The Trump Presidency

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angrier? see the song in my sig (before I change it). that sums it up.

Don't allow our hatred for idiots like mongo ever be confused as anger.

It could be raining tax cuts and I would still hate motherfuckers like him.

But as for my mood, I'm pretty fucking happy with the way things have gone for the past 2 weeks :D
Oh no! bc doesn't like me!

I know you don't like me, because republicans hate intelligence. You've gotten pretty far through life trying to convince people that your hateful ignorance comes from an intellectual process, and weak minded shitlickers like animus fox and ace boobtoucher go for it, but I see right through your bullshit and it drives you insane. That's why you lose control and fall apart any time I take you to task on one of your absurd claims.

I hate you because you are the worst of the republican caste. A precious prince, born with daddy's silver dick in your mouth, given opportunities and advantages that many Americans could only dream of. Now you've convinced yourself that you're a self made man, did it all with no help from anyone, and spend your time trying to deny to others the same opportunities that you had.

Don't worry bc. I despise you at least as much as you despise me. Let me know if you're ever in Australia, we'll see whose boot ends up on whose neck.
No, genius. Names of those saying the Trump administration couldn't find their way..

Hey, stupid, journalists rarely disclose their sources. THe WSJ guys did not disclosed who said that to them, it would endanger these guys.
Oh no! bc doesn't like me!

I know you don't like me, because republicans hate intelligence. You've gotten pretty far through life trying to convince people that your hateful ignorance comes from an intellectual process, and weak minded shitlickers like animus fox and ace boobtoucher go for it, but I see right through your bullshit and it drives you insane. That's why you lose control and fall apart any time I take you to task on one of your absurd claims.

I hate you because you are the worst of the republican caste. A precious prince, born with daddy's silver dick in your mouth, given opportunities and advantages that many Americans could only dream of. Now you've convinced yourself that you're a self made man, did it all with no help from anyone, and spend your time trying to deny to others the same opportunities that you had.

Don't worry bc. I despise you at least as much as you despise me. Let me know if you're ever in Australia, we'll see whose boot ends up on whose neck.

Oh this is precious. My dad was an enlisted United States Marine. 2nd Company Force Recon. That's why we lived in North Carolina.
Yes, silver spoon indeed, so much that both of my parents worked. We lived on base housing until they could afford to buy a house of their own, they bought groceries on base at the commissary and we got our Christmas presents from the PX.

Yeah, motherfucker, we were treated to having to hug our dad on three different deployments to Vietnam not knowing if he would return.

My "rich" dad told us about feeling the jet blast from a Chinook helo during night jumps into jungle so thick you couldn't see two inches in front of you.

Yeah he was rich, but not in the way shitlibs like you view wealth. He was rich with a family that adored and respected him and the respect of fellow Marines.. He actually grew up the son of a fisherman in Pensacola Florida.

I worked my way through undergraduate and law school, kind of unheard of now.

So as usual you are wrong again, but we've come to expect that.

As for any future visits to that shithole you hail from, I'll let you know, but I can guarantee if you plan on putting your boot on my neck. You Might wanna bring help.


Divide and conquer.
It's almost effortless when people can easily be made to hate others for no rational reason.

I don't believe Trump will make good on most if not all his promises, he'll probably be like other politicians and pander to the highest bidding lobbyists.
But I hope I'm wrong and somehow he manages to make things better for the greatest number of people in America, and it has a positive effect globally.

Expect the worst, but hope for the best.
Hey, stupid, journalists rarely disclose their sources. THe WSJ guys did not disclosed who said that to them, it would endanger these guys.

Yep,that constitution is a nice thing for them to cherry pick.

Doesnt change the fact that the "sources" can't be verified.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Secretary of defense Mattis has a nice ring. Put more warheads on foreheads. And whoever is nominated for SecState will be an improvement over the last two incompetents to hold that post. I just hope the next time there's a terrorist attack in France that President Trump's choice sends Ted Nugent instead of that mealy-mouthed pussy James Taylor. I'd rather hear "Wang Dang Sweet Poontang" than "You've got a friend." FML, I'm still embarrassed by that kumbaya fuckery.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
You must spread some reputation around before giving it to Just BC again.

Here's to hoping a brown snake bites that mongo retard on his dick.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Trump defrauded over 5.000 students, at $35.000 each.
That is $175.000 million
He settled for $25 million, and walked away with $150 million.
That is your crooked president

Check your math, asshat.
Trump defrauded over 5.000 students, at $35.000 each.
That is $175.000 million
He settled for $25 million, and walked away with $150 million.
That is your crooked president

There were 1000 courses sold ranging from $10,000 - $35,000 dollars. Not all were the $35,000 dollar courses but for the sake of argument we will say they were. That was $35,000,000

6000 3 day courses were sold for $1,500 dollars for $9,000,000. 44 million total and not all were claiming they were defrauded.

Basically, he returned everyone their money.

He didn't pocket shit and still had to pay attorney's fees. His attorneys., I don't think the plaintiffs' attorneys fees were allowed.
As if we haven't been?
Apparently unless we do it in a way that creates hundreds of thousands of ISIS converts you folks will never be satisfied.
Which shows how pitifully little some learned from the invasion of Iraq.

Fair point. Do you think it is on the level that will break their will? I think a huge part of what happened on Nov. 8th was the perception that they are running rough shod through the middle east and the next stop is America.

I'm with you, I don't want to be in a massive ground war again either. ISIS are unusual as I think while they are formidable, they lack a certain degree of authentic military strategy
I believe we can take them out without a full on commitment of our military personnel. We just need to clamp down on them more than what the current president is willing to do.
Secretary of defense Mattis has a nice ring. Put more warheads on foreheads. And whoever is nominated for SecState will be an improvement over the last two incompetents to hold that post. I just hope the next time there's a terrorist attack in France that President Trump's choice sends Ted Nugent instead of that mealy-mouthed pussy James Taylor. I'd rather hear "Wang Dang Sweet Poontang" than "You've got a friend." FML, I'm still embarrassed by that kumbaya fuckery.

Ted Nugent????
Can anyone say pedophile......
Another 'great' choice.

If you'd ask Santa to bring you a sarcasm meter this Christmas, your 2017 FreeOnes experience might become a bit more enjoyable.
Fair point. Do you think it is on the level that will break their will?

Nothing will break the will of the most radical among them. But then there are many others who aren't as hard core, including many who thought they were going to revel in adventure and glory. I think their will has already been shaken, though not as yet broken. And from what I'm seeing the entire organization's momentum has mostly turned retrograde.

I think a huge part of what happened on Nov. 8th was the perception that they are running rough shod through the middle east and the next stop is America.

I agree. And think that's a bogus perception. Apart of course from the obvious ongoing desire to either directly or as proxies deliver us more terror incidents. When you look at the death toll here so far from those efforts they haven't as yet been very successful.

I'm with you, I don't want to be in a massive ground war again either. ISIS are unusual as I think while they are formidable, they lack a certain degree of authentic military strategy I believe we can take them out without a full on commitment of our military personnel.


We just need to clamp down on them more than what the current president is willing to do.

For the most part I've approved of Obama's approach to the situation. I think it's fair to say ISIS is in the process of being degraded, which was the stated path to eventual destruction. Yeah of course we'd all like it to be over faster, but was that ever realistic, and at what cost? What would your clamping down entail? Trump sounds he's like he's likely to push the envelope in such a way as to re-ignite their momentum from a recruiting standpoint.
Notice how we haven't seen any beheading videos in a very long time? My guess is that not long after Trump takes office we will again.
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