The transformation to socialism is now complete


Take receipt of a 'free" gift of government i.e. bailout, social welfare funds, etc. . .
Government OWNS YOU lock stock and gun barrels !! :)

There was a time not so long ago when a man, in the preservation of his character, would go above and beyond and in turn, would accept the most difficult of tasks (work / employ) in order to evade the having to stoop to the level of accepting govt aid.
Not the case today :( Look how far we've come, baby !

Gimmy gimmy gimmy

:) Have A Nice Day Comrades :)

Will E Worm

I don't think you truly understand the concept of socialism.

We do and that's why we don't want anything to do with it. :hatsoff:


Well, I can't really argue with that. The system's fucked. But we're living in it, let's at least try to make it bearable.

Descent is encouraged ! Ring your congress critters' phone off the hook !

Fill up their E - mail box ! Expend all of their fax machine paper !

Not so much in protest of protecting CEO's salaries, but the principle of govt intervention at every turn. STOP IT !!!
Funny how a $700 billion bail out was slipped by back during the elections and no one cared because it was more important to adore this Obamamania that was sweeping the nation. No one can account for what happened to that money, no one can say if it has worked...Does anyone seen it work so far?

This is Obama's economic ace plan that he could not wait to put into place as soon as he won the election..this is the plan of those that were fooled or willingly voted for him because he had the BEST economic plan.

I am still waiting for these so called excutives coming out defending capitalism, but they are not, so I am not going to fight for rich fuckers who don't have a back bone. People voted for this crap let them enjoy it, I'll just keep on working over time and adapting to this changing econnomy so help me God.
Obama imposes limits on your wages. In a short 233 years the United States has gone from a free republic whose government was established to protect its borders from threats to its security and those who threaten to tax its citizens without representation to a country whose government pilfers the wealth of its citizens and redistributes that wealth in a myriad of misguided, oppressive ways.

How would you like YOUR money handled by YOUR government?

Your hard earned $$$ has in the past been given to a executive that has been making millions in stock options and pay over the last few years via the stock market, shareholders and your 401K.

Now, due to poor leadership and poor business practices, your tax dollars are rewarding a executive that made millions in the past, but has lost you the shareholders and people investing in 401K's.

They are being bailed out by all of us! When you struggle day to day in this recession, why should they reap the rewards with your tax dollars?

There is plenty of out work wall street workers and former executives that will gladly work for $500K with future stock options that will be paid when the U.S. tax payer is reimbursed.

If you ran a small business with 50 employees and made business decisions like some people on Wall Street have, you would be out of business and looking for a job. Do you think you should have been rewarded after running a business into the ground with a bonus?

Wall Street loves capitialism when things are going great, but cry for bailouts and government help when the shit hits the fan!

The average American workers has seen his pay rise about 3% in the last 10-15 years, the average big league executive over that time has doubled.
Ain't about Obama, McCain or any of the other douchebags would be doing just as bad, he's just inherited a severely broken system that's been suffering from years of abuse by its legislative and judicial system. Pot smokers spend more time in prison then rapists, congress has their hands in every aspect of our life, gunfire is a staple of every night television yet it is illegal to show a breast. Again: The America I used to know is LONG GONE and forgotten. This economy is being artificially dictated by it's government, we have reached the antithesis of capitalism. This country now officially sucks.

Well since the 1980's it has been dictated by the free market. We are now on our 4th recession in that timeline and admist the largest one since the 1920's.

This one is a whopper and the capitalism system failed to regulate itself and created a toxic mix that no one has figured out how to straighten out yet.

I am not saying 800 billion is the answer, but their has been very few good ideas thrown out.

Good read!


Oh please. The US has capitalism and extreme capitalism. This barely qualifies as center to the rest of the world.
The "rest of the world" doesn't necessarily apply here, for self proclaimed world citizens, maybe . . . . Would you like the objective of a "world salary cap" ?
This doesn't effect anybody here.

He's putting a cap on their salary, and their salary alone, just so they don't give themselves millions of dollars worth of bonuses, even though they are crying out for financial help.

Thank you!

Peter, whatever your opinion on this, it isn't socialism. It's a very reasonable limitation on the earnings of the heads of many of the companies who are to some degree responsible for the financial mess that is costing people their jobs. If these companies were so opposed to "government interference" they would have refused the bailout money and let their businesses collapse. But they didn't do that, did they? So it's only reasonable that the executives should expect to have to give something in return. And really, $500,000 is still a shitload of money. Does anyone really feel sorry for them?

Thank you.

"Let the people decide, by way of freedom of choice, with whom they will do business. THAT is the basis of a free society."

Well that's what the election was for. Everyone knew Obama was going to do this while the election campaign was going on. If you're not happy with it, I'm afraid there are a lot of people who ARE willing to support it, and as part of society you'll have to be willing to accept that for the time being. Don't worry, there's another election in 2010.

Oh, and if you're talking about a huge waste of taxpayers' money, you might want to take a look at this:

Thank you.

I don't understand why so many Americans are terrified of socialism. Most of you cry socialism every chance you get but I don't think you truly understand the concept of socialism.

Thank you.

Oh please. The US has capitalism and extreme capitalism. This barely qualifies as center to the rest of the world.

Thank you.

Your hard earned $$$ has in the past been given to a executive that has been making millions in stock options and pay over the last few years via the stock market, shareholders and your 401K.

