The transformation to socialism is now complete

Some of you aren't seeing it yet.
geez, just read it

The administration also will propose long-term compensation restrictions even for companies that don’t receive government assistance, Obama said.

So how much should the top man at a multi billion dollar company like Coca-Cola for example get paid MR. Obama?
And Whose pay are you gonna restrict next?

How about The Oprah?

I think this right here is what Mr. P is trying to point out, and I have to agree with him. First off, we do understand Socialism, and it has no place in this country. Not now. Not ever.

The government of this country has absolutely no business interfering with companies here that are not asking for assistance. Period. Since when can an elected official decide that what someone is making is too much, and decide to impose restrictions on that company/person?

If he stupidly tries this, Mr. Obama, I think, will have a rocky ride awaiting him in his White House tenure, as I do not think many Americans will sit by and watch as the Government grows into a beast that begins snapping up things like this in its power hungry jaws.

We may have been complacent in the past. If this kind of nonsense continues and becomes a reality, there will be consequences. D.C. burned once's not fireproof yet.

Will E Worm

To solve this recession and any potential recessions and depressions, redefine capitalism and establish a new global economic system with security barriers.

:nono: We will keep the currency we have. But, they can start backing it again with gold and silver.
And, say good-bye to the Federal Reserve. :wave2:
When it's just a matter of those who receive actual direct aid from the government, I can see the point of limiting executive pay, although I don't think it does any real good: it's just to satisfy someone's sense of fairness.

When it comes to restricting executive pay for banks that sell assets to the government (as in the recent Dodd bill that passed the senate), I think that's a very bad idea, because it will cost the taxpayers money. The more restrictions there are on TARP funds, the fewer banks will participate. The fewer banks participate, the fewer assets will be up for sale. The fewer assets are up for sale, the higher will be the equilibrium price of those assets (basic supply and demand, Ec 101). Because of the restrictions, the government will end up paying more for the assets, and taxpayers will lose money.
:nono: We will keep the currency we have. But, they can start backing it again with gold and silver.
And, say good-bye to the Federal Reserve. :wave2:

I didn't say that. At least, i didn't mean that. We need those green bucks till we have another global currency.

Capitalism must evolve too. This recession is the begining of another stage in the evolution of capitalism. By redefine capitalism, i meant 20th century understanding of capitalism surely sucks (1929, 1970s-1980s). This 2008 crap is a product of 20th century model of capitalism. Leaders and bosses should build a 21st century model of capitalism with "innovative" mechanisms such as having a brand new banking system, new industrial planning, new import-export balancing mechanism, building security barriers against anomalities in economy. Avoid fluctuations like recession, boom, maintain a straight growth.

Multi-layer economy should be built. If the current layer is too weak to handle economy, replace it with the stronger one that has better mechanisns. Plan A sucked, apply Plan B. Like that.

I think a socialst world never accomplish anything (while we keep our ego), a capitalist world does nothing too. Mixed type can work but they tend to crash due to the growth rate difference between public sector and private sector.


Closed Account
Even tough Obama fails at convertion to socialism in 2012, there will not be a capitalist system within US borders and it won't be a mixed type of system too. US economy will have no certain economic system.

Fuck Obama-stic socialism! It's not true socialism. It's a twisted type of capitalism that can change into socialism (like Dr Jekyll, Mr Hyde: double identity a in single body and continous identity crisis).

Stop messing with the economy. Stimulus packages are not final remedy for economy, they are like cocaine, heroin, extacy that bring temporary relaxation and pleasure. And they indicate wasted taxes paid by loyal US citizens. Develop better financial & industrial mechanisms within rules of capitalist system.

I agree with the all but your last statement. Even J.P. Morgan stated that executives earning more than fourteen times their average worker's wages were immoral. Capitalism has always had an ethical element, even if it's ignored by most practitioners of it. If your last statement is applied to executive wages, I must vehemently disagree- most U.S. corporate chief executives earn over a hundred times what their average worker earns.
If tax dollars are being pumped into the banks then the politicians have to make sure that the taxpayers' money isn't wasted or diverted.The taxpayers don't want their hard earned money to go to pay senior executives bonuses for failure.

:rofl2: ah, ha ha ha!!! :rofl: :rofl2: And the winner of "you can't seriously believe that" goes to....

And another thing....
The ultra-rich and the corporation got so rich under Bush that they let greed guide their business principles.

On November 7, 2000 the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 10,978. That was, I believe, the day George W. Bush was elected president.

Bush left office on January 20, 2009. That day, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 8,279, for a net loss of 2,699 for the time Bush was in office, roughly a 25% LOSS. Most "rich" people derive their wealth from equity investments. I wouldn't define losing 25% of your net worth as getting "so rich".

I don't know where you get your data, or who these people are who so lavishly added to their wealth while the stock market was losing a full one quarter of it's entire value, but maybe your rhetoric should have some solid data to back it up, or least have some foundation "within reality".

Hate to appear to be picking on you Titsrock, but this post, like so many others we see, seems to be driven much more by emotion and a personal philosophical outlook than it does by actual facts. Claiming that anyone got richer over the last 8 years is pretty outlandish. Just look around.
Only one thing to say: I hope Obama fails abysmally.

