The Trump Presidency

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I haven't read one post in this thread, but if the vibe is anythig like the rest of social media, it's liberals screaming "see, I told you, he's a fake, a fraud, is out for himself" and such and such.

And I will respond the way I have responded elsewhere: he didn't "fool" me, as the major biggest reason that scared me to the polls was the Supreme Court, and since he showed his hand (list) before the election, I'm confident that issue will be honored by the man.

A few first observations on the Trump transition, though:

Good: I love the fact that he has put people like Sessions and Bannon in positions. I never even knew what the "alt-right" was until like a week ago, and I definitely fit the description - Bannon is a great choice, as is Sessions, since it rubs the hard left so wrong.

I like the fact that most of his picks have been white males since the government has made it a literal objective to discriminate against that group; the barking from the Left about "his picks aren't diverse enough" are music to my ears. FUCK YOU, I say.

Bad: I don't like the fact he has made up with a piece of trash like Mitt Romney; Mitt was a "Never Trumper" asshole and gutless bitch who should not be rewarded by anything . I don't like that Trump is walking back on deportations, but I don't know if I ever thought he could do it any way.

I think if he gives Border Patrol and ICE more leverage in general and at least puts something up down there on the border I could live with it.

As I said a dozen times before though our Supreme Court will be at least secured for the foreseeable future, so I can rest a bit at least on that.
Fuck Romney.
The way he went against Trump. Same goes for Cruz.
There is no place for either of them.
Romney is from the same mold as Clinton and Bush, just not as extreme.

Sessions is a pretty good choice.

I agree. As I said above, Romney was a gutless snake and I think he's more detestable than liberals in that regard.

Trump defrauded over 5.000 students, at $35.000 each.
That is $175.000 million
He settled for $25 million, and walked away with $150 million.
That is your crooked president

Nobody gives a shit. Move along now..


Fair point. Do you think it is on the level that will break their will? I think a huge part of what happened on Nov. 8th was the perception that they are running rough shod through the middle east and the next stop is America.

I'm with you, I don't want to be in a massive ground war again either. ISIS are unusual as I think while they are formidable, they lack a certain degree of authentic military strategy
I believe we can take them out without a full on commitment of our military personnel. We just need to clamp down on them more than what the current president is willing to do.

Use small tactical nukes. Like Trump said "what's the point of having nuclear bombs if we don't use them".
There are hundreds of billions worth of weapons just rusting. It's time to use them all on ISIS so the weapons manufacturer corporations can make a shit load more, at 1000% profit, paid by tax dollars. It will boost the economy and get everyone back to work. Non-stop continuous war is a win-win for everyone. Praise the lord and pass the nuclear detonator.
Lets go Jihad on their ISIS asses. Allah Akbar motherfuckers!!!


So? I remember a time when politicians used to actually have jobs. I'm sick and tired of the media's bs about Trump and his business.

Because it's illegal according to the constitution...maybe Trump will amend that part so he can keep his day job.




Kellyanne Conway would make a better president than Trump.
Trump should make her Press Secretary or some other top level position.
If she runs for office in 4 or 8 years, she could possibly be the first female president.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman

I like this one better-

Kellyanne Conway
Trump should make her Press Secretary or some other top level position.
If she runs for office in 4 or 8 years, she could possibly be the first female president.

Disagree. To me she's just a craggy looking sun damaged Stepford robot.

I've gone from I'm really glad he won to I'm really starting to like this guy.

Make America great again. On Thanksgiving. Before he even takes office.

I've gone from I'm really glad he won to I'm really starting to like this guy.

Make America great again. On Thanksgiving. Before he even takes office.

He's not a Democrat or a Republican. He's gonna do some things that will make me ecstatic and he's going to do some things that piss me off.

The heavy lifting like SCOTUS he should be solid..
He has one Never Trumper in Nikki Haley on board (I can't stand her) we don't need anymore.

Mitt needs to ride off into the sunset, that fucking weasel.
He's not a Democrat or a Republican. He's gonna do some things that will make me ecstatic and he's going to do some things that piss me off.

The heavy lifting like SCOTUS he should be solid..
He has one Never Trumper in Nikki Haley on board (I can't stand her) we don't need anymore.

Mitt needs to ride off into the sunset, that fucking weasel.

He's neither.

You dumbshits who wanted an independent president. You got it.

This guy beat the democrats AND the republicans.

You so called "non-ideological" types should be thrilled with this guy (Trump) and see past the touchy-feely stuff college students are in tears and therapy over. Think Game of Thrones. Not one of these people are perfect.

I've been under no illusion that Trump is some kind of conservative. His waving the bible around that his mother gave him for the Iowa voters only reinforced that. But as I quote (daily it seems) that sage Thomas Sowell: compared to what?

Like Reagan, I think Trump is gonna fucking awesome for America though there are some things I don't agree with Reagan on (Osirak 1980).


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Bronze Member
Fascinating how Trump is already milking the office he yet does not officially have for his and his families' personal gains and pushing foreign diplomats to spnd money by staying in his hotels, plus taking money from the Secret Service who has to rent rooms in his hotels, you might think that the US citizens among you might feel some shame about this scheme that is forming.
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