Now, due to poor leadership and poor business practices, your tax dollars are rewarding a executive that made millions in the past, but has lost you the shareholders and people investing in 401K's.

They are being bailed out by all of us! When you struggle day to day in this recession, why should they reap the rewards with your tax dollars?

There is plenty of out work wall street workers and former executives that will gladly work for $500K with future stock options that will be paid when the U.S. tax payer is reimbursed.

If you ran a small business with 50 employees and made business decisions like some people on Wall Street have, you would be out of business and looking for a job. Do you think you should have been rewarded after running a business into the ground with a bonus?

Wall Street loves capitialism when things are going great, but cry for bailouts and government help when the shit hits the fan!

The average American workers has seen his pay rise about 3% in the last 10-15 years, the average big league executive over that time has doubled.

Thank you.

A lot of insanity on this thread - starting with its title - interspersed with a few bits of sanity and reason.

The U.S. has socialism for the corporations and for the rest of us it's every man for himself and all against all.
Thank you!

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

A lot of insanity on this thread - starting with its title - interspersed with a few bits of sanity and reason.

The U.S. has socialism for the corporations and for the rest of us it's every man for himself and all against all.

Thank You.
The "rest of the world" doesn't necessarily apply here, for self proclaimed world citizens, maybe . . . . Would you like the objective of a "world salary cap" ?

We're all citizens of the world, whether you like it or not. The US has not quite managed to declare itself independent from Earth yet (despite an apparent effort), so yeah, what socialism is to the rest of the world is fairly critical to the claim that this particular issue would make the US a socialist state. Then again, perhaps I see things differently as I'm not part of the crowd that believes that anyone who willingly gives something away is a communist.

And yes, I would be in favor of making it universal. If a company is in bad enough shape that it needs money from the state to survive, then it's certainly in bad enough shape for the executives to cut back to only slightly-less-ridiculous salaries. Whether the state should give money to companies at all is another matter, and one I'm not qualified to answer (and I'm fairly certain that neither are you).
Obama imposes limits on your wages. In a short 233 years the United States has gone from a free republic whose government was established to protect its borders from threats to its security and those who threaten to tax its citizens without representation to a country whose government pilfers the wealth of its citizens and redistributes that wealth in a myriad of misguided, oppressive ways.

How would you like YOUR money handled by YOUR government?
If this is socialism (which it isn't) then bring it on!!!! :nanner:


If a company is in bad enough shape that it needs money from the state to survive,
Companies should either sink or swim on their own devices. The government has no business bailing out private enterprise, it wouldn't be private enterprise if they did. The government's agenda is to bail out today and acquire tomorrow. Not bad for a bunch of tax evading, do as I say, not as I do, loons. :D

Kudos, BTW, to Ford Motor Company CEO for turning up their nose at the governments' offering to bail out that fine entity, although, I must admit to being more of a GM kinda guy. :p


Hiliary 2020
Some of you aren't seeing it yet.
geez, just read it

The administration also will propose long-term compensation restrictions even for companies that don’t receive government assistance, Obama said.

So how much should the top man at a multi billion dollar company like Coca-Cola for example get paid MR. Obama?
And Whose pay are you gonna restrict next?

How about The Oprah?
It's nice to see that people care about the rights of minorities being infringed upon.

Too bad that it only extends to wealthy white businessmen, and not to inner city blacks and latinos and poor rural whites.

Or should I say crucify the Robin Hoods while raising up the Prince Johns who rob from the poor and give to the rich.

You guys are pissed because the motherfucker is trying to limit wasteful spending and the argument is because people shouldn't have to pay taxes at all? I know that obama is the favorite black sheep scape goat, but ignoring his conservative measures and laying the blame of fiscal irresponsibility for the last 50 years on him is too much.
It's nice to see that people care about the rights of minorities being infringed upon.

Too bad that it only extends to wealthy white businessmen, and not to inner city blacks and latinos and poor rural whites.

Or should I say crucify the Robin Hoods while raising up the Prince Johns who rob from the poor and give to the rich.

You guys are pissed because the motherfucker is trying to limit wasteful spending and the argument is because people shouldn't have to pay taxes at all? I know that obama is the favorite black sheep scape goat, but ignoring his conservative measures and laying the blame of fiscal irresponsibility for the last 50 years on him is too much.

History has been unkind to Prince John. While his brother King Richard was pissing away the country's wealth on things like the Crusades poor John was left with trying to balance the books.
Thank you!

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

A lot of insanity on this thread - starting with its title - interspersed with a few bits of sanity and reason.

The U.S. has socialism for the corporations and for the rest of us it's every man for himself and all against all.

Thank YOU!:glugglug:
I don't get why people have a problem with this. If your a business and your going to except assistance from the government, it seems like it's only common sense that the government gets to put reasonable restrictions on you if you choose to accept that assistance in that instance. Would people actually prefer if we just gave them money and let them do what ever they wanted with it? (Ironically, most of the type of people that complain the most about the restriction on the businesses in this situation will probably be the first ones that want heavy restrictions of what a normal people can do with the resources if they get some form of welfare,…go figure.) They don't need to take the money they can go under any time they want if they don't. They’re more lenient than I am. If I ran things and it got to the point where we had to bail them out like we have I would just plain take the whole company over if I thought it was even worth having at all at that point.

To all of the people from the other parts of the world, yes a large number of American seem to have a near pathological fear of the "socialist bogyman" to the point being irrational. Or maybe even more correctly they might be stuck on a capitalistic ideology to the point of irrationality.