He fails, many, many Americans fail..... I dont care what side of the political fence you are on. I never wanted "W" to fail, it would not be good for me, my family or the U.S.

Glad you wish that upon this country.. :wtf:
I think this right here is what Mr. P is trying to point out, and I have to agree with him. First off, we do understand Socialism, and it has no place in this country. Not now. Not ever.

The government of this country has absolutely no business interfering with companies here that are not asking for assistance. Period. Since when can an elected official decide that what someone is making is too much, and decide to impose restrictions on that company/person?
If he stupidly tries this, Mr. Obama, I think, will have a rocky ride awaiting him in his White House tenure, as I do not think many Americans will sit by and watch as the Government grows into a beast that begins snapping up things like this in its power hungry jaws.

We may have been complacent in the past. If this kind of nonsense continues and becomes a reality, there will be consequences. D.C. burned once's not fireproof yet.

Citibank paid 34.4 billion to its employees in 2007. The value on the stockmarket is now 18.1 billion. Not a good return for shareholders, when the executive were making money hand over fist!

Merill Lynch now swallowed by BoA lost 15 billion in the 4th quarter of 2008. The employees were given call options and took most of the profits when things were booming and the shareholders are now taking the losses.

So you are ok with your taxes dollars funding this kind of scheme?

Lehman Brothers shelled out 21 billion in 3 years to employee's. Shareholders got nothing in 2008 since it went bust.

If they are not asking for goverment assistance, you right they should not be forced. But the rest that are hell yes! Still a shame these companies are laying off 20,000 people and the executives are still making millions, but that is the free market, oh well, still shitty in my book.
He fails, many, many Americans fail..... I dont care what side of the political fence you are on. I never wanted "W" to fail, it would not be good for me, my family or the U.S.

Glad you wish that upon this country.. :wtf:

He's in office now I hope he can get his head out of his ass and actually stand up fro this country instead of getting bullied by all these nations talking shit and him catering to them. 52% of voters put him there now it's kinda like what the heck are we going to do with this inept dunce worse than Bush that's in there and that is that he does minimal damage to this country. People need to understand you don't go from one extreme to another.


Staff member
It was very predictable from the very beginning. I know personally that Obama so called plans for the change will never work. Levying a part of the salaries of the citizens and then redistributing it to the lazy and unwilling to work ghetto people is not going to work on the long run. If ghetto people don't work, then don't give them anything, they have to know what is a meritocracy. When you try to implement a social and financial mother theresa redistribution policy, you are not going to make yourself friends with industrials or/and big fortunes. Also, what is not surprising me at all is that people who are in Obama's team, are leaving because they were not so honest. Yet, some of you still believe in change. It will be worse than it was.
What’s happening now, not just in America but in every country built on the basis of liberal capitalism, is transformation, but not transformation from liberal capitalism to socialism but from liberal capitalism to super capitalism. It just seems that states are taking over Capital, but NONO, that’s just good old Capital looking himself by taking over states. From now on every one of us will know his place/limits in the system, and that’s not just wage limits, NONO. It was inevitable. I’m just sad because Baudrillard didn’t live long enough to see this. It’s so exciting.
What’s happening now, not just in America but in every country built on the basis of liberal capitalism, is transformation, but not transformation from liberal capitalism to socialism but from liberal capitalism to super capitalism. It just seems that states are taking over Capital, but NONO, that’s just good old Capital looking himself by taking over states. From now on every one of us will know his place/limits in the system, and that’s not just wage limits, NONO. It was inevitable. I’m just sad because Baudrillard didn’t live long enough to see this. It’s so exciting.

You mean "state capitalism"?
Senate has an agreement on the next stimulus pack. Things get interesting. :) Another $780 billion will be wasted.

Bush was on stimulus packs. Now, Obama does the same too. Where is the change?
So now that we live in a socialist paradise where the wealthy are all being taken down to minimum wage, where's my money? i'm still fuckin broke!
It's funny how nobody was yelling Fascist! when Bush gave tax cut to hundreds of corporations making billions of profit, such as oil companies, but Obama tries to protect the tax payers money from being wasted and stolen from undeserving executives all the neo-cons start yelling Socialism.

Conservatism can't die fast enough for me.

It is too been seen. My worry as always is that is economy straightens out later in the year and the rich go back to printing money, while of the rest of us earn $10K in our 401K and a $2000 raise in the aftermath.

I am really hoping this plan of Obama does not get derailed into a deal for the wealthy, I voted for him and hope he stays true to his campaign promises for the middle class.
I don't understand why so many Americans are terrified of socialism. Most of you cry socialism every chance you get but I don't think you truly understand the concept of socialism.

Sadly, neither do the PvdA & Groen Links anymore... (dutch political parties)
I don't understand why so many Americans are terrified of socialism. Most of you cry socialism every chance you get but I don't think you truly understand the concept of socialism.

Socialism is the concept that we not only look after ourselves we look after each other too. Or in other words there are people looking out for you too as well as for themselves.
That's the theory but in practice it needs to be directed.We all pay taxes here and if taken ill we are treated at no cost.Swings and roundabouts but doesn't work itself.
As a way of running a country it's hopeless as it does nothing to run the economy efficiently.But it's a good moderator for putting a human face on capitalism.