The Trump Presidency

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Hiliary 2020
Great post BS.
Who brought up scalia anyway?
The only things I know that point to murder is how he was found.
No autopsy, quickie creamation, supposedly pronounced dead by phone and that Podesta email from the day before his death.
Wetworks means only one thing and one thing only.

Plus the fact that the Clintons have well over a hundred bodies hanging over their heads. Most were young or middle aged healthy people. No way they are all coincidence.
But there is no smoking gun, then again there hardly ever is.
Except for Sandy Hook. Smoking Guns everywhere you look.


Hiliary 2020
Also if he was murdered it turned out to be for nothing.
Killing him after Hiliary stole the election would have been too obvious so they took him out early.
But she lost. Now Trump is just going to pick a similar replacement.
Then there's the possibilty he didn't even die and is somewhere sipping Mai Tais with those little wooden umbrellas inside.
Or maybe he really did have a heart attack-yack-yack-yack-yack-yack.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Scotty, believe whatever you want. As long as it irritates a liberal it doesn't matter what's real, or what's not :)

That's where James O'Keefe, Dinesh D'Souza, apparently that Yanni Mancockopolis, and so many others make a fucking mint off the conservative movement.
The disgusting punk Obama has no integrity honor, no integrity - he is completely vile and has no honor for precedent and history regarding presidents and their place. I absolutely loath Obama and all the carnage he has left behind in his SJW cultural marxist movement as a president. One of the worst presidents in American history, perhaps the worst.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
The disgusting punk Obama has no integrity honor, no integrity - he is completely vile and has no honor for precedent and history regarding presidents and their place. I absolutely loath Obama and all the carnage he has left behind in his SJW cultural marxist movement as a president. One of the worst presidents in American history, perhaps the worst.

He's gone, out of office, you can reel in your angst. Perhaps you can re-evaluate without the emotional splooge at some point in the future and realize the Obama presidency was one of the most solid administrations in history.
He's gone, out of office, you can reel in your angst. Perhaps you can re-evaluate without the emotional splooge at some point in the future and realize the Obama presidency was one of the most solid administrations in history.

Solidly liberal.

He definitely was effective at solidifying over 1000 Republicans as the national majority.
In that, he did us a solid.
Bannon May Need Senate Confirmation for NSC Role

Bannon’s appointment is so unusual that experts disagree on how the statute should be applied.

President Donald Trump's appointment of his senior adviser Steven Bannon as a member of his National Security Council's principals committee may require the approval of the Senate, but the appointment is so unusual the law regarding the Council has never been tested.

"Obscure law requires Sen confirmation for WH aide like Bannon to serve on NSC," Jonathan Alter, a Newsweek columnist and MSNBC contributor, wrote on Twitter Monday night, pointing to a line in the U.S. code that defines the council's membership.

Whether Bannon really requires Senate approval depends on the language of Trump's presidential memorandum naming him to the committee, and whether the principals committee is subject to the same rules as the Council itself.

U.S. Code 50, section 3021, defines the members of the council as the president, vice president, secretaries of state, defense, energy and "the Secretaries and Under Secretaries of other executive departments and of the military departments, when appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to serve at his pleasure."

Trump's executive order, like directives issued by President Barack Obama and others before him, changes the makeup of the Council.

Unlike Obama, however, Trump specifically added both his chief of staff Reince Priebus and his chief strategist, Bannon, as regular attendees to the principals committee – described in the memorandum as "the Cabinet-level senior interagency forum for considering policy issues that affect the national security interests of the United States" – not to the National Security Council or the Homeland Security Council.

"It doesn't require Senate confirmation to serve on the principals committee, which isn't part of NSC as such," wrote Laurence Tribe, a professor of constitutional law at Harvard University. "The role Bannon has been given is crazy and dangerous but it doesn't seem to violate any law, though it probably should."

Bannon is the former executive director of Breitbart News – an outlet he once described as a "platform of the alt-right" – and his appointment as Trump's chief adviser prompted harsh rebukes from groups such as the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center, as well as top Democrats, who called Bannon an unacceptable choice. The alt-right movement is a loosely organized group that developed in response to mainstream conservatism and has been associated with white nationalism and anti-Semitism.

"Steve Bannon sitting on the National Security Council is dangerous and unprecedented. He must be removed," Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders tweeted Monday. "We need experienced people who will protect our country on the National Security Council, not an extreme right-wing political operative."

White House press secretary Sean Spicer said during his briefing Monday that Obama did the same thing by inviting David Axelrod, a senior adviser, to the meetings.
But Axelrod was never specifically named a member of the principals committee in Obama's 2009 directive
. In a column for CNN, Axelrod said he was only invited to observe the meetings.

"I was not a member of the committee. I did not speak or participate," he wrote. "I sat on the sidelines as a silent observer with [former White House press secretary Robert] Gibbs because we would be called upon to publicly discuss the president's decision on that critical matter and the process by which he arrived at it."

Trump's memorandum also removed the director of national intelligence and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from the principals committee, instead adding they "may attend where issues pertaining to their responsibilities and expertise are to be discussed."

The administration defended the move, with Spicer on Monday calling it "utter nonsense" to characterize the change as a "downgrade."

