow LSD must be cheap in your home town.

Reagan was a criminal and a terrible president.


Hiliary 2020
actually I have no memory of Reagan. I was 4 when he left office. But in hindsight he's fucking awesome.

Reagans presidency ended the day he got shot by Hinckley whose family were good friends with the Bushes.
What a coincidence.
After that it was Bush who was the real PREZ. Reagan might as well had been a Hologram for the rest of the 80's.

Anyway. Looks like the Federal Reserve is gonna fuck us all over.
Reagans presidency ended the day he got shot by Hinckley whose family were good friends with the Bushes.
What a coincidence.
After that it was Bush who was the real PREZ. Reagan might as well had been a Hologram for the rest of the 80's.

Anyway. Looks like the Federal Reserve is gonna fuck us all over.

So you don't believe that Reagan was a literal hologram for the rest of the 80's? Prove that he wasn't.

I'm still not convinced the real hillary lost the election.
Not you Xman.

Trump has to watch his rhetoric right now. He has to have a cooperative Obama administration during the transition. He's not going to be attacking them right now. He'll be back to the old Trump once Dems start attacking him. Which should be around noon January 21st.
Dat prediction tho.


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
This is actually very big news.
Our Friends at the Federal Reserve money cartel are talking about raising interest rates.
Nothing like stalling an economic growth than doing this.
Bill Still is an expert on this. Please watch this short video from Jan. 26th.

They want to hurt Trumps Presidency and we are just pawns. Less than pawns.
Why do we use this system?

The Bank got all the angles covered.
actually I have no memory of Reagan. I was 4 when he left office. But in hindsight he's fucking awesome.

and LSD? let's do the time warp again.

I was there the man sold drugs to his own people to finance a covert war.
And you can stick trickle down economics up your cold dead ass Ronnie.


Hiliary 2020
The Bank got all the angles covered.
Thanks bct for seeing that.
You are exactly correct. This Federal Reserve threat is a big deal. They can make it that no matter what Trump does the economy will not get better or even get worse.

he sold drugs to his own people? who were his own people? cause we're talking racial politics here. and was this before or after he was a hologram?

Yes he did. The 80's crack epidemic, you remember.
Once upon a time the people of the US were very worried about a cold war with RUSSIA (DA DA DAAAA!)
While they were distracted watching movies like Red Dawn and Rocky IV and Nicolai Volkoff and The Iron Sheik on WWF , and listening to Sting who had recently gone solo, some men came up with a plan.
They would trade weapons with a group called The Contras down in Nicaragua in exchange for cocaine.
They would also sell weapons to Iran and use the money to buy even more cocaine.
Now this cocaine wasn't the high end stuff that was coming from Pablo in Colombia. That was mostly going to the Yuppies in CA, NYC, and Miami.
But this Nicaraguan stuff made great crack!
Before they knew it they had so much coke coming in and so much money that they needed a place to put it all.
A nice central location would be best.
So they found this young Governor of a State located on the westside of the southeast of the country.
Just east of Oklahoma and just West of Tennessee. Below Missouri and above Louisiana I think it was
Not only were he a his wife corrupt as hell but he was a real cokehead too.
So they shipped it all into that state and distributed to the major cities where thanks to science it became crack.
In no time millions of people became addicts.

But the press of the time found out and it became a scandal.
Thankfully a young Colonel came forth and took the blame. He said he did it to help the Contras fight the evil Russian backed Sandinistas down in Nicaragua. He did it for his country. He did it for FREEDOM, but most of all he did it on his own.
But he couldn't remember much more and unfortunatly any paper trail was accidentally shredded by his seceratary.
Everybody got away with it and got very rich too. Millions of lives were ruined by the crack and that young colonel who took the blame?
Why he works for FOX News now.
As far as the fate of that young Governor and his wife who's state was used as the hub for all this cocaine one knows.
No one knows.
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