"They are at every NSC meeting and are welcome to attend the principals meeting as well," he said, describing the change as a matter of using their time more efficiently.

"We recognize that certain homeland security issues may not be military issues and it would not be in the best interest of the joint chiefs' valuable time to be at these meetings," he said.

Trump = Joffrey Baratheon.
Steve Bannon = Tywin Lannister


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Solidly liberal.

He definitely was effective at solidifying over 1000 Republicans as the national majority.
In that, he did us a solid.

Not really. Solidly liberal that is. Sure, healthcare reform was ambitiously socialist, but because it was watered down with Republican input turned into an abject failure. Obamacare still hasn't been repealed, has it? Hrm, speaks volumes, and I doubt that it shall be, and definitely can't be replaced until repealed. I believe I told you it wouldn't be, they don't have the testicular fortitude because they've (congressional republicans) have owned it all along.

As to national majorities and related such shit, that's more a product of fake news hyperbole and people like Steve Bannon directing the narrative than anything Obama did. But I digress as it's obvious that it's still too soon to expect any sort of clarity in hindsight.
So does that mean we simply suspend truth and reality because the platform here is a porn board?
Dummy up and look the other way when people accuse a supreme court justice of having been murdered?
A belief they continue to harbor, and broadcast, when they're away from said porn board, out in the "real" world?
We often aren't on the same page politically, but I give you credit for having a lot of common sense. Not feeling it in this particular conversation, but so be it :dunno:

Not because it's a porn board, I mean this format in general. It's like arguing with someone over a youtube comments section.

Assuming the person isn't just trolling, how do you argue, reason or convince someone who uses words like "false flag" and "mind control" and are dead serious about it? And why would you try? I'm at the point now where I'm tempted to just play along for laughs.


Hiliary 2020
He's gone, out of office, you can reel in your angst. Perhaps you can re-evaluate without the emotional splooge at some point in the future and realize the Obama presidency was one of the most solid administrations in history.

Well maybe if he'd shut up we can reel in out angst.
He is not suppose to critique period.
But I do agree. It was a solid admin. They succeeded in almost everything they tried to do. Murdering millions of Brown People and raping their land and resources, forcing them to sell their oil for the dollar, forcing them to use a Rothschild bank for their currency and breaking them up into little states controlled by bearded muslims who are on the US GOV payroll.
At home, don't take a genius to see that every aspect of American life went downhill for 8 years.
So yeah, they succeeded in pretty much everything. Very solidly.
He's gone, out of office, you can reel in your angst. Perhaps you can re-evaluate without the emotional splooge at some point in the future and realize the Obama presidency was one of the most solid administrations in history.


Put the crack pipe down bro...

Not really. Solidly liberal that is. Sure, healthcare reform was ambitiously socialist, but because it was watered down with Republican input turned into an abject failure. Obamacare still hasn't been repealed, has it? Hrm, speaks volumes, and I doubt that it shall be, and definitely can't be replaced until repealed. I believe I told you it wouldn't be, they don't have the testicular fortitude because they've (congressional republicans) have owned it all along.

The ACA is doing nothing but effectively destroying the middle class in America entirely. That piece of shit Barrack should be tried and executed for his indiscretions. He's evil, pure and simple.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
But I digress as it's obvious that it's still too soon to expect any sort of clarity in hindsight.

Carry on.
Neil Gorsuch is an outstanding choice for SCOTUS. A great legal thinker with a lively writing style. I look forward to reading his opinions. Very Scaliaesque
His resume sparkles with top-caliber schools (Columbia, Harvard and Oxford). His work background includes time as a partner with the Washington law firm Kellogg Huber Hansen Todd Evans & Figel, a stint with the U.S. Department of Justice and clerkships with Supreme Justices Byron White and Anthony Kennedy.

“He has grabbed every brass ring,” said David Lat, managing editor of the legal website Above the Law. “He’s brilliant, conservative and impossible to oppose. That’s a deadly combination for Democrats.”
Maureen Scalia would not have attended had she thought that Antonin would not have approved.

I'm ecstatic.



Hiliary 2020
Maureen Scalia would not have attended had she thought that Antonin would not have approved.

I'm ecstatic.


He seems like a swell guy. I like how he wears his sunglasses on his cap like that.
Not like that other guy who wears his on his open jacket zipper.
Doesn't he know thats how you lose them?
He seems like a swell guy. I like how he wears his sunglasses on his cap like that.
Not like that other guy who wears his on his open jacket zipper.
Doesn't he know thats how you lose them?
Guys over 60 aren't allowed to wear their sunglasses over the brim. They'd never find them.
His resume sparkles

So did Garland's.
Even most Republican senators granted as much.
Then they went on to treat him like a festering dog turd laying in the gutter.
Here's hoping Gorsuch is treated with exactly the same degree of respect :hatsoff:
His resume sparkles

So did Garland's.
Even most Republican senators granted as much.
Then they went on to treat him like a festering dog turd laying in the gutter.
Here's hoping Gorsuch is treated with exactly the same degree of respect :hatsoff:

I felt bad or Garland. But he and definitely Obama knew that he wouldn't be voted on as the republicans straight up said they wouldn't until the next president took office. Yet Garland was still put out there by Obama as a pawn, tears flowing and all